Monday, April 24, 2023

Eureka - I Have Found the Rosetta Stone of the Bad-Bible-Boosters!
This Explains Everything

Right on schedule!

I ran into some books about the Greek text of the New Testament, expecting a conservative, perhaps very conservative pair of authors to compare and contrast the KJV and other translations.

Instead I found a book as antagonistic to basic facts as scholarly works from the National Council of Marxist Churches - home of the RSV, NRSV, and ESV. The book's authors could not stop writing their slogan - KJV-Only - supposedly a sign of their sophistication and broad education.

The Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone of translations - solved!
Every since WWII was over, people have been printing Bibles faster than greenback$, with similar results, reducing the value therefor. People get wrapped up in comparisons, localities, editors, and styles of translating.

I am writing to inform you that the translations do not matter at all. The secret is the Greek text alone. A gaggle of text critics, with solid backing from the Vatican, adopted Codex Vatican and Codex Sinaiticus as the linch-pins of the "revised" King James Bible.

The KJV Revision apostates of England and America worked together with the secretly printed Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament. They radicals brought out the still-born English dud in 1881, and no one wanted it. Warehouses were full of the copies because it was so badly done and impossible to fix.

Almost 150 years later, the collaboration on the Greek text has established the "real" New Testament. That continues to draw mild rebukes, but nothing more. Denominations are content to sell all kinds of translations (even the KJV) while proclaiming freedom, creativity, and the ever "now."

The vast population of seminary graduates, mostly numbskulls, poorly educated and yet haughty about their vast studies. The mainline seminary graduates are probably 90% incapable of reading the Gospel of John in Greek and translating it. That is child's play compared to comparing texts, theories, and authorities.

Riddle me this - "What keeps clever scholars from forging documents the way the 19th century scribe did to create the codex called Sinaiticus, designated Aleph to make it sound so ancient?" 

Nor should we ignore the venality of Rome, with fraudulent discoveries to establish Rome-centric dogma and corruption.

The KJV Revision was intended to be a very modest edition, Greek and English, but the blasphemers kidnapped the project, a failure that emerged anew as the Greek text behind all future New Testaments.

The heroes are:
  1. Constantin Tischendorf
  2. Westcott and Hort
  3. Eberhard Nestle
  4. Kurt and Barbara Aland
  5. Bruce Metzger
  6. Many more, nodding in agreement.