Saturday, June 2, 2007

WELS and Missouri Work with these Pastors!

Former Pastor's Misconduct Leads to Review of ELCA

From Sleep with Dogs, Wake Up with Puppies

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The criminal sexual misconduct of a former pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has led the church to take a closer look at the process it uses to screen candidates for its lay and ordained ministries. The candidacy process involves the ELCA Division for Ministry, the church's eight seminaries, its 65 synods and synod committees.

"The church has a zero tolerance policy toward sexual misconduct. We do think we have a very strong system. Our continuing goal is to make a good system better," said the Rev. Stanley N. Olson, executive director, ELCA Division for Ministry.

Olson said the candidacy process for pastors and rostered lay leaders is constantly being reviewed. Rostered lay ministers of the ELCA are associates in ministry, deaconesses and diaconal ministers.

"The tragic case of misconduct in Texas leads us to pay particular attention to things we are doing to try to avoid any misconduct," Olson said. "We will be examining that situation to see if there is anything specific that it suggests needs our attention. At present I don't see anything that requires a change in policy or procedure, but we'll be looking in detail. We'll also look at whether or not policies are being followed consistently," he said.

The ELCA has about 19,000 lay and ordained ministers, and "the number of misconduct cases that we've had over the years involves a very, very small portion," Olson said. "The vast majority of our rostered leaders conduct themselves appropriately."

"We have a couple thousand people in candidacy, too. The number of incidences of misconduct that occur during that candidacy process would also be very, very small," Olson said.

The former pastor, Gerald P. Thomas Jr., was found guilty of sexual assault against children in a criminal trial last year in Texas and was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in state prison.

"This case is witness to the brokenness of the human person and of the systems designed by humans to assist and build up. The system failed; it deserves attention," the Rev. Mark R. Ramseth, president, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, wrote in a May 7 memo to ELCA bishops and seminary presidents.

The seminary's "administration has committed itself to a review of seminary and churchwide policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct," a seminary news release said.

"No system can absolutely guarantee against misconduct by some individuals. Nevertheless, the ELCA is committed to the safety of all people. We will continue and strengthen our efforts to prevent human failings from undermining the gracious mission of the church," Olson said in a memo dated May 10.

"Currently, a review is under way, primarily considering whether more can be done to discover sexual misconduct by candidates, and exploring ways to prevent acceptance of persons prone to harmful behaviors. The review process will look at policies in place and at the application of the policies. If weaknesses in the standards or practices are identified, they will be addressed," he wrote.

"The board of the Division for Ministry and the Church Council will receive a progress report in the fall of this year," Olson said. The board meets here Oct. 8-10. The council is the ELCA's board of directors and serves as the legislative authority of the church between biennial churchwide assemblies; the council meets here Nov. 11-15.

"I am confident that the ELCA already has a strong and dependable system for preparing people to serve as pastors and on other rosters. This candidacy system includes ongoing education and evaluation," Olson said.

"Preparation and approval of candidates for ordination is done through candidacy committees in each of the ELCA's 65 synods and in collaboration with the eight seminaries of the ELCA. The Division for Ministry helps develop and monitor policies for the candidacy system and offers consultation and training for the synods and seminaries," Olson wrote.

As of March 8, the ELCA candidacy process included 2,003 people preparing to become ordained pastors, 307 to become associates in ministry, 10 to become deaconesses and 159 to become diaconal ministers.

Fourteen plaintiffs affected by Thomas' criminal behavior sued the ELCA churchwide organization and several other church organizations and leaders. The churchwide organization settled with the plaintiffs and their attorneys on March 27 for $8 million. The district court in Marshall, Texas, formalized the settlement April 12.

Three other defendants settled separately with the plaintiffs. They were Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio; the Michigan Multi-Synodical Candidacy Committee; and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Marshall, Texas -- the congregation where Thomas was once a pastor. The settlements totaled $32 million.

Three remaining defendants -- the ELCA Northern Texas- Northern Louisiana Synod (NT-NL), Dallas; the Rev. Mark B. Herbener, former NT-NL bishop; and Earl H. Eliason, Herbener's former assistant -- went to trial Apri1 13 with nine plaintiffs.

The jury awarded $37 million to the plaintiffs on April 22 and held five parties liable: Eliason, Thomas, Herbener, Trinity Lutheran Seminary and the Michigan Multi-Synod Candidacy Committee. Because some of the parties found liable had settled before trial, the total amount to be paid to the plaintiffs will not be known until the trial court judge in Marshall formally enters a judgment, said John R. Brooks, ELCA spokesman, Department for Communication.

The Division for Ministry has its home page at on the ELCA Web site.

News link here: Christian Century

From the Same Guys Who LOST $8 Million

"WELS Investment Funds, Inc., an affiliate of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, provides cost effective, professionally managed investment portfolios exclusively for WELS and WELS affiliated organizations. The WELS Funds are designed primarily for the investment needs of endowment funds, scholarship funds and charitable trust funds.

2929 North Mayfair Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53222
(877) 888-8953"

Now You See It, Now You Don't

There are several stories about the $8 million that went missing. One is that the treasurer told the bosses they could not spend money they were using up, so they fired him and blamed him. Another story is that the money was spent but the treasurer did not make the transfer on the books, making the Fuller alumni at headquarters think they had another $8 million.

