Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Luther's Sermons - Progress Report

Volume 1 of Luther's Sermons is available. Amazon delayed it a bit, but the book is now available in full-color, in the bargain edition, and as a Kindle e-book.

Volume 2 is being prepared by the finishing editor, Janie Sullivan, who gets it ready for Amazon and Kindle.

Volume 3 is almost ready for the finishing editor, so I will be working on Volume 4 very soon. You will know when I have done Volume 3, because I will post the basic list of gems from that volume.

I am sending some books out now, but I will send more when I can send two at a time, Volumes 1 and 2, since shipping is almost the same.

Let me know if you cannot wait for Volume 1. The retail prices are much higher than the author's price, so I would rather send you books at the author's price. Kindle prices are the same for everyone.

As often happens, I gave the proof copy to our visitors, so I just bought a copy for myself.