Monday, March 17, 2025

Pay Attention to The Big Five Apostates' Swindle - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC.
Note the World Missions Underhandedness


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Let's start with the graphic above. The gay/lesbian lobbies of ELCA were strutting their stuff because ELCA openly promoted anti-heterosexual clergy. The dimwit Presiding Bishop before Elizabeth Eaton was gung-ho, and soon they had their agenda locked and loaded to eject or humiliate anyone who opposed their agenda.

The poster title is Reconciling Works, one of many themes to promote gay-lesbian pastors and undermine the entire leadership. They also slithered in with - Lutherans for Full Participation. Both schemes are the same kind of magic act, forcing and hiding at the same time. They really mean, "We will take over every nook and cranny of the establishment and dare the troglodytes to stop us. We will keep advancing until we are 100% victorious."

Nota bene, as they say in Latin class - many steps were taken before the universal collapse of all the mainlines, which include the Big Five Apostates. 

  1. The New Testament text was thoroughly corrupted by the smart-alecks, whether Wescott-Hort or Otten-Beck.
  2. The worst theologians were promoted and honored because they were the most atheistic.
  3. Worship was corrupted down to level of...I have a photo below, ELCA meeting.
  4. Hymns were butchered into repulsive versions of cotton candy.
  5. Only entertainment was left. Ask Ski and Glende, and the rest.
 He/she danced at the Luther Seminary chapel to entertain his friends. He was ordained soon after.

"Brett, I did the best I could, holding back the radicals and appeasing the Calvinists!"

And it shows!

 Funny how they needed a Ft. Wayne drop-out to teach Objective Faithless Justification to a tiny, bored audience.