Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Graebner Book To Debut Soon - On Evolution.

Message from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis: "Seminex won and reconquered the school while everyone was asleep. They nodded off in an opium pipe dream about huge numbers coming from Fulleroid teaching."

Alec Satin: Came across a reference to this in the second to last chapter of Graebner's book on Evolution, in which he writes,
"So marvelous are the provisions which are made up ensure the fertilization of plants that the dean of American botanists, Professor Asa Gray, exclaims: "If these structures and their operations do not argue intention, what stronger evidence of intention in nature can there possibly be? If they do, such evidences are countless, and almost every blossom brings distinct testimony to the existence and providence of a Designer and Ordainer, without whom, we may well believe, not merely a sparrow, not even a grain of pollen, may fall." (On this entire subject read Selina Gaye's "The Great World's Farm," published by the MacMillan Co., New York.)
Well, here is a slightly abridged version of The Great World's Farm.  It looks like something you might very well enjoy.