Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Some People Are Asking about Nutrition, So I Am Continuing the Posts


People have pointed out that long ago, bakers and customers were not obese, which is so common today.

My scary blood panel showed perfect cholesterol but diabetic blood sugar. That shocked me into looking for nutritional answers. I knew that insulin made diabetes worse and the more radical treatments were even more dangerous. Below are some things I learned, because I know too many people who dangerously overweight, as I was.

One approach is to study the nutrition materials and begin removing the useless fattening and sugar-salt foods. That is not easily done because we crave what we are used to eating. Besides, we are seduced with claims of wonder-foods when they are really a fast track to fatness and its consequences. 

Steadfast denial, in stages, can drop weight consistently. That would include:

  1. Satanic - Ice cream in all its forms, the varieties of desserts left around the house, and all sodas, juices, and coffee/tea with sugar and "cream."
  2. Nibbling food - chips, Fritos, popcorn, salted and sugared peanuts and nuts, sugar based candies, gum, and chocolates.
  3. Impulse fatteners enhanced with salt - pizzas, everything from fast food emporiums, restaurant food in general, frozen food than only needs a microwave.
I will leave those examples of what can easily be removed in steps, because the two-week diets lead people right to donut shop to celebrate. Extreme diets are dangerous and only good for the ones designing the fanatic demands in their slick ads, gathering the loot, and saying "But you didn't do it right."

Next will be breaking the cycle with good food from God's Creation instead of the bakery and candy store.

A classmate photoshopped my donut shop calendar photo.