Saturday, August 19, 2023

In the WELS and Missouri Sects - All Truths Are God's Truths - Except Biblical Truths - Luther and the Book of Concord


Only Paul Kelm could encapsulate the errors of Calvinism in so few ill-chosen words. WELS made him appear to be the Second Coming - "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"


Tis strange how Ski - a Jeske follower - pretended to have a separate church in a deluxe but broke movie theater. Another Jeske follower replaced Ski and landed on St. Mark's Hour of Power. Kelm briefly sojourned there.

TELL turned into an expensive propaganda tool. The late Robert Hartman just had to boast.

Eight years ago, WELS Pastor Kent Reeder, did his best to out-Kelm Paul Kelm, birthing Illumine, like one of those lab experiments from a midnight monster movie channel. Reeder is on LinkedIn, a good way to find out what individuals say about themselves. One famous LCMS star did that and soon erased his own basic facts - too much revealed.

Luther and the Concordists did not say -

  1. Come to my church
  2. Find a friend here
  3. Embrace the love, have some popcorn and soda
  4. Coin a cool name for our (name the sect)  church, and hide the denomination.
The Reformation taught the Bible (Traditional Text, not the Tischendorf-Westcott-Hort) to explain its meaning and to refute errors.

Seductive marketing gimmicks are not effective. They claim the concept but reject the truth - 
The Holy Spirit is always at work in the Word and never apart from the Word.