Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ski and Glende Turmoil - from 2009.
The Late Tim Niedfelt Argued Against This Blog at First, But Realized How Empty His Paris Was.
Niedfelt Joining St. John's Led WELS to Steal That Congregation and Its Endowment.

From Anonymouse: 

This has got to be a new low, even for you. You admit that you know nothing about this situation other than what you read in the St. Peter newsletter. As far as you know, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Core. Yet you print this story with your little photoshopped picture designed to make Pastor Glende and Ski look as ridiculous as you possibly can (What, you've never looked silly having a good time at a restaurant?) and hint that it has something to do with St. Peter's relationship with the Core. On the record: I have no Idea why Pastor Christenson asked for a call out of St. Peter AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA EITHER! I really don't know how you can live with yourself or sleep at night.
"Lord, Lord, didn't I maintain a church on the internet and mercilessly mock those who weren't (in my opinion) orthodox enough?"
"I never knew you!"

Above is the original silly photo, posted by Bishop Katie herself on Twitter. Shame on Katie!
The threesome attended a pastoral conference on Mark Driscoll's home turf,
but no one owned up to being in Seattle for Driscoll.

GJ - Reading the tea leaves, I would say that the someone approved the departure of the new pastor after only a few months. The public record of Ron Ash and Tim Glende is clear - they are up to their necks in unionistic Church Growth. There is no possibility that the new pastor left because he was too growthy for that pair! Consider also the leaven of Ski and Katie, whose motto is: "No Enthusiast left behind." Another source confirmed that Glende and Ash are the cause, not the cure.

The Appleton Dumpling Gang is well fed.

This PhotoShop above was inspired by Glende's and Ski's lack of candor
about their trip to Seattle.

This cartoon made Wally Oelhaven furious,
but it sure fits The CORE, Ski, Glende, Kati, and Ron Ash.

Ron Ash retired as the pastor of St. Peter, Freedom,
He still chairs the odious Church and Chicanery faction in WELS.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg introduced Church Growth to St. Paul, German Village,when Tim Glende was an impressionable teen member there. Kicked out of the LCMS for cause, Stolzenburg was divorced by his wife, but WELS made him an overpaid CG guru - then Kuske and Schumann endorsed him for pastoral work.The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?
But sometimes we just end up with The CORE!

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter Freedom (The CORE Mother-Church) Loses S...":

Pretty hypocritical that it's OK for Confessional Crusaders to post anonymously. As long as it promotes your skewed agenda, right PJ? What a freaking double standard.

Run on sentences? Well that's typical criticism from someone who is narrow minded (or should I say closed minded) and needs to retake reading and comprehension. So if there's no real substance to criticize, lets (sic) nit pick (sic - nitpick is one word) grammar. Give me a break. Get a life.

Mighty Mouse [Most likely Tim Felt-Needs] But he denies it.

Tim loves to use the term "Confessional Crusaders."
Mequon graduates - click on this link for proof.



2016 Update - Tim's family lost their love for the popcorn and soda at Victory of the Lamb. He lost his life in a tragic accident where a truck slammed into his car.

Tim first made fun of Confessional Crusaders and had a graphic made. Later he said he had become one. We do not have enough laity like that today, I am sorry to say.

Mighty Mouse was from Appleton, probably another Tim...Glende.

The Appleton gang got on the blog every day with their Apple computers (which were easily detected by my software). Lillo did not have an Apple. The Core/Glende did.

I think Don Patterson got into it until I identified the source of some really hateful emails - his hometown.

Facebook friends

"Let Us Battle about Synod Politics" - Says Satan

"I love synod politics -
they keep people from talking about sound doctrine."
Christian News may be an even bigger failure than the Church Growth Movement. Time will tell.

Larry Darby and I agreed about this issue 100% - When people play politics in their synod, they are playing the devil's games with the devil's rules. They cannot win.

Each Lutheran sect has unwritten rules about how to play the game. One thing they all know is this - never question Holy Mother Sect directly, because they will invite a severe counter-strike. That is just as true in ELCA as it is in WELS, Missouri, or the Little Sect on the Prairie.

I have not played that game

  • By being anonymous, or 
  • By following the rules of their Father Below. 
So one synod politician tells me I am nasty, then sends numerous emails about stuff I should post on this blog - but not with his name on it. Oh no.

But I do keep confidences, unlike the heroic synod politicians. There is no reason for the innocent to bear the wrath of felonious DPs, CPs, and wanna-B's.

The Intrepid Lutherans played that game in WELS. That got them silenced, scattered, kicked out, and almost completely silenced. Several of them joined ELDONA, where the imperious bishop-for-life has more unwritten rules and strictures than ELCA and Rome put together. 

Ralph Bohlmann was another creature of Christian News,
not a bad guy, just another opportunist.

Vote for the Right Man - Nope
The theme of Christian News has been a winner for Beezebub for 50 years. If the LCMS votes for the right man who wears the mantle of Walther, everything will be fine.

