Wednesday, May 10, 2023

News Briefs - Various Topics


They are no longer jolly about their Photoshopped Thrivent picture. "That's my last bishop painted on the wall. I scraped but cannot get her off at all."

WELS has always been  a tiptoe into insolvency, though they do have $100 million+ in the bank. The one thing needful is missing - faith. Shunning and extending the Left Boot of Fellowship - those are not winning strategies, even with millions spent on Church Growth fanaticism. 

Matt the Fatt will be re-elected, which is adequate punishment for ambition without substance.

President ELCA Bishop Liz Eaton is suffering from a perilous pickle. She became a bishop and archbishop by the quota system which was installed when ELCA was born in 1987 unleashed in 2009. Ex-Bishop Megan is now a double or triple victim. She will gain credibility with the most radical, poly-denomination activists. Liz will feel stranded as each executive effort enrages the Far Left she help lead into the abyss.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the fish-hat."