Friday, November 24, 2023

Back to the Kitchen, Garden, and Farm


One reader kidded me about having more nutrition posts, and I am glad to do that. About 99% of health advice is phony, extreme, super-expensive, and laughable.

The hilarious efforts to waste our money comes from fads with special names and long, polished presentations just full of "Wait! there's more!"

Call me fanatical, but I see the largest part of the grocery store dominated by 

  • Salty fatty snacks
  • Sugary cereals
  • Salty, fatty pizzas and prepared meals
  • Sugared candy and ice cream
  • Fat-loaded milk, cream, butter, cheese (salty too!)
  • Salt-fat-sugared meats.
  • Soft drinks, juice drinks, and liquor.
Fortunately, the pharmacists are locked up in their nasty cages to protect the medicines and dispense cures for all that is consumed. As a Walmart alumnus, I enjoy seeing the stacks of peanut oil waiting to be used on hapless turkeys sacrificed for the holiday season. "Are you out of peanut oil?" GJ - We have the smaller tins. "They cost more!" GJ - "Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Start earlier."

Slow was the switch from bad-foods-requiring-medicine (insulin, etc) to good-foods-as-medicine. I had a blood panel that revealed Walmart and Schwan writing checks that my body could not cash. I looked at some fad programs (robbery!) and settled on the famous but overlooked Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman. I have sent his Super Immunity to a number of people because that book resists the temptation to tell it all with endless studies, dates, and complexities.

The Lord of Creator fashioned these food groups for our benefit, and they happen to be inexpensive.

  1. Leafy Greens.
  2. Vegetables - without potatoes.
  3. Fresh fruits, including berries.
  4. Nuts and seeds.
  5. Meats.