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Elizabeth Eaton was elected a bishop in Ohio in 2007. After the 2009 ELCA vote, Bishop Eaton mocked the members and pastors about the obvious consequences. She became Presiding Bishop in 2013 and went on leave-of-absence in 2023. "The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Church Council Executive Committee approved Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s request for a 4-to-6-month leave of absence. Her leave starts Nov. 17, 2023." The eighth chapter of John is very important, because the modernist denominations and the modernist Bad Bibles deny His message of divinity, especially "Abraham was glad to see My day" and "Before Abraham was, I AM." Modernists enjoy saying - "The Gospel of John was written in 300 A.D.," using this falsehood to remove Jesus' divinity, just as their removal of Mark 16:9-20 eliminates the resurrection and harmony with Matthew and Luke. Removing the divinity of the Son of God changes the Bible into a practical workbook for social justice. In the olden days, churches worked against slavery and helped the poor, but now the mainline churches simply jabber about social justice so they can have more money. The more they work this angle, the worse it gets - except churches can easily get gubmint grants for anything secular. ELCA and Thrivent have proven that they can transform anything into the new radical agenda. Just as WELS/LCMS managers see ELCA as their Delilah - her beauty in the moonlight - so the CLC (sic) longs to be as cool as WELS. |
So trying to figure out, how do we be open to the Spirit and be open to the Spirit’s work? Because I’m telling you what, the Spirit is up to something …
Briner: … if we would just let her out.
Bishops: Let her out. Get out of her way.
Briner: Open the doors and let her out.
Bishops: She’s out! She is loose!