Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How Different from the "Conservative" Lutherans Who Crave Thrivent Abortion-Friendly Money

Work with ELCA? No problem. Grab money from abortion-friendly Thrivent? No problem. Stand up for Biblical principles instead of money? Huge problem.
Martin Luther College (WELS) will transform your children!
S/he posted a Satanic symbol on Facebook, too.

Listen to this African Methodist leader about the radical denominational proposal to change its clergy standards, much like ELCA's in 2009. The vote failed, thanks to Third World leaders, but no thanks to American bishops, who backed it big time.

“With all due respect, a fixation on money seems more of an American problem than an African one. We get by on far less than most Americans do; we know how to do it. I’m not so sure you do. So if anyone is so naïve or condescending as to think we would sell our birth right in Jesus Christ for American dollars, then they simply do not know us.
We are seriously joyful in following Jesus Christ and God’s holy word to us in the Bible. And in truth, we think many people in the U.S. and in parts of Europe could learn a great deal from us. The UM churches, pastors and lay people who partner with us acknowledge as much.
Please understand me when I say the vast majority of African United Methodists will never, ever trade Jesus and the truth of the Bible for money (emphasis added).

What is more charming in WELS than children putting female makeup on the pastor and the all male church council?

 Church and Change Your Gender - see below.

Start the third sex early, at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

 WELS funded this Church and Change boondoggle and appointed administrators based on their loyalty to this tripe. But DP Kudu Don Patterson was never a member - I just want to say that for the record, because they are all liars.