Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Synods Have Been Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting


Not a debate but a debacle.

 Wayne Mueller at the helm.

Dress for success church picnic.

Our Great Calvinist Heritage should be the title of this Book of Concord rebuttal.

One of the many strange perversions in The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - is their merger in the name of Faithless Justification, which sounds eerily like Unitarian-Universalism, whose adherents are called U-U's. The Calvinists always drift into Unitarianism or Universalism - or both.

Mergers are the cowards' way of adding one plus one to get 1.2. Ask Thrivent, which was birthed from the unholy wombs of AAL and Lutheran Brotherhood. I was on the scent of UUA when I found that the precious Graduate Theological Union was shedding denominations in their fumbling, bumbling corporation (carperation in St. Louis Irish lingo).

U-Us dropped out of this corrupt gathering of dunderheads - due to costs and lack of interest. 

The famous Megan Rohrer attended the Graduate Theological Union.

Consortial seminaries


Academic centers and affiliates

  • Center for the Arts and Religion[5]
  • Center for Islamic Studies[6]
  • Center for Swedenborgian Studies[7]
  • Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences[8]
  • Mira & Ajay Shingal Center for Dharma Studies[9]
  • New College Berkeley
  • Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute[10]
  • Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish Studies[11]
  • Newbigin House of Studies[12]
  • Wilmette Institute[13]