Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Romans 10 - The Means of Grace Chapter - Defeats the Trilateral Union of Abusive Lutheran Sects


The top three Thrivent salespeople do all they can to promote irrevocable charitable trusts that benefit themselves while robbing widows and orphans. These executives laugh because they are very good at one thing - feathering their own nests. Ask Mirthless Mark Schroeder why Planned Giving Counselors need to have insurance licenses for their Spirit-infused jobs. 

It is all about the numbers, so only the Big Three abusive Lutheran sects are included in this - ELCA, WELS, and LCMS.

Romans 10 - Warning - KJV in Use,
Wear Safety Goggles

KJV Romans 10:16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

Romans 10 teaches the Means of Grace in a few words. Faith in Jesus Christ comes from 
  1. Teaching and preaching the Two Natures of Christ (human and divine) - the invisible Means;
  2. Baptism and Communion - the visible Means.

The only question needed is - How do we use the Means of Grace? 

  1. Parking lots?
  2. Pot-bellied balding Boomers trying to recapture their youth in rock bands?
  3. Using career coaches who never stop grinning and only know the Law, their law?
  4. Merging failed congregations into smaller numbers to hide their accelerating losses?
  5. Holding national conferences led by aging Church Growth drones?
  6. Buying expensive clergy costumes modeled by Roman Catholic and Episcopal priests and notables?
  7. Picking the right incense?
  8. Dumping the pipe organ and replacing it with electronic noise-makers?
  9. Avoiding classic hymns that focus on the the Messiah instead of "me"?
  10. Using corrupted and badly paraphrased "Bibles" instead of the Apostolic traditional text and translation?
Sadly, these highly paid snake-oil salescritters have no grasp of the Means of Grace, the Gospel instruments for bringing Jesus Christ to the world.