Friday, March 24, 2023

The Synodical Problem of Holding onto a Wobbly Leader

This has to be a Photoshop - ELCA Bishop Liz Eaton and LCMS Matt the Fatt were never this thin!

How many have tried to negotiate a path or try a log crossing a creek, holding hands? All it takes is one person getting wobbly and the rest panic in trying to balance, everyone falling? The harder they tried, the worse it got.


"Brett, I even dressed Presbyterian high church to defeat the Liz Eaton crowd, so you could say I was relatively conservative, compared to her. Ask anyone. WEL$ does the same thing, without the collar, like little sheep, wagging their tails behind them."

The party is over, bigly. None of the apostate Lutheran leaders - WEL$-LCM$-ELCA - know how to escape the slow-motion collapse of their little queendoms. Yes, the clergy leaders are a sorority, placating one interest or another to make everyone happy. However, the result is a mad rush to keep up and satisfy the current trends. What was unthinkable before is now required.

The WEL$ Church Growth Sorority is a perfect example of classmates working together to take over and remove opposition. The other Lutheran sects do the same thing.