Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Presentation of the Augsburg Confession - Anniversary Today, June 25th, 1530.
The Faithless Five -
ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) Will Celebrate Their Cupidity.


This blog, which nobody reads, has been calling attention to the Faithless Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - for many years. One aspect of confessing the truth is to compare one's concept with the other's. They refuse to do this, calling on their positions, excessive salaries and perks, and DNA to prove they are correct. However, that does not even begin to address the actual content of the Augsburg Confession.

The air was charged with so much chance for murdering Luther that he was kept in safety. The lay leaders insisted on signing their names, at the risk of their lives, because they wanted it to be their own confession too.

If we look at the Walther Faithless Four - LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic) - they are one in depravity with their lust for denying Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of the Christian Faith. 

ELCA is separated from the Faithless Four because the biggest sect of all cares  only about their gay ordinations, gay bishops, gay promotions, gay conferences, and much, much more. The Faithless Four joyfully works with ELCA and share the loot coming from Thrivent and other sources. Imagine how proud Thrivent is - to license the churches' own greedy charitable annuity salescritters - to make them all rich, while robbing widows and orphans of their estates. 

Notice how often the date is mentioned - every year! - and yet no one wants to explain the importance of the Augsburg Confession. I am leaving some graphics so the lazy clergy can actually read what they supposedly celebrate.

Compare to the Faithless Four - 
Who Eat This Up


Today at 05:23:45 PM
June 25th, 2024 is the 22nd Anniversary of the imposition of my suspension from the ordained roster of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in 2002.  The supervisor in charge of my case deemed it an auspicious date for that imposition, listing not just the date but the churchly occasion in his letter.

My assistant at the time had opened and read the letter as part of her duties, and said words to the effect, "You're not going to believe this!"  I was running in and out of the office (on the Concordia Bronxville campus) that day on my way to my cardiologist, having suffered a heart attack forty days before September 11, 2001 and still under relatively close watch.  So I grabbed the letter, muttered a few syllables, jumped in the car, headed into Manhattan, walked into the cardiologist's office and said, "I would like you to take my blood pressure right now.  I've just received news that I've been convicted of heresy."  It was normal.  Not the news.  The blood pressure.

Yes, I should write a book.

Dave Benke

GJ - Benke forced himself into the Yankee Stadium pan-religious event after "911."
They had no chair for him, so they had to find one. His prayer either did or did not invoke the Savior's Name. Nevertheless, breaking into the pagan group and praying for them and the entire stadium was excessive, even for ELCA.

Today Benke identified himself with the anniversary of the Augsburg Confession. The irony is deep with this one.

He has "It's OK to pray" on his Ovaltine posts, which are frequent and informative about LCMS colleges going down hard. He even wore the hat in a successful effort to become District President again. Wallace Schulz was fired for writing that letter when a cautious Preus would not. The LCMS motto then and today is - "When in doubt, doubt."