Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Our New Snow - KJV and Greek Books Arrive.
The Bible Book: Corrupted Scripture Texts and Dishonest Translations


Cardinals by Norma A. Boeckler

My students are scattered around the US, and the ones from Texas are barely able to get a message out - to let me know they are trying. No one will be marked late during these two weeks of snow and cold.

We had our faucets on for another night of extreme cold. I figured overdoing it would be cheaper than underdoing it and waiting for a plumber.

KJV and Greek Books

I always shop Alibris first for used books. I was sure that text criticism and Greek New Testaments would be a bargain. Wrong! Think $100, hundreds, $500 for one obscure book!

My Wescott Hort Greek New Testament came - $5 - so I have a visual of the radical, pieced together text that dethroned the reliable Majority Text and became the standard for all future Greek New Testaments. 

I also got the Nestle Aland Greek New Testament on sale at $40. That gives the notes for all the changes to the Greek New Testament, but still follows the Wescott Hort, which took over and excommunicated the Majority Text, which is also called the Textus Receptus, or the Byzantine or Stephanos. 

Let's Group Them

Group A - The Greek New Testament before Wescott and Hort (1880) had slight variations in the manuscript evidence, but they all relied on the vast majority of manuscripts, which agree with each other. This is the basis for the KJV New Testament. Ancient lectionaries, translations, and versions belong to this group too.

Group B - The Wescott Hort, various other editions, and Nestle Aland rely on Tischendorf's Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices - plus some invented, irrelevant rules (like "the more difficult the reading for the believer, the better"). This is the basis for almost all modern translations and versions, the work for all the Bible societies, and the only one accepted by "Biblical scholars."

 Female Cardinal by Norma A. Boeckler