Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Waltherian Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - Celebrate the Reformation By Studying the Gay, Apostate, ELCA of the Future

Seminex was gayer than lavender hose, led in part by WELS-LCMS-AELC-ALC Richard Jungkuntz - chairman of the Seminex board, which partnered with the new homosexual seminary. Deppe had been arrested in St. Louis and yet later joined the LSTC faculty, where he was the chosen one to do reviews of homosexual books. This only gives a hint of the rottenness in LCMS 50 years ago. Far from anything noble or decent, the Great Walther and his circle knew their bishop Martin Stephan was a syphilitic young-woman-seducer. Stephan left his wife and sick children but took his mistress and only healthy child to New Orleans, where the Walther circle signed him up as their beloved bishop. The lies continued and the Stephan-Walther obsession with Objective Justification became the Chief Article of the Christian Faith - just ask Frosty Bivens (WELS) and other dimwits.

No one among the Waltherian Four Sects is allowed to teach Justification by Faith, a demand proven by the equally Universalist ELCA, surely a Morganatic Marriage, or Marriage of the Left Hand.

ELDONA started with a bishop too, and he was also convicted.