Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Intersynodical Beatings Continue – WELS Working Hard with LCMS, ELCA,
And the Nasty Buggers in the CLC (sic)

 So the SP says to Jim Huebner,
"How much longer can we keep them fooled?"

Intersynodical Beatings Continue – WELS:

"Intersynodical Beatings Continue

2017/12/05/ in Together
On Nov. 28-30, representatives from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Sect (LCMS), the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Sect (WELS), and the Evangelical Lutheran Sect (The Little Sect on the Prairie) met in Jacksonville, Fla., for the sixth annual meeting for informal discussions. The main topics covered up were the hire and fire Doctrine of the Call and a comparative review of the recently published Talmudic catechisms by WELS and the LCMS. The final version of the catechism for the ELS (2001) also was used in discussing the new editions of the explanations to the Small Catechism. In this 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation we especially oppose the work of Dr. Martin Luther in composing his Small and Large Catechisms of 1529.

The three synod presidents provided updates on the respective decline of their church bodies. Challenges and lawsuits also were noted in respect to pastoral training, the filling of congregational vacancies, and the relationships with international churches. The LCMS is part of the ILC (International Lutheran Conference), while the ELS and WELS are members of the CELC (Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference). Hence we are all Con-men. Get it?

 Everyone loves, loves, loves the NIV:
all are justified - we finally got the Bible
to agree with us!

None of the participants at these informal meetings anticipate a restoration of church fellowship between ELS/WELS and the LCMS in the near future, because we are already working together with ELCA now - a great blessing with Thrivent benefits. Yet, the sessions themselves were once again helpful as areas of agreement, as well as specific nuances of dogma, were settled in a cordial but frank manner. The representatives of the three synods have reluctantly decided to gather once again in the fall of 2018, if Thrivent funds the meeting.

Also in November, representatives of WELS and the ELS met with counterparts from the nasty little Cult of the Lutheran Confession (CLC sic). The CLC was formed in the 1950s when a number of congregations left the Wisconsin Sect because they believed that the sect was not acting sectsy enough to break fellowship with the Missouri Sect. The meeting was a continuation of formal doctrinal discussions intended to determine if fellowship between the synods can be restored before their troglodytes finally die.

In 2015 the group had composed a document entitled “A Joint Statement on the Termination of Luther's Doctrine.” Agreement on this joint statement is seen as a necessary first step in the doctrinal discussions. The ELS convention approved the statement in 2016; the WELS convention approved it last summer. The CLC (sic) convention discussed it and recommended further study by its pastoral conferences - after Dan Fleischer had a hissy fit about an NWC professor hurting his widdle feelings last century. The CLC (sic) will consider the statement again at its next convention, which we hope is live-streamed again.

Even if the Joint Statement is adopted by all three synods, other joint statements remain to be more fully discussed and resolved, with Thrivent grants, before fellowship can be reestablished. We pray for God’s blessings on these efforts to establish fellowship based on a full agreement in doctrine.

Serving in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder

Tags: Together12052017"

 Will WELS and the ELS approve Donkey Basketball
in the CLC?

 Note the UOJ code language,
not Justification by Faith.

According to blog sources,
Tiefel was the bar-tender,
which is like Don Patterson
teaching anger management.

Not another Tiefel!
That may keep the WELS from
joining trotters with the CLC (sic).

 Will the conjoined WELS/CLC (sic)
name a saint day for St. Horst?
He served a WELS parish too,
just about every synod except ELDONA.

'via Blog this'

Sudden WELS Resignations - No Reasons Given



PastorsCurrent callDate resigned
Rev Douglas CarterSt John LC
Watertown WI
TeachersCurrent callDate resigned
Mr Benjamin HansenImmanuel LS
Hadar NE

The WELS and LCMS Dystopia - Nothing Will Grow with Sterile Dogma

Hundreds are reading this post about Mirthless Mark Schroeder and the disastrous WELS statistics.

A WELS member wrote about the new mission in his town (name and place omitted, to prevent the tarring and feathering of this man). He is worried that this mission may fail, just like many other Lutheran attempts in this town. He listed several that withered away, from the ELCA family of sects and the Synodical Conference.

