Friday, June 30, 2023

This Is the Singular Reason for WELS and the Missouri Synod Serving as Abusive Cults, Not Denominations, Not Genuine Synods


LCMS, WELS, and ELCA clamored to earn their DMin degrees under the pro-abortion, pro-Planned Parenthood leadership of Donald McGavran, Fuller Seminary. 

LCMS and WELS portray themselves as Lutherans (not!) and as conservative Lutherans (definitely not!). Both had rocky starts, being more Calvinist/Pietist than Lutheran. History is often boring and always debatable.


As I have observed, often based on the statements of Walther worshipers, CFW did not teach the Chief Article of the Christian Religion - Justification by Faith - but quite the opposite. That puts him in the category of cult leader, not only from his Bishop Stephan's dogma of Objective Faithless Justification, but also from his dishonesty, frauds, and felonies. 

If someone could erase or hide Walther's crimes, his anti-Biblical dogma would remain, propped up by those who also confuse and merge the Atonement with Justification - as he did. 

Walther insisted on his own way and dominated the sect. However, OJ did not control the entire sect. Justification by Faith remained the major doctrine and continued to be published in their Small Catechisms (such as the KJV catechism) at Concordia Publishing House, in recent years.

Walther, by picking F. Pieper on the St. Louis faculty, ensured the Stephan dogma and therefore disciples of the Halle dogma.

Walther's "grace war" or predestination arguments were nothing more than a way to present a cloaked version of OJ. The Jesuit-trained John Brenner (WELS) acknowledged that in his book. Walther succeeded in breaking up the Olde Synodical Conference so he could be the Big Cheese and not opposition from men more faithful, smarter, and more honest than he ever was.

The 1932 Brief Statement canonized OJ, creating another layer of baloney to force the Halle dogma on the Missouri Cult.

Missouri has continue to lie about its doctrine, which is neither Biblical nor Lutheran, while absorbing and promoting their brand of Calvinism. The poorly trained pastors are so sacrament starved that they have formed quasi-Catholic clubs to promote their Father in Rome and their Father Below.

I own a Knapp, given to me by a former WELS student who is now ELCA. The SJ/OJ terms came from the famous Calvinist translator of Knapp. Both Woods and Knapp were respected in America, and Walther liked the SJ/OJ terms, which were gradually adopted by the doctrinally compromised victims of the Walther cults, the same ones who declared the elements of Holy Communion were just bread and wine until they held them in their consecrated hands.

WELS threw Gausewitz under the bus a long time ago.


The Wisconsin Sect proves its obnoxious hazing love affair each year, aimed at uniting the first year seminary students with physical and verbal abuse, taking off their clothes for the kitchen staff, and being obnoxious, crude, and addicted to alcohol. One thing will never crop up - using the seminary library.

Walther was able to keep them and the ELS in the fold. CFW even tried to merge WELS seminary students with his in St. Louis, but that did not continue. WELS taught Justification by Faith for a time, but the loss of Gausewitz made it possible for the OJ spirit of darkness to take over slowly.

The original Gausewitz catechism did not have a whisper of OJ, and the original continued to circulate until I publicized that the first ones were still be used. Now the OJ-free catechism has disappeared. But - edited and enhanced and verbose versions appeared. Next came the ultra-dumb Kuske catechism with the pure dogma of OJ, on and on.

Gausewitz was head of the Olde Synodical Conference, so all must have approved of a Justification by Faith catechism in the early days, just as some early Brief Statements were Justification by Faith before the canonical 1932 version floated down from heaven or emerged from the Cloaca Maxima.

Cloaca Maxima, Rome - how ironic.