Monday, January 20, 2025

The Past Predicts the Future - Here Are Echoes from an Earlier, Squirrely ELCA.
Response from The CORE

Recent comments from The Lutheran CORE -

Deluded? I was absolutely astounded when I read ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s response to the recent action taken by the United Methodist Church to affirm the historic Christian view of marriage and human sexuality. Speaking of the very different vote that the ELCA took nearly ten years ago, she said, “Yet, though a controversial decision at the time, our 2009 action has brought strength and blessings for our life and mission beyond what we could have imagined a decade ago.” [emphasis added] 

How in the world could she make a statement like that when she wrote the following in the February 2019 issue of “Living Lutheran”? “Our congregations are growing older and smaller. At least 40 percent of our congregations have an average weekly worship attendance of 50 or less. ELCA membership decreases by 70,000 people a year, or roughly the loss of a synod per year. Clergy retirements outnumber new candidates for ministry. Financial pressures and building maintenance create stress. There is a dearth of people in their 20s and 30s in our pews.” 

<Bad News > Imagined Good Having recently said all of that, how could she now say that because of the 2009 decisions the ELCA is experiencing “strength and blessings for our life and mission beyond what we could have imagined a decade ago”? 


Instead the ELCA is revealing what it really believes and the direction in which it is determined to go by its doing nothing to address the “We Are Naked and Unashamed” movement and nothing to counter the growing influence and message of its most famous public spokesperson, the author of the book, Shameless: A Sexual Reformation. Also, while the Presiding Bishop is quick to respond to so many other issues, she refuses to respond to recent state legislation regarding abortion. How could she expect God to give “strength and blessings” to a church body that is refusing to deal with such blatant rejection of His Word? 


GJ - Kids were warned that smashing a puddle of toxic mercury would spread the liquid all over. That was a threat issued by various teachers and parents. ELCA counter-threatened their congregations and swore everything would be fine. Each Presiding Bishop was worse than the one before, leaving them with Elizabeth Eaton, who took a leave of absence for six months.

She is due a retirement in 2025. Strange how her current photographs are so different from the grinning Liz of the past. 

What could be more trite and juvenile than a Liz selfie with an ELCA conference?