The politicians also have to court Otten. Once they no longer need him, they can fight with each other in public, which is good for the politicians. Everyone officially hates Christian News. If people knew how much the leaders handle the editor to spin their news and spike the stories on their crimes, subscriptions would be even lower.

Why don't the politicians court me and sing ballads written especially for me? Answer - I do not play their games. I keep changing the topic to doctrine and show with their own materials how far they have departed from the Christian Faith.

Additional proof comes from the crimes they cover up and excuse.

Naturally, they promote the worst clergy and punish the faithful. WELS' Mark Schroeder is a prime example.

But they are all following the template of CFW Walther, their guru, guide, and inspiration:
  1. Steal property whenever possible.
  2. Abuse women and children in the name of discipline.
  3. Teach universal absolution without compromise.
  4. Claim orthodoxy while teaching Pietism.
  5. Break the law and cover up the crimes.
Why does Justification by Faith make
Because they are closeted Universalists,
the unblessed fruit of Pietism.

Doctrine Judges Everything - Yes
Behold, here is the logic of your slavemasters, the synod politicians: "You cannot listen to him, because he is a terrible person. If you get information from him, you are just as bad as he is."

They glory in the personal attack, and never hesitate to make up whatever they want.

But only one thing judges everything else - 

The Chief Article of the Christian Religion - the Master and Prince - Justification by Faith.

Everything revolves around this central doctrine, which is why the Lutheran sects are so completely misled and corrupted by fads, enthusiasms, and pure hogwash.

The UOJ Stormtroopers came out against this blog like all the Plagues of Egypt. Knowing how they would hide their comments later, I featured them and replied to them. Almost nothing comes by email anymore, not even with my address posted conspicuously on the front page.

I continue to get positive responses from all over, but no one wants to prove UOJ to me. They are equally timid on the various fire-hydrants of the social media, where they used to leave their scent, often without an invitation or even being on the topic.

Tell Me - Why Does Christian News Join the Apostates in Banning Luther's Gospel?

There is only one possible answer to this question. The editor, like the Roman Empire, tolerates every confession of faith except the One True Faith.

He can keep up his circulation and please his multi-denominational base if he studiously avoids Justification by Faith. The only way Otten can teach the doctrine of the Scriptures - and the Reformation - is by repudiating the dogma of:
  1. Knapp
  2. Halle University
  3. Rambach
  4. Schleiermacher
  5. Bishop Martin Stephan, the founder of the Missouri Synod
  6. CFW Walther
  7. F. Pieper
  8. Edward Preuss, who became a famous Roman Catholic scholar and editor
  9. Jack Cascione
  10. JP Meyer
  11. ELCA
  12. Jar Jar Webber.

Popes come and go at Christian News,
but the papacy goes on forever.

Fall Bulbs - The Catalogs Are Arriving by the Hundredweight.

Daffodils are the national flower of Wales.
Mrs. Ichabod's boss loved seeing them on his desk.
We grew them in our lawn and mowed late.

A true bulb is actually a flower encased in food for the plant. Fall bulbs planted early will develop roots and send the stem upward, but break the surface only after a good winter and a spring thaw. Fall bulbs can  and should be planted early. When I got them late in New Ulm, Minnesota, I had to dig near the parsonage, where the soil was still soft from the heat in the basement.

Like roses, I have planted fall (akakhardy) bulbs almost everywhere we lived.

Someone was kind enough to plant Grape Hyacinths at our home in Springdale, the Ichabode. They bloom early, for a long time, flower and then go to seed, creating a patch of color here and there. They multiply, so they are a good choice for naturalizing.

Make a Big Bet on Bulbs
The only place to get fall and spring bulbs is Dutch Gardens. They are bigger and cost less than all others. That has been true for decades.

Sign up for their catalogs - works of art by themselves.

Like many gardening adventures, bulbs can inspire the hair-on-fire buy everything impulse. That will be coupled with remorse with all of them arrive at once. They have to be dug into the ground.

My suggestion is to make one big bet each year on favorite bulbs.

  1. Buy a large amount of one variety, one color. The mass of color is impressive.
  2. Or - buy two colors and group them accordingly.
  3. Plan for a layer of little bulbs planted above the big ones.

Daffodils are an easy choice. Critters do not eat them, so they are not dug up and replanted by tree squirrels and ground squirrels - as crocus are.

The layer above could be early tiny bulbs.  That would mean one larger hold about seven inches deep, a fair amount of soil to move, the big bulbs covered up, then the tiny bulbs in the top layer.

We did group bulb orders at several churches and got a bulb discount, which we took in bulbs to plant at the church.

Grape Hyacinths are not hyacinths
and often come in other colors.

My Modest Plan
I am going to buy some Grape Hyacynths, which are very inexpensive, long lasting, and good at multiplying.

Our helper will get some to plant with his two children. They are enjoying gardening and participating:

  • The maple tree seedling from our yard is now 10 feet tall in theirs.
  • The Purple Splash roses are in bloom all the time.
Purple Splash blooms all the time if prune.
Our helper's son prunes and mulches it.