Thursday, November 7, 2019

Feeding Those Fat Tummies at CPH and the Purple Palace

 Paul McCain, MDiv

"Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Matt Harrison has also favorably publicized this two-volume 944-page set, scheduled to be released on December 5. When Father Larry says that The Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns is not cheap, he’s not kidding. The listed cost is $179.95. The Kindle edition is not much cheaper, $162.44." CN, 11-11-2019, p. 7


GJ - The greed of Concordia Publishing House cannot be satisfied. Each new publication is vastly overpriced, but the Kindle is even more outrageous. People are downloading a file on Kindle, not buying gold and silver for their 401k plans.

I charge the non-profit rate of 99 cents for the typical book. If it is a multiple volume set, like the House Postils plus the Treasures, over 1,000 pages, the price is $2.99. EZ-pay is not available. Sorry.

If people believe in the efficacy of the Word of God, they will make it available in all forms as inexpensively as possible.

 Norma A. Boeckler graphic