Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Matt the Fatt Harrison (an MDiv) Is the Judas Goat Leading the Sheep to the Slaughter.

Harrison was a beauty school drop-out, not even studious enough to earn an in-house seminary "doctorate," which one St. Louis president said was "worthless outside the synod." His title was bestowed after he won his first election with the help of Herman Otten. The latest election had Harrison pictured as 20+ pounds lighter, but he bounced back up after winning. So we should think.

The Harrison article on Divine Authority, October 2, 2023, is a disgrace, bowing and scraping to the dominant ELCA element in Missouri seminaries, colleges, and the toxic Concordia Publishing House.

There are plenty of Bible “difficulties.” There are dating challenges for biblical events. There are archaeological conundrums. There are apparent discrepancies between accounts of the same event. There are parallel passages with dissimilar wording. Events in the life of Jesus recorded in the Gospels appear to occur at different times, and much more. A great Bible like The Lutheran Study Bible with all its notes is tremendously helpful.

The opening paragraph uses soporific terms without any substance or sources. Each sentence is a stink-bomb adding to the fetid stew of errors:

  1. Difficulties are plentiful? but God promised to preserve His Word - and He has.
  2. Where are the dating problems?
  3. Archeology has proven the minute facts of the Bible; Harrison is too lazy to find out.
  4. Apparent discrepancies suggest that the Holy Trinity had but one Book to reveal His will, but could not find a way to convey it clearly.
  5. Harrison is even mixed up about events in Jesus' ministry.
  6. CPH's books are a wealth of contradictions, bloviation, and smooth Satanic deception, and they help make Missouri wealthy, hardened, and smug.
Harrison has not finished his destruction of the Reformation -

In perhaps an odd way, I’m comforted when I see that an early copyist monkeyed around with one of these challenging New Testament texts. He just couldn’t bear to leave the text alone when he found it hard to harmonize with another passage.
I would be comforted if the apostates like Harrison, Liz Eaton, and Mark Schroeder admitted Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were fakes, that "Dr." Tischendorf was a greedy liar. Here is a simple comparison - the Traditional Greek New Testament text has 5,000 or more witnesses. These are shoved aside by the radicals in favor of a handful of others. The Traditional Greek New Testament is also called the Byzantine, Apostolic, or Received Text.

Not church bodies but businesses produce the promiscuous printing of modern Bibles, while the fading and failing denominations sell them as labor-free money-makers. The National Council of Churches, known for its Marxism and gaiety, produced the Revised Standard Version (removing the Virgin Birth from the text). They did such a good job in modernizing that they licensed the New RSV, and the ESV. Murdoch's NIV was not ridiculous enough, so they created the New NIV, decidedly worse.

 Where would they be without each other, the Thrivent loot, and the Siebert training camps?

More could be said, such as Matt's gratuitous use of "the justification of the world," which is a deliberated rejection of Justification by Faith.

If this is the best Matt Harrison could do, with the help of ghost-writers, Missouri is going to being finished just as fast as the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

How To Find Bad Translation Examples - 
BibleGateway! NIV

The key to finding bad translations is supplied by the NIV aka Bible Gateway

14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Read full chapter
Isaiah 7:14 in all English translations <- Click on that for the list.

Mark 16:9 in all translations <- The earliest (fraudulent) ones do not cite the Empty Tomb.

 No empty tomb in Mark 16:9-20? - That is the WELS/LCMS/ELCA stance.