Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Ovaltines Report - Plums Have Turned into Prunes - Two LCMS Seminaries

 ALPB Online Discussions

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis issued 43 calls to seminary candidates.

31 had a Masters of Divinity degree and 12 took an alternate route.

Concordia Seminary, Ft Wayne issued 31 calls to seminary candidates.

30 had a Masters of Divinity degree and 1 took an alternate route.

Bottom Line: 74 pastoral candidates received calls.

Concordia Seminary St. Louis assigned 42 seminarians to a vicarage.

Concordia Seminary Ft. Wayne assigned 37 seminarians to a vicarage. 


GJ - Doubtless one seminary could be sold off to serve as a training center for Scientology. We all know what happens when two seminaries become one - United (Gettysburg-Philadelphia) Seminary, where they had to close a 300 year old church next to the campus. Their initial United seminary president was a Presbyterian lady whose resume was not gay enough for the students, so they doubled down - or tripled - with an Osage married man.

Latini had dark secrets hidden from her resume. Presbyterian? A plus. Former Luther Seminary faculty? Even better. Hetero tendencies? "I am bawling my eyes out until she is removed!" screeched one future ELCA pastor.

I can imagine what the student discussions at United were like, because they were reported widely on blogs. "You mean she had heterosexual tendencies and never told the search committee? Will we be forced to endure such a travesty with our rainbow coalition just beginning to empower itself?"

The professional search company kept bragging so much about Erwin - pictured with his husband - being a professor, pastor, bishop and United president. They were finally hushed up and got a Bud Light celeb for their next effort, a win/win.

"No more smirking, Brett. We all took a hit when we reformed ELCA. I went from ELCA Archbishop to Assistant Acolyte, but that is OK."

PS - I was interviewed for a minor job at the Philadelphia seminary, one that was already filled but they had to be fair!