Friday, July 22, 2016

Vines and Asparagus - A Long Wait But Worth It

 I will need to rent a truck to harvest the asparagus.

Many refuse to grow asparagus because they have to wait to start harvesting it. My experience is that there is nothing better than asparagus from the yard. In fact, we ate most of it raw in Midland.

Asparagus is better now. One can buy male plants that do not use up energy in going to seed. The plants are sent fairly well developed and ready to grow. The old instructions made asparagus growing sound like building the Great Wall of China. I simply dig shallow holes, plant the rubbery crowns, cover and mulch them.

Birds plant asparagus in the wild, along fences. If you need more information, send me an email. When we visited our farm cousins, we looked for asparagus along the fences.

Vines Take Time Too
I have learned that vines also take time. That goes against our assumptions. Don't many homes have vines growing on them. We had English ivy on the front of our house, just a little. It has taken four years for it to cover the front porch and picture window area. From there it decided to invade the rose garden. Like Burmuda grass and Blackberries, a can grow from its tips by rooting itself, and expanding form there.

God created vines for vertical use of the sun. I bought three Trumpet Vine sticks, which arrived looking dead. I soaked them overnight in rainwater and they began to grow. Last year they made modest progress, even though I doted on them, like a worried nurse reviving a weak and pale patient.

In the second year the vine began to show its strength. As I hoped, the one planted under the maple tree is now climbing the tree and covering part of the Maple Tree Rose Garden. I reckon the third year of growth will bring some flowers to attract hummingbirds.


Honeysuckle Vines are slow to get established and then take over if left alone. Last year the vine bloomed a bit and that was all. Now it is starting to spread a little. I expect a lot more blooms and growth next year.

Morning Glory
We ended up with a glorious display of Morning Glories from Mr. Gardener parking some old vines next to the fence. They planted themselves, got going on my earthworm fertilized, mulch enhanced soil, and grew fast. That happened so fast that I asked him if he deliberately planted them there. He laughed and explained the accident and worried I did not like them.

Cow Vetch is a delicate plant but some consider it invasive.

Cow Vetch seeds are harvested for budgies.

Cow Vetch
Vetches are related to beans, so they are good for the soil. I had climbing beans come back this year, just because I let them go to seed last year. The seeds stayed safe in the soil and mild winter, then took off.

Cow Vetch is wild here. Some grew and bloomed in the front yard and the back fence. On the back fence we had a blue waterfall of flowers for time. This year I have not seen it, perhaps because birds love the seeds.

Gardeners agree that they see cycles of growth. Some years nothing can stop a certain plant. The next year, nothing will make it grow.

True Diversity
The Creating Word created genuine diversity in the plant and animal world to take care of all contingencies. Nothing is allowed to dominate for long.

For example, Starlings are aggressive and work in large flocks. But they do not take over the bird population. When plants are truly invasive, it is because they are brought into a country where they do not belong - like Kudzu  Vine (US Government) or the Chinese Multiflora Rose (US Government).

Control-freak sects to not allow diversity of thought. That threatens the insecure leaders. In dominating the members and ministers, these petite tyrants deny the gifts of the Spirit and ultimately pay the price.

One layman said of the WELS District Presidents - "They have to be alcoholics. It's the only way they can live with what they have done to others."

WELS planted the Kudzu Vine of Church Growth
and is now dying of staff infections from Larry Olson, DMin Fuller.