Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cub Editor of Calvinist News on What He Does Not Know about Communion

 Christian News continues to be a mixture of Calvinism (right) and rationalistic Pietism (Profesor Knapp, Halle University)

If people want to use distance Holy Communion and pastors want to provide it, why does Hale get his Geneva gown in a knot about it?

Hale also says that Justification by Faith is "just a phrase." True it is a phrase used many times in the New Testament and expressed from Genesis 15:6 on - in the Old Testament. But all his blabbering in the language of Halle University and Calvin's Geneva is nothing more than the feeble protests of a bishop wannabee.

He should read this book, published by Christian News:

Maier earned a PhD in Semitics and invented radio evangelism. Did he imagine that his talks about the inerrant Word of God were ineffective over the airwaves? Poor Hale knows nothing about the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace, phrases seldom found in Calvinism and Pietism.

I am guessing that the vast majority of Lutheran congregations have not provided for broadcasting their worship services, with or without Holy Communion. Did their synods and pastors do them a favor, caught flat-footed in the Covid shutdowns? Many chose not to have services at all, after all these months.

Hale's argument is as retrograde as it could be, suggesting that anything other than the Word within the nave is forbidden! No Hammond organ. No microphones. No screens (a idea, actually). 

Would Hale rage against those pastors who hold no services? That would step on too many tender Ft. Wayne toes.