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"Pastor Stolzenburg retired from full time service at Emmanuel in 2017. However, he continues to lead congregtional (sic) services when Pastor Ed is out of town and he organizes the Emmanuel Travelers small group ministry. Pastor Stolzenburg also preaches weekly at Lutheran Social Services' Kensington Place, Columbus, OH." |
[GJ - Why is there no identification for the above photo? Engelbrecht is covering up Floyd's sordid history that would get anyone in the secular world fired, retired, or never hired. Nevertheless, Jay Webber and the ELS were happy to work with Stolzenburg, knowing the facts. Floyd claimed he had a "Scriptural divorce," blaming his wife.]
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Pastor Edward Engelbrecht wrote Mobbing. How can he work with Floyd Luther Stolzenburg? |
"Edward A. Engelbrecht has served Emmanuel since December, 2016. “Pastor Ed” grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York. He married Susan in 1991 and they have four children together.
Pastor studied theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO (MDiv, STM). He is an ordained and rostered minister in The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod."
GJ - So many things are missing from this page. Stolzenburg was removed from the LCMS roster, for cause, and forced to resign on a Saturday. The DP replaced him in the pulpit on Sunday. (Source - the DP told me.)
His first wife divorced him and moved back to Columbus. Floyd followed her and began shopping for jobs. The educational system did not want him. WELS jumped on the chance to make Floyd a "Church Growth Consultant," and DP Robert Mueller and DVP Paul Kuske did their best to force Floyd on everyone. Mueller tried to make Floyd a WELS pastor (though Floyd never joined the WELS), but Mueller's cousin rose out of his chair to oppose Mueller's nominee. (Source - DP Nitz)
Floyd is a great example of "Mobbing," though his tactics make the Engelbrecht article read like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. He and another divorced pastor, Roger Zehms, said they needed a call because they each had new wives. That was in front of the phony Columbus "circuit." Kuske and Company avoided having any circuit meetings for years, though they were required. Instead, they had their Church Growth cell group meetings at The Donor's* home, with Stolzenburg telling everyone what to do. I refused to go.
Needless to say, the two Church Growth Consultants worked at The Donor's* business and meddled with everything, constantly causing problems. Pastor Steve Archer was at Emmanuel - funny how he is not mentioned - until Floyd wanted a call there. Floyd promised he would commune Masonic Lodge members. (Source - I read his letter to the congregation.) Soon Archer was gone and Floyd was hired for one year. However, he told everyone it was a regular call.
Kuske and Mueller tried to insist Floyd had nothing to do with starting Church Growth in Columbus/WELS. I had the original list, which included Floyd, who organized it, Vicar Nitz, The Donor*, Pastor Roehl, and a bunch of laity at St. Paul German Village. When I brandished the list, Mueller and Kuske said, "Well, Floyd has a problem with lying. We know that." (Source - The Ongoing Committee To Silence Greg Jackson, as we called it. Richard Krause, DMin supervised by Larry Olson, participated too.)
Ukraine and Thoughts of Faith took Roger Kovaciny away, doubtless because of his driving skills. Zehms wanted to go, but Shep said the Orthodox would never accept a divorced pastor. I was asked but had no interest. Jay Webber was lathering to go, so his punishment was working with Kovaciny. Kovaciny's punishment was working with Webber. Shep's punishment was working with both of them. They should work on toxic waste removal, as a team, because they made $15 million disappear just like that.
That Ukraine trip was not a diversion, because the Little Sect on the Prairie adopted Floyd as their patron for Ukraine. Floyd's Masonic congregation gave them some money (matched by Schwan - note the irony) and they named that new building after Floyd's. That is so sweet. The Russian translates to "St. Mark's Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ukrainians." (hyperbole, calm down) Source: John Shep phone calls to me. Floyd bragged about Kovaciny, so I kept copying it in the face of ELS lying.
Jay Webber, OJ expert for the Little Sect, was appalled that Floyd was connected with Thoughts of Faith before he went there. He phoned me, shouting about whether I placed the blind item in Christian News. However, when he went to Ukraine, he had no trouble taking money from Floyd. Kovaciny was the bagman.
In summary, Engelbrecht's predecessor, still at St. Mark's, is the perfect example of "Mobbing." Floyd Stolzenburg urged St. Paul German Village to host a Church Growth seminar. He got The Donor* to set him up as a Church Growth Consultant. When the board voted, they voted Floyd down because of his obnoxious attitude. A compromise was worked out to hire Floyd and Roger Zehms together with The Donor* providing more funds. Both men gloated about all the money they received for being non-pastors.
* - The Donor is George Skestos, divorced and remarried. I used the term because the LPR board did, as if they could not name the Sacred Name in their minutes.
WELS got behind Floyd, too, which is what anyone would expect from a synod run by adulterous alcoholics. The clergy who grabbed power in WELS were Church Growth Mobsters, who used synod money to leverage their power (Church and Change). When I exposed Church and Change and quoted its leaders, the Mob went underground and expanded even more, like fungus.
The Church Growth Mob has taken over the WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC (sic). No one dare question it. Nothing is too low for CG Mobsters to attempt, and if caught, to try again another way.
CG Mobbing is big in ELCA too. WELS-LCMS has no problem with doing CG programs with ELCA. None. And they submit to ELCA women pastor executives, too.
So where was the resistance in Missouri, WELS, ELS? Robert Preus ran a CG program at his seminary. Kincaid Smith said his DMin was "all Church Growth." (Source - Kincaid Smith)
I alerted everyone in the Michigan District, WELS. John Seifert used it to run for DP and won. Did he do anything against the CG Mob? No, he supported it.
How is Stolzenburg's first CG experiment in Columbus doing - St. Paul's, German Village? It is almost empty. I thought CG "worked."