Wednesday, January 10, 2024

How the Christian Faith Was Turned into Mockery by the Mainline Denominations -
Including the Lutherans, Worst of All.


The starting date of the debacle - the Revision of the KJV - is 1881, almost 150 years ago. The British and Americans agreed to improve the King James Bible in a joint effort. Westcott and Hort, genuine crackpots, sent their version of the Greek New Testament to all the experts - secretly, ten years earlier. No one outside the Revision "experts" could read it, and the Westcott Hort Greek New Testament (which I own) had no notes to explain their fantastical corruptions of the text. For example, they began Mark as - "The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ..." omitting the Son of God. Their version is also where the second Gospel ended at Mark 16:8, omitting the Empty Tomb and the Resurrection of Christ. 

This is still done today, by putting a spin on Mark 16:9-20, much like the Virgin Birth of Christ, Isaiah 7:14. The RSV began with the translation "young woman" and backslid to virgin (with "or young woman" in the footnote) when everyone objected. But the RSV brought back "young woman" in the text - and put "or virgin" in the footnote.  

One needs Hebrew, Greek, English, and to discover all the scheming and lies of the academic crowd. Very few seminarians have serious language study, and even those people are saturated in the apostasy which began to take over in 1881. I was quite confused when my first Greek New Testament (Westcott Hort) differed from the American Bible Society's version in my college class.  

The 1881 Revision of the King James Version was such a flop that no one would buy it, once the truth came out, and no one could figure how to edit it, so it was an international flop. However, the theological experts were blinded by science and gradually approved growing doubts about the Trinity, miracles, the divinity of Christ, and faith in Jesus Christ. 

The Lutheran Librarian, Alec Satin, pointed out that the KJV is not "Shakespearean." The poet had a larger vocabulary than any other English author, including John Milton. The KJV is from that era, but the final version, largely the original work of William Tyndale, was polished by 50 of the greatest language experts in England. The aim was clarity for reading out loud in church, making it equally powerful for individual reading as literacy caught up with the printing press. Today we have a growing illiteracy scheme for modern Bibles, called Everyone Knows, Anything Goes. Modern Bibles often use a larger vocabulary than the KJV, doubtless in the hopes of keeping their efforts profitable and flexible.

The synod presidents, all poorly educated, lack the authority to use only one Bible and do their best to sell whatever is truly obnoxious. Matt the Fatt is just an MDiv. Liz Eaton went to Harvard for music. Mirthless Mark Schroeder, the high school principal, went to a repeat-after-me seminary in Mequon, where questioning the NIV was blasphemous. That same NIV (the classic one) was replaced with one even worse, but including the startling claim by the Apostle Paul, in Romans 3, that "all are justified." No wonder the WELS abusive sect is scraping the bottom.

The Lutherans are worst of all because they long to be like the chief managers of apostasy. Name a Lutheran trend and it will reveal itself as 10 years later than the rest of the denominations, 20 years later than the Unitarian-Universalists. Lutheran managers of all synods mock the Reformation of Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz by drooling over the errors of Zwingli, Calvin, Robert Schuller, and the Pope

If you want to lose your faith in Jesus Christ, attend a Lutheran seminary - ELS, WELS, LCMS, ELCA. They used to charge almost nothing for an education. Now their raging hatred of the truth allows them to extract as much money (and debt) as possible. 

There are two popular responses to the Reformation - the smirk and the furious attacks. Judgment Day has already arrived.