Friday, October 21, 2016

ELS and WELS Meeting Together, Suppressing Their Mutual Scorn.
Wikileaks Before There Was/Were Wikileaks

 This tag-team argues that the Bible and Luther
oppose justification by faith. Hint: Romans 4, AC IV and V,

Oh good.  They met again.  No outcome, conclusions, or reports about the discussions appear.  (No one must know what goes on at these meetings!)

 Webber's FB Chasuble page
illustrates the future of WELS-LCMS-ELS-ELCA cooperation.

Meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Forum

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod is blessed by its fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. As a way to strengthen that relationship and to provide mutual encouragement, leaders of the two synods meet every two years at the Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Forum. This year’s meeting took place this week at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary in Mankato, Minn.
All areas of synodical work are represented at this meeting. Each synod sends leaders in the areas of synod administration, missions, doctrinal supervision, education, communications, and stewardship. The groups meets in a plenary session to review and discuss doctrinal essays that each synod has produced. Then leaders break into smaller groups where representatives from each synod discuss their work with their counterparts.
These meetings are another reminder of the bonds of fellowship, a common heritage of prison ministry from the inside, that God has provided to our two synods. They are also an opportunity for us to look to God’s Word for strength and encouragement as we carry out our God-given mission.
Serving in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder

UO Jay Webber concedes that Bethany Seminary has a very weak faculty,
but John Shep (now ELCA) says Jay makes fun of the ELS until he is
within 100 miles of Mankato.