Saturday, February 9, 2019

Mobbing - Continuous Discussion from ALPB - Dual Threads on the Topc

 ELCA Pastor Charles Austin, retired, reliably fans the flames of outrage.

I check into various Lutheran sites to see if anything is going on. The ALPB Online Forum is always busy with pronouncements, sometimes with facts - such as ELCA's seminaries collapsing into departments of colleges.

The original Mobbing article was fading away, then started over again. Various demands for apologies are being made now.

Like most discussion in Lutherdom today, faith has nothing to do with the endless debates.

In all synods and archdioceses, conflict and destruction come from leaders without faith. They lack faith in the Word of God, faith in Jesus as the Savior. They only think in terms of the denomination, especially their bailiwick.

The harm comes from unbelievers meddling, because building things up can take a long time and plenty of work. But any jackass can disrupt and destroy in a short time. No one stops to wonder why their own little kingdoms keep shrinking. The answer is - synod presidents, district presidents, circuit pastors, and bishops. They are always looking out for their own interests and constantly damage pastors, teachers, and congregations. But they are infallible, so no one can solve the problem.

One WELS pastor said, "I cannot disagree with the circuit pastor, because the Holy Spirit put him in that office. That would be like arguing with God." And you think the Roman Catholics are mixed up?

The deterioration of Lutheran groups into corporate structures has made people covetous of power and eager for it. They want to attain the influence, income, and luxuries of a position where the entire group is taxed for the benefit of a few. In the 19th century, Passavant accomplished more alone than the synods do today - and without the millions from Thrivent programs, Thrivent luxury vacations for the leaders, and Thrivent cash under the table.

 Want to be famous and rich? Follow your Father Below, play to the unbelieving crowd, wear a costume, exterior decorate with tatts, and get an obscene statue. Doesn't Nadia Bolz-Webber look like Ski and Glende with Katy Perry?