Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Pastor Said


"Just picked up the box with the Luther's sermons - Lenker. When I opened it up was like a kid at Christmas. Can't thank you enough for these treasures!"

One of the sour pusses in the Appleton circuit berated the numbers of people liking this particular graphic. He said - with knowledge greater than God's - that it only happened because the post was associated with something about Roman Catholicism and Mary.

The best put-down by a synodical blowhard was dismissing our little congregation's worship as "just the spare room in a rented house."

Some seminary graduates missed out on the mustard seed, the sower and the seed, and the seed growing secretly. Correctly me if I am wrong - isn't the idea to cast the Word freely and let God bless the result?

Maybe they should repudiate the Fuller-Willow Creek-Trinity Divinity beehives and rely on the efficacious Word.