Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Polity Issues Useful for Dodging the Real Problems

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Join Me in the CFW Walther Sainthood Project":

The LCMS Walther venerators are a hoot. Some act as if Christ is not present in Word and Sacrament if received in a parish not utilizing congregational polity. Yet, they pass Resolution 8-08A in 2010, making the LCMS hierarchical. How many LCMS clergy/laity have left for the "utopia" of Rome/Constantinople?

Is episcopal polity perfect? Certainly not, as we have seen from many church bodies; but polity is adiaphorous. Our sin can screw up any form of church governance.

Instead of falling prostrate at the mention of Walther's name, and spitting at the mention of Loehe/Grabau, perhaps Missouri should study Scripture (after getting a decent translation) and the BOC.

None of these guys were perfect, and even the pietist Walther would be condemning the LCMS for what they are doing today. He chewed them out for the suggestion of singing Methodist hymns. Of course, even TLH contains a vast repertoire of Wesley and Watts hymns.


GJ - 

There is such a gap between the historical and mythical Walther that anyone can justly accuse the LCMS and its Concordia Hysterical Institute of fraud, deceit, and perjury. Walther was a scheming, lying demon who followed a known multiple-adulterer to America and suddenly discovered, to his own advantage, that this same Bishop Stephan was fooling around with several women. Schocking!

Honest clergy would admit that the real issues in the Scriptures are the efficacy of the Word, the Means of Grace, and justification by faith. The vast majority bicker congregational versus episcopal government when all the Lutheran sects are papal - teaching the sect's indefectibility, the Bible's lack of clarity and efficacy, the Synod Pope's infallibility, the necessity of works, and the glories of <s>Mary</s> Walther.