Friday, June 3, 2011

Wolf-Preachers Tear and Murder the Sheep:
Accuse Chytraeus, Chemnitz, Luther,
And the Apostle Paul of Heresy

Luther wrote about the wolf-preachers who tear into the sheep and murder the flock. Our family's close friends raised sheep, so we got to see the animals close up - in their pens. They are easy prey unless protected.

Worse than the wolves are the synodical officials who empower them. One of the LutherQueasies asked, in the spirit of hope, "All the other Lutheran groups agree with us, right? right?"

Yes, they do, including ELCA. From ELCA down to the micro-mini sects of Lutherdom, all embrace the doctrine of Knapp, the Halle professor who taught all the mainlines double justification, which quickly degenerates into Universalism.

Luther warned that the Christian faith is attacked on three main fronts - the divinity of Christ, the humanity of Christ, and justification by faith.

WELS and Missouri both taught justification by faith in their Small Catechism editions. Missouri still does in the KJV edition. The Gausewitz and the Missouri KJV are remarkably concise and Word-centered. No fluff. No UOJ.

Gausewitz was honored and respected in the entire Synodical Conference. He was the pastor at Grace (WELS) Milwaukee, where the First VP of WELS, Huebner, has forgotten the congregation's history.

There is a direct connection between abandoning justification by faith and the moral corruption of the synods today. They think nothing of forcing adulterous, murderous, and drunken pastors on congregations, to rend and murder the flocks. Like the Roman Catholic Church, they have moved their homosexual pastors around, too. Nor do they mind adopting from another synod--and absolving--an unrepentant adulterer and abortionist pastor, if there is money in it for them.

These matters are known to many, but not all, of the ordinary clergy. Anyone suspected of knowing the truth and questioning it will face a battery of accusations.