He offered some details that were Church Growthy, but that is not the biggest issue.

The big issue can no longer be discussed. The UniSynod teaches forgiveness without faith, universal absolution as the result of God's grace, so each and every Lutheran sect is failing. They all look like bad copies of ELCA, because they are exactly that - working together, worshiping together, playing games with the hoi polloi. But it is a morganatic marriage - they are in bed together but keep the union a secret, even though Mark and Avoid Jeske is shoveling money on the dying corpses of ELCA, Missouri, and WELS. Still - shhh. No one knows, so do not tell.

 Confessing the Gospel (sic) - CPH's $90,
two-volume deposit of unfaith.

One LCMS pastor bragged he contributed to the latest Missouri disaster. I asked, "Does it teach UOJ or the Chief Article?" I posted my graphic of the Chief Article in case anyone became confused about such a simple question. Sometimes I just post my Walther graphic, which is also below. Nobody answers - not much of a confession, is it?

So I am saying, the problem with these missions - whether WELS, LCMS, ELCA, or ELCA lite (LCMC, NALC) - is the sterile weed seed they sow with fearful timidity and lavish funds.

LCMS-WELS used to pound their UOJ into anyone who dared raise an eyebrow at their cloddish dogma. LutherQuest (sic) formerly raved like those patients on medical shows who are succumbing to a rare tropical fever. But no more. Silence. I cannot even get a few choice quotations from Facebook to copy into this blog.

One problem is Confessing the unGospel. When people disbelieve - or is it dysbelieve?  - they have trouble confessing the truth. They cannot tell truth from falsehood and fall upon the old method of verbal abuse or sullen silence.

When arguing a point with our toddler, I would say, "The discussion is over," because I had record of losing debates with him. When I said, "No meat, no moca," he folded his arms and said, at the age of two, "No moca, no meat." So one day the argument ended with Little Ichabod saying, "The discussment is over."

 Like the other deluded WELS District Popes,
Buchholz always makes a big noise just before changing his mind. As Chemnitz wrote, quoting an old saying,
"The devil leaves a foul odor before leaving the room."

Likewise, Jon-Boy Buchholz folded his arms and said, "The discussment is over," after promising to debate UOJ versus Justification by Faith. The problem was - by lying to the congregation, then boasting to the district about foreclosure on the property, Buchholz inflamed and aggravated the issue. UOJ is not on the surface, because infallible WELS will not allow that. But the question bakes beneath the surface, like the coal mine that has burned below ground since 1962.

In contrast, where faith in Jesus is taught, people hear the Gospel and believe, experiencing and knowing the forgiveness of sin. We may stumble and stammer in expressing this Gospel, but that is far better than trying to remember the mystical maze manufactured by the doyennes of dogma in the UniSynod.

UOJ Script:

  • God declared the entire unbelieving world forgiven when Jesus died on the cross.
  • Or was it - God forgave the entire world when Jesus rose from the dead.
  • Denying universal forgiveness and universal salvation is an attack on grace and my synod. And my uncle who wrote an essay on this topic.
  • We have always taught this.
  • Paul switched from Justification by Faith to UOJ when he moved from Romans 4:24 to Romans 4:25 - raised for our justification!!!!!!!!
  • Paul fell back to Justification by Faith in Romans 5:1-2, which is why we never quote it, to UOJ in the rest of the Romans 5. Paul was very volatile, you know. So now we stick with his UOJ passages.
  • Sure, Paul used to be clear about Justification by Faith in Romans 3, but we fixed that with the New NIV saying "all are justified." See how easy it is? - just wait for and help pay for a new paraphrase.

The accounting firm has already shown the trembling synodical leaders they are doomed. The ELS wrote their report some years ago. WELS has posted the facts on their website - 60% of their congregations will soon be too small to continue in the same way. Rather than closing many of them, the synod will merge them, which is a PR approach to closing, seldom an answer. In mergers, 1 plus 1 equals 1.2. The names are awkward too - First St. James Trinity Salem Lutheran Church, established 1901, 1945, 1958. 1980.

If the synod and congregation cannot teach the Justification of the Bible, then those non-Lutheran sects that do will continue to thrive.

 Your overpaid mission counselors will guide you
blindly into the pit.