There are two possible ways to break things down in nature. Bacteria can live and thrive with oxygen, some without.
Anaerobic composting is possible in gardening, but it is stinky. Put grass in plastic bags and open them up later - slimy and stinky. That is anaerobic.
Aerobic composting uses oxygen and has a pleasant aftermath.
Holy Mother Abusive Sect does not want discussions of anything, unless they are carefully controlled by them. The outcome is stinky.
Lately WELS has had three blogs actively engaged in open discussions, aerobic, breaking down the issues in a healthy way. The synod-minders are not happy.
Call me cynical, but I do not find any LCMS or ELS blogs that welcome discussion. Steadfast (sic) Lutherans is carefully controlled and censored. Discuss a child rapist welcomed into the ministry by a DP? Erase. Get a comment about justification? Block or erase. Call JBFA posters "morons." Yes, that is the level of discussion in Matt the Fat's LCMS.
Cyberbrethren (aka The Pope Speaks) is gone, and so is the comic relief we need so badly these days.
SpenerQuest proves that a Preus can find a worse outlet than Christian News for promoting justification without faith.
Everybody knows a little place like Kokomo
Now if you wanna go to get away from it all
Go down to Kokomo.