Tuesday, February 26, 2019

From Someone, Somwhere

 Sassy approves this post.

I was wondering how long it would be before you posted on the WELS decrease in giving. I read it yesterday on the WELS site, and it read like a "blame the member for our problems." This decrease comes at a time when many of our Lutheran Schools in WI, even Luther Prep, accept vouchers from the state ( although, I don't know if Luther Prep has any voucher students yet, although they are in the program). And, this decrease is at a time when MLC is asking for a special gift for their 25th anniversary - $70,000 for a statue, and $30,000 for student financial aid. (A little turned around, don't you think?) Keep up the good work. I've been recovering from a few serious illnesses the last few years, but your sermons have helped me through, and the dog articles, and creation gardening accounts, have been extremely enjoyable. Always a fan!