Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tom Fisher's KJV Farm - Snow Storms Now Rain To Follow


Dear Pastor Jackson,

Please pray God will fully restore my health and strength.  Working in the extreme cold with 20 to 30 mile an hour winds has been very hard on me and my livestock. Now another severe weather change to rain and mud plus cold. Pray God will keep me healthy and safe as I work in very tough weather.

Especially pray God will make me healthy enough to begin writing articles again, and most importantly finish my Christmas letters to my brothers, nieces, and nephews, and relatives, and friends.

Thank you for posting my article on President Trump's Inauguration speech! I am working on another article on God's Word in the King James Bible. Very important I complete it, but I need better health.

In Christ,

Tom Fisher

A lamb in May, 2024.