Friday, January 5, 2024

Try This Scenario, Shared by a Military Officer, One of My Graduate Students


I have written this before, but some of you have not memorized all the posts, so I am repeating my earlier post about the upcoming election, from a military perspective.

The officer was a little amused about the younger students having problems with online learning, plus all the demands of their lives. I will paraphrase what he said to me, in blue.

I need to take this class while I am flying various places around the world. I will have very poor Internet connection but I expect to be online from wherever I am.

Most people plan what they are going to do, to achieve a good result. The military plans backward. We start at completing the final step, then the one before that, and before that. We finish by planning our starting moves.

When the class was over, everything he did was accomplished to perfection, and he was always on time. 

I have no way to prove anything, but some think the US military is actually in control, working to bring the whole corrupt apparatus down. When Biden won and so many were in despair, I wondered at how disjointed everything was, such as assuming a fair election, a VP who refused to challenge the count, and much more. A done deal. Since then the consequences have set up a complete collapse, as if the initial worries were set aside but are now coming back with a roar.

I posted a version of this graphic when it first came out in 2010.

Some examples are:

  • Disney's true history has been exposed, with Hollywood, about the abuse of children.
  • Hollywood itself is in a state of collapse.
  • Biden is worse than a joke, and his own election workers are bailing out.
  • The VP is hidden away and kept from national issues.
  • Epstein's Island and his billionaire buddies are in the spotlight.
  • Ghislaine Maxwell's resume reflects her late father's.
  • The Church of Rome is openly Woke! and the pope is the chief criminal.
  • Mainline Lutherans, including the Waltherians, are hemorrhaging members.
  • ELCA has lost half its members and its seminaries are in shambles.
I do not have any special connections - I just read as many sources as possible. I said to one military wife, "You must be busy there." She did not respond. Dead silence. 

Maybe I am completely wrong. But if I am, everything will come down on us. We cannot exist as a free, Christian, Constitutional Republic without vast changes happening very soon.

How Should We Then Live? - Francis Schaeffer - YouTube Videos - The first video, Romans, reminds me of my parents saying in the 1960s, "We are turning into Rome!"

United Methodists and Episcopalians in America Are Nothing
Compared To Their African Counter Parts

The Episcopalians in America have a lot in common with the Methodists here - they are shrinking fast while their African counterparts are growing. American managers are radical Leftwing, and the Africans are the opposite. 

Now that the United Methodists have given the Left Foot of Fellowship to the conservatives leaving the denomination, will the African churches - with many more members - resist American leadership?

ELCA is diverse!

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Epiphany - "Thus the mass, i.e. the Lord’s Supper, has been so abused by saying mass for souls in purgatory and by the selling of indulgences, that the whole world by shedding tears of blood day and night could not bewail it sufficiently."


Complete Sermon here -> 

Luther's Sermons - Matthew 2:1-12.
Epiphany - The Story and Spiritual Meaning of This Gospel

52. They then meddled even with the work of the devil and followed the example of the souls or spirits appearing and praying for help and believed everything that these spirits said without fear or hesitation. Thus the mass, i.e. the Lord’s Supper, has been so abused by saying mass for souls in purgatory and by the selling of indulgences, that the whole world by shedding tears of blood day and night could not bewail it sufficiently.

Thus the devil has permitted himself to be conjured and constrained to reveal the truth and has turned our faith and sacrament into play and mockery to his own liking. All this is the result and reward of our overcuriousness, which has not been satisfied with the Scriptures of God and has made our true and faithful God and Father a fool and clown, who pretends to teach us by his Word and yet does not care to teach us that which we ought and necessarily need to know. For this reason he serves us right in permitting us to become the devil’s pupils, inasmuch as we despised his school.

53. But you say: Should we then deny that wandering spirits go astray and seek for help? Answer: Let wander who will, you listen to what God commands. If you hold all these spirits in suspicion, you are not sinning; but if you hold some of them to be genuine and honest, you are already in danger of erring. And why? Because God does not want you to seek and learn the truth from the dead. He himself wants to be your living and all sufficient teacher. To his Word you should cling. He knows best what to tell you about the living and the dead, for he knows all things. But whatever he does not want to tell you, you should not desire to know, and give him the honor to believe that he knows what is not necessary, profitable nor good for you to know.

54. Therefore you should freely and unhesitatingly cast all such ghostly apparitions to the winds and not be afraid of them; they will then leave you in peace. And should it seem, that perhaps in your house you hear a hobgoblin or rumbling spirit, then make no ado about it, but be assured that it can not be a good spirit come from God. Make the sign of the cross and firmly hold to your faith. Has he been sent by God to chastise you, like Job, then be ready to endure it willingly, but should it be the spirit’s own sport, then defy him by strong faith and joyfully depend on God’s Word.

Depend upon it he will not attack that.

However, I hold that none of these hobgoblins are ordained of God to molest us, but it is their own mischief to terrify the people, because they have no longer any power to harm. If they had any power to harm, they would surely not engage in much racketing, but do their evil work before you could be aware who had done it. But if a good spirit were to visit you, it would not occur with such noise and frivolity. Do this and manifest strong faith and you will find that such a spirit is not of God, and will cease its work. If you have not such faith, then he will have easy work, for then God’s Word which alone he fears is not with you.

55. The words of the Scriptures upon which you should boldly rely are Luke 16:29, where Abraham said to Dives in hell, who desired the departed Lazarus to be sent to his brothers living on earth, but Abraham refusing to do this, said: “They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them.” From these words if is plain that God will not have us taught by the dead, but have us abide in his Word. Therefore, no matter how and where a spirit comes to you, do not ask whether he be good or evil, but bravely, quickly and defiantly cast into his teeth the words: “they have Moses and the prophets,” and he will soon understand what you mean. Is it a good spirit, he will only love you the more for adhering so gladly and firmly to the Word of your God. Is it an evil spirit, as are all those that are noisy, he will soon bid you adieu.

Again, another word of God is spoken by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:11: “When thou art come into the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

There shall not be found with thee any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through fire, one that useth divination, one that practiceth augury, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer.”

Here you are told that it is an abomination in the sight of God to consult the dead or the spirits, and it is strictly forbidden. To this word of Moses Abraham looked when he did not permit Lazarus to come back to the earth. You can also use this passage against these spirits, saying: “Thou shalt not consult the dead, saith the Lord.”

56. God has insisted on this so firmly, that there is no example recorded in the Scriptures, where the saints have ever consulted the dead about anything. And this is the third argument that you can use against these spirits: No one ever heard or read of an example in the Scriptures as to such spirits and their work, hence the whole must be condemned and avoided as of the devil.