Sunday, March 16, 2025

Thrivent-USAID Flow Chart for Lutheran (sic) Denominations


Archbishop Elizabeth Eaton was voted into the ELCA Office in 2013, by virtue of her superior money and membership, though both going down the She earned an MDiv at Harvard Divinity School.


Matt Harrison is the Bishop of the four Watherian Sects - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - earning a coveted MDiv that alarmed and scattered the sheep. He has been gaining weight since 2010.

Randy DeJaynes, ELCA pastor, got Jim Heiser going as the next bishop, though the title was hidden away for a long time. Heiser prayed with Kincaid Smith and Jay Webber to be in fellowship with ELDONA, a merger that lasted several minutes.

Heiser spends big money on himself for world travels. He went to Europe several times and got nowhere, which is apparently his mission in the Philippines. 

The Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - look up to Liz Eaton, her Harvard gay credentials, her hold on the Thrivent purse-strings and the USAID loot.

The cheap masks should match for the angel (orans) pose, if one wants to be distinctly Roman Catholic, not poking out the strained belly button.

The Bishop Rohrer jeremiad managed to tangle all the left-wing issues.

The ELCiC Bishop in Canada, Susan Johnson, has had many styles, eh?