How could this happen? LCMS lost 500,000 members since 2000? They have five (5) in the Church Growth Hall of Fame, named by C. Peter Wagner hisself!
They have Herman Otten as their PR director, story-spiker, and UOJ advocate. He is a long-time spin-doctor for David Valleskey, the sainted Waldo Werning, and many other Fuller alumni.
Let's be frank - the leaders of LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), ELCA, and the Church of Rome are Fuller trained, sometimes by zombies trained by Fuller, but bilge is bilge, even when pre-digested.
Ominous signs - Fuller canceled their own expansion plans and shut down satellite campuses when they ran out of fools willing to part with big bucks for worthless degrees.
Now the little piggie seminaries feeding off the Mother Sow are closing down too. Few people show up to spend three years plus a vicarage for an iffy vocation in a failing church body.
Will Christian News issue a profound apology for backing these synodical thieves and liars, who gladly rob widows and orphans for another round of booze?