Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tom Fisher - On Trump's Inaugural Address


The MOST important statement made by President Trump during his inauguration speech:

"We will not forget our country!"

"We will not forget our constitution!"


"Can't do that!"

President Trump emphasized this ONE statement with the STRONGEST heartfelt conviction and firm resolve:


He emphasized this statement more than any other, making it clear that the success of everything he said depended upon this broad foundational statement. 

This foundational statement echoed his continuous urgent plea for American's to buy and read the KING JAMES BIBLE. He urged American's to PRAY more. He urged American's to greet one another with, "MERRY CHRISTMAS" , believing the TRUE meaning of this greeting: that God sent His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to be our Savior. In his own words President Trump preached Christ to America and the world in his Christmas Greetings.

As Lutheran Christians we need to follow President Trump's example and clearly express our Christian faith with our family and friends. Share KJV Bible verses with your sons and daughters, mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends, and distant relatives. TELL THEM WHAT GREAT THINGS GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU IN YOUR BAPTISM. 

I have found that writing Christmas letters focused on quoting KJV Bible verses and clearly expressing the great things God has done for us is the best way to share your Lutheran Christian faith with your family and friends. 

I am way behind in writing my Christmas letters, but I hope to begin struggling with them soon. I say very little about myself. Christmas is about Christ NOT ourselves! 

Pray for President Trump and our Constitutional Republic with faith.

In Christ,

Tom Fisher

The MOST important statement made by President Trump during his inauguration speech:

"We will not forget our country!"

"We will not forget our constitution!"


"Can't do that!"

President Trump emphasized this ONE statement with the STRONGEST heartfelt conviction and firm resolve:


He emphasized this statement more than any other, making it clear that the success of everything he said depended upon this broad foundational statement. 

This foundational statement echoed his continuous urgent plea for American's to buy and read the KING JAMES BIBLE. He urged American's to PRAY more. He urged American's to greet one another with, "MERRY CHRISTMAS" , believing the TRUE meaning of this greeting: that God sent His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to be our Savior. In his own words President Trump preached Christ to America and the world in his Christmas Greetings.

As Lutheran Christians we need to follow President Trump's example and clearly express our Christian faith with our family and friends. Share KJV Bible verses with your sons and daughters, mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends, and distant relatives. TELL THEM WHAT GREAT THINGS GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU IN YOUR BAPTISM. 

I have found that writing Christmas letters focused on quoting KJV Bible verses and clearly expressing the great things God has done for you is the best way to share your Lutheran Christian faith with your family and friends. 

I am way behind in writing my Christmas letters, but I hope to begin struggling with them soon. I say very little about myself. Christmas is about Christ NOT ourselves! 

Pray for President Trump and our Constitutional Republic with faith.

In Christ,

Tom Fisher