Thursday, June 29, 2023

The LCMS and WELS Are Abusive Cults


WELS is no different from ELCA. In fact, the WELS/LCMS guy who helped start a gay seminary was way ahead of the future ELCA.

The haughty treatment of Luther's Large Catechism proved once again that the LCMS mocks the Reformation and the Book of Concord. WELS says "Me too! Me too!"

Pastor Martin Stephan did not mount a glorious escape from persecution to start a new church in America. He was under house arrest for his dalliances with young women and already had a hot dose of syphilis. He shunned his wife to stay at a spa with his mistress, and took his mistress with him to sail to America with his cult.

The Walter circle of pastors and teachers was 100% Pietist, like Stephan, not Lutheran, not repristinating anything but lying all the time. Walther even kidnapped his own niece and nephew from his parental home, clearly a felony anywhere.

Stephan insisted on being made a bishop before he stepped foot on dry land, his promotion endorsed in writing by CFW and others. However, his syphilitic brain was getting worse and Walther saw a great opportunity to take over. CFW arranged a riot in Perryville, robbed Stephan of everything, called him a thief, and forced him over to Illinois at gunpoint - more felonies. Stephan's main mistress crossed over to live with him. She was quartered next to him on the trip over.

Walther consolidated his power and insisted on his way at all times. That is how he broke the rules to make F. Pieper the dogma professor. Pieper cleverly wrapped efficacy and the Means of Grace around the rotten core of Objective Faithless Justification. Walther was no innocent. Stephan sent him a letter about OJ, which Walther claimed "saved his life."

All those who worship Walther agree that he never wavered from his adherence to the Halle dogma of his syphilitic bishop.

Walther deliberately blew up the Olde Synodical Conference, to eliminate those who opposed his idiotic, ignorant Objective Faithless Justification. When he was done with his "grace" campaign, only WELS and the ELS were left. CFW was weak in the Biblical languages and could not make a case by dealing with Justification by Faith - just like WELS-ELS-CLC-ELCA today.  Walther made it a predestination puzzle where grace could not be grace if faith was involved, yet Romans 4 makes it very clear that justification can only be by faith, or it was not grace. Walther worshipers do not see that, so they always blow smoke on the Biblical topic and run with their bookshelves of cult textbooks.

Sadly, WELS and the ELS stuck with the Walther gang of criminals (theft, kidnapping, refusing to follow the Scriptures with Stephan). They inherited have rested their Pietistic legalism on the grandeur of the Great Walther, a sure sign of a cult.

Following Walther, the other cults agree that they are never wrong, no matter how evil the crime is. Marvin Schwan - nothing happened. WELS murders - nothing happened. ELS - they are perfect too. 

The three Stephan sects carry on their model of leadership - Martin Stephan. They deny their dogmatic bedrock is legalistic, hedonistic Pietism. Anyone who says they are less than perfect is shunned, excommunicated and decorated with every kind of insult anyone can imagine.

WELS denies its hazing of students, which is designed to make them "all the same." If someone knows how the hazing works, the individual gets a double dose. They even changed the name of GA to HB so they could deny the GA hazing. So-o-o clever. WELS leaders always double-talk and their members go with the game plan, because the whole extended family will shun the person who questions Holy Mother WELS.

Missouri has watered down the worst of the abusive behavior, but Matt the Fatt's behavior in running for re-election was same old pile of bullying deception. He endorsed Luther's Large Catechism (ELCA-Seminex Edition) then blocked it for several days (oh the torture of waiting) then steamrolled objections to the book as akin to the KKK and Alt-Right. Even with all that virtue signaling to the Left, Matt only got 52% of the vote. Conclusion? His charade was a way to make sure he had the votes.