Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Purple Vatican Has Spoken

Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 11321
Registered: 10-2003

Posted on Monday, January 27, 2025 - 5:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

From the 2023 LCMS Handbook, Bylaw 6.2 Recognized Service Organizations, one of the three classes of recognized service organizations (RSO) is an educational service organization (Section 6.2.2 (b)):


An educational service organization, under the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions, operates a Christian school (other than one governed solely by a Synod congregation or congregations), camp (with Christian programming), or the like. (Schools governed solely by Synod congregations, by virtue of their recognition as such by their districts, do not need recognized service organization status and have the rights and responsibilities of parish schools without obtaining recognized service organization status.)

However, here is an excerpt from a January 24, 2025, news article, "Luther Classical College Continues to Pursue Relationships within LCMS after Submitting RSO Application":


"Luther Classical College recently received notice from the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) that the college’s application for Recognized Service Organization (RSO) is being denied consideration. Notable RSOs include Lutherans for Life, Wittenberg Academy, and the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education, each of which includes, like LCC, rostered LCMS clergy on its board of directors. However, CAO Felix Loc’s letter interprets Synod bylaws to disallow institutions of higher education from applying for RSO status. As previously communicated through other synodical channels, LCC interprets those bylaws differently and believes they allow the possibility for a college to seek RSO status."

In the meantime, there is a Gottesblog article, "In Harmony With the Doctrine and Practice of the LCMS?" about a RSO, Lutheran Community Services Northwest, in the Northwest District, pushing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan, a Pride mindset to serve LGBTQ clients, and their proclamation of "LCSNW undaunted by new President’s anti-immigrant orders."

These kinds of woketardian shenanigans do not occur without the knowledge and consent of the President of the Missouri Synod.
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Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 11322
Registered: 10-2003

Posted on Monday, January 27, 2025 - 7:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Here is CAO Loc's January 20, 2025 letter announcing that Luther Classical College is not eligible for RSO status. The letter states:


LCC, as acknowledged in the LCC announcement, is not a college of the Synod and not a CUS institution. Bylaw, adopted by the Synod congregations at the 2023 Synod Convention, allows and provides a means for a college or university that is not part of CUS to request to join CUS. That is the option available to LCC if it is interested in pursuing the possibility of being a college of the Synod and a CUS institution. This information was repeatedly communicated to LCC before the enclosed announcement was made.

However Bylaw states:


A college or university that is not a Concordia University System institution may request to join the Concordia University System.

The Bylaw does not require a non-CUS college or university to join the CUS or forbid a non-CUS college or university from applying to become an RSO instead. And prior to the 2023 Synod Convention, the bylaws did not contain anything about a non-CUS college or university joining the Concordia University System.