Friday, June 23, 2023

Listen Up - Apostate Synods and Crypto-Papists!
The Episcopal Numbers Describe Your Ultimate Doom


Virtue Online - Stats Reveal Future of American Episcopalians

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
June 23, 2023

THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH is in a parlous state and more serious decline than anyone first thought. The latest 2021 domestic statistics show that there are 1,522,688 who identify as Episcopalians, of which 19.2% show up for weekly church services across 6,294 American churches with attendance under 50 in most parishes. Only 292,851 people warm domestic Episcopal Church pews during any given week. This is the lowest recorded numbers to date. 2022 and 2023 statistics will surely be even lower when we obtain them.

One in four priests in TEC is homosexual. The number of funerals, (23, 127) outweighed the number of baptisms (13,859) by nearly 2 to 1 in the Episcopal Church in 2021. Hundreds of parishes cannot find priests. The Episcopal Church is dying.

By 2040, it will, to all intents and purposes cease to exist. The millions of dollars spent litigating to hold onto properties will be viewed as wasted money as properties will eventually lie fallow. In time, they will become social centers, condos, saloons, bars, arts centers and more. They will no longer be places of worship. The abandonment of scripture as authoritative on all matters of faith and practice is the curse of revisionist and progressive thinking. God is not mocked; The Episcopal Church is reaping what it has sown and it has reaped the whirlwind.

You can read Mary Ann Mueller's full report, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL REARRANGES DECK CHAIRS here:


PRIDE MONTH. My article The Queering of The Episcopal Church looks at just how far the Episcopal Church has slid off the theological rails. If one had any doubt about how far the Episcopal Church will go in adapting to the culture, one need look no further than June -- Pride Month -- commemorating the 1969 Stonewall uprising. Pride started out as a homosexual men's rebellion. Today it has morphed into a spate of LGBTQ+ sexualities which both the culture and liberal mainline denominations celebrate with public displays that border on the pornographic.

The White House and its current president have also cheered it along, embarrassing a vast swath of Americans who feel uncomfortable celebrating a behavior that has taken so many lives.

After the cross-dressing parish picnic, lovingly portrayed in a public website, the holier-than-thou Wisconsin sect (aka WELS) made this pastor the lead speaker at one of their national events for parochial teachers.