Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Composting to Save Planet Earth


More ecological headlines and plans remind me of a locked ward at a secure, carefully watched institution. If no one can get out, they will not frighten normal people. But now these people are in charge of powerful entities where everyone must go along with the plan.

I saved the photo of the compost barrel being blessed at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, long ago when this blog was young. I hope they took the barrel along to their newly rented spaces. They had to sell their brutalist building to stay afloat, and they gladly sold their pipe organ as well. Their twin seminary (Presbyterian) joined the same Roman Catholic group of schools, selling their part of the complex to U. of Chicago, as LSTC did.

Yale Divinity School is also trying to be one shining ecological light in the gloom of fossil fuels. YDS writes about everything except theology.

 "NEW HAVEN —  Sustainability is a key tenet in the philosophy of the Yale Divinity School, but out in the world, philosophy doesn't always translate into action. This fall, the Divinity School will break ground on a "living building" residence hall that will house students in a manner designed to give back more to the environment than it takes.