Monday, September 25, 2017

Twin Stone Warden: Objective & Subjective Justification -- Pastors Todd Wilken & Rolf Preus

 Sure - we heard the terms Objective Justification
and Subjective Justification from the Calvinist Woods
who translated the rationalistic Pietist Knapp into English:
best seller ever since, still in print.

Twin Stone Warden: Objective & Subjective Justification -- Pastors Todd Wilken & Rolf Preus:

"Have you heard the terms "objective justification" and "subjective justification"? Have you had questions about them? Have you been confounded by them?

Be of good cheer!

Pastor Todd Wilken interviews Pastor Rolf Preus on Issues, Etc., on "Objective & Subjective Justification." Listen to this clarifying and faith-strengthening broadcast on demand."

'via Blog this'

 Quistorp the Pietist also agrees.
Could it be the Calvinistic influence?

UOJists used to cite Romans 4:25!!!
until I began quoting the verse that goes with Romans 4:25!!!