Sunday, June 2, 2019

From 2009 - Everyone Is Buzzing about the Rick Warren Workshop

Did the MLC boys learn from this photo?
These idiot poses never go away. Ask Rick Warren, DMin (Fuller) By the way, Warren is a Baptist, though he hides it, the way Andy Stanley does. Both leaders are bit deals for the Shrinkers in WELS and the LCMS.

Radicalis - 2009

Rick Warren is having a confab of confabs at his Saddleback Church. Mrs. Ichabod stopped at Saddleback and went in to listen to him speak to addicts. She got me in for free - we found Warren to be a boring, silly clown.

Church and Changers will be there, fur shure. Look at the speaker list:


Andy Stanley
Author and Pastor,
North Point Community Church

Brad Powell
Senior Pastor,
North Ridge Church

Buddy Owens
Teaching Pastor,
Saddleback Church

Dave Holden
Training Director,
Purpose Driven

Dino Rizzo
Author and Pastor,
Healing Place Church

Doug Fields
Author and Pastor,
Saddleback Church

Gerald Sharon
North American Director,
Purpose Driven Network

John Baker
Founder and Pastor,
Celebrate Recovery

Kay Warren
Pastor’s Wife and Author

Kerry Shook
Senior Pastor, Woodlands Church and Author

Mark Driscoll
Ex-Senior Pastor, Ex-Mars Hill Church and Author

Perry Noble
Senior Pastor, NewSpring Church

Pete Scazzero
Senior Pastor,
New Life Fellowship Church

Rick Muchow
Pastor of Worship,
Saddleback Church

Rick Warren
Senior Pastor & Author,
Saddleback Church

Steve Adams
Children’s Pastor,
Saddleback Church

Steve Gladen
Pastor of Small Groups,
Saddleback Church

Tom Holladay
Teaching Pastor,
Saddleback Church

Absolute Surrender, Sacrificial Lifestyle, Authentic Christianity...
A Radical Experience

Rick Warren and his team invite you and your team to attend Radicalis, February 9-12, 2010

Radicalis is really ten conferences in one that makes it possible to bring your entire church team for individual learning experiences.
Radicalis is a unique hands-on, comprehensive experience that will enhance each member of your team’s role in your church and build and inspire them to serve God in your community and the world. Rick Warren, the Saddleback Team and leading national pastors will challenge, develop, and expand your vision to be a moving force for God in today’s world.
They’ll help you understand the paradigm, learn the process and build relationships for expanding your ministry. They’ll enlarge your understanding of what “church” and “ministry” mean to enable you to affect positive, purposeful change for God. Imagine what would happen in your community, in your church and in our world if your church team collectively shared an experience guided by the Spirit of God in which we saw His calling and His will for your ministry.

Check out the TEN Individual Learning Experiences that will be at Saddleback's Radicalis February 2010:

  • Purpose Driven Church & The
    P E A C E Plan
  • Preaching for Life Change
  • Purpose Driven Youth Ministries
  • Purpose Driven Children’s Ministries
  • Purpose Driven Small Groups
  • Worship
  • Leading Through Change
  • Developing Emotionally Healthy Leadership
  • HIV/AIDS/Orphan Care
  • Celebrate Recovery

Special Featured Conference

  • Life as a Pastor's Wife