Monday, January 9, 2017

The Creation Gardening Book Is Done. Artwork Is Next.
Then The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine: Luther's Theology of the Word

 We interrupt this grading session for a refreshing nap.

The Creation Gardening book is proofed and soon to be sent to the art division of Bethany Lutheran Church - Norma Boeckler.

This is a scene from Norma Boeckler's garden!

The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine is already started and will be finished next - much faster, I think.

Thank you for all the encouraging messages about both books. I have two more in the works, one from Lulu and one from ancient times, but they will both have to wait a bit.

Luther's Theology of the Word

Meanwhile, in the general area of spreading around good books, I have a new list coming out. Look for that. Someone donated a trunk full of books that are valued by Lutherans.

Keil-Delitsch was requested right away - one title, many books. The rest take a little time to list. One is Leupold's Genesis.

 Norma Boeckler offers daily contributions of Biblical art
 to Facebook.