Thursday, September 5, 2024

Little Charlie Sue - Her Love, Work, and Glee


I can see the happy wall display from my desk.

Charlie Sue, the Patterdale Terrier with a dash of Chihuahua, goes to work before the sun is up. If anyone wonders why I post early most of the time, Charlie is the alarm clock. She never needs winding.

Her first action is to pose for breakfast. That means I make coffee or tea and find her standing at attention to remind me of my duties. Her "oo-wee" is accompanied by her ears straight up for attention, assuming the best. If not, she drops her ears to show how disappointed she is. The sound of Science Diet makes her jump around and lead me to her eating spot. If there is any delay, her sounds of despair remind me of her duty.

Yesterday she slipped out the front door, leading the two of us to imagine the other person let her out. The Doggie Day Care manager came over to give Charlie Sue back to us. That was so much fun - for Charlie - that she did two other explorations and ran back gleefully, grinning about finding new scents and dog friends.