Let's talk this over confidentially. Do you know accountants, CPAs, bookkeepers? The typical congregational treasuer? They seem to have one thing in common - a fanatical drive to tie up loose ends, a predestinating perfectionism. The official WELS version of how this happened does not fit my experience with accountants.

Whatever story sticks, neither one should motivate people to invest their money with those people.

In other news, WELS reports that estate gifts are only 20% of what they projected.

No Pastor or Congregation Kicked Out of ELS This Month

The June newsletter of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod - The Pope Speaks - reveals no new defenestrations. The stewardship committee might have had a sit-down, or in this case, a kneel-down with Pope John the Malefactor. The tiny sect does not have enough members and pastors to keep kicking them out.

Meanwhile, WELS, the sister synod, is staggering toward its Waterloo - or Armageddon - in New Ulm. The synod continues to brag about foreign missions commitments it cannot afford. In the graduation announcements is this little surprise:

"Of the 41 new graduates, six are from the Pastoral Studies Institute, which trains students from culturally diverse and other non-traditional backgrounds. Among them are four brothers from a Hmong family who will now be serving Hmong missions in California, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Thailand."

So you never heard of the Pastoral Studies Institute? Al Sorum is the director. For WELS insiders, that would be enough by itself to condemn the program. Here is the link:

Qwik Trip, WELS' Own Fuller Seminary

I am just guessing, but I imagine the whole program is subsidized by the synod via Thrivent Insurance. The multi-cultural emphasis came from the pan-Lutheran meeting at Snowbird, where WELS President Mischke, ELCA Archbishop Chilstrom, and LCMS President Bohlmann were photographed for The Lutheran magazine in the never forgotten pose - "Chiefs Confer." Thrivent wants all the synods to work together through identical, lavishly funded projects. WELS works secretively with ELCA and Missouri on a whole range of religious projects.

Through Lawrence Otto Olson (D.Min., Fuller) and Al Sorum (Director, Qwik Trip) the sect has created its own alternative school system. Olson started the "Staff Ministry" program to Fullerize men and women, so WELS pastors nicknamed him "Our Staff Infection." That program allows a man or woman to have a little Fuller-style training before being "called," as they say it, to a "staff minister position," to use their term. The whole purpose of these expensive new efforts is to diminish any concept of the ministry as the Preaching Office (Luther's term, Book of Concord term). Why bother with the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace when men and women can be called ministers after a short spell at an alternative program?

The Book of Concord, reflecting the Bible, teaches that the Church depends on a learned ministry and properly called pastors who serve in the Preaching Office. When WELS officials raise these poorly trained false teachers to the level of pastors, the Preaching Office is diminished and ridiculed. The path to advancement in the Lutheran synods is through anti-Lutheran training and the advocacy of false doctrine.

Pope John the Malefactor has not objected in public to these departures from the Book of Concord and the inerrant Scriptures.

Monday, May 28, 2007


The first manifestation of unionism and apostasy can be found in A Statement. The LCMS president did nothing when doctrinal discipline was expected and deemed necessary. Behnken's inaction paved the way for Seminex.
The Statement of 44 can be found here:

Ft. Wayne Archives

Frequently Answered Questions - How Do You Do All This?

My son taught me the essentials of a database when he was still in knickers. When I started using Professional File for addresses and mailings, around 1987, the lightbulb blinked on and stayed on. I could copy material verbatim into the fields and record where I got each item. Then I could search on keywords, field names, authors, Biblical passages, and so forth. Professional File could find matching records and copy them into Word in seconds.

Wayne Mueller had claimed in The Northwestern Lutheran (now FIC) that there was no Church Growth Movement in WELS, but if there was, it was just fine. That sounded like a physician saying, "You do not have cancer, but if you do, it's fine."

So I decided to copy every single Church Growth quotation into my database, which I called Megatron, after my car battery. I needed a powerful name, an electrifying name; Megatron jump-started my research. Soon I had about 500 Church Growth quotations, mostly from WELS and their favorite textbooks. I needed to add large doses of anti-toxin, so I typed in Luther quotations, the Book of Concord, and various orthodox writers. Church Growth was my Harvard and Yale College in theology. I am grateful for all the non-Lutherans revealing their hatred of orthodox doctrine.

When people asked me to write Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, I added another 750 quotations about the Church of Rome, Chemnitz' Examination, Calvin, and so forth.

"But," some are sputtering, "how can you have so much inside information?" People have shipped me materials to copy into my database. They wanted the information to come out.

Lawrence Otto Olson (D.Min, Fuller) called Megatron, my "ready-to-go database." James Radloff began denying Church Growth affections after I quoted him often in Christian News. One WELS pastor laughed and said, "At least you got him denying it." Norm Berg, Joel Gerlach, Paul Kelm, Roger Kovaciny, Paul Kuske, and others wrote furious letters to me.

Now these Church Growth fanatics have the fruit of their labors: bankrupt synods and declining memberships.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Seminex War Foreshadowed Church Growth Movement

I stumbled onto Dan Preus' talk about the Seminex walkout (LCMS, 1974). The liberals, led by John Tietjen, argued that they used the Historical Critical Method in a neutral way, so doctrine was not affected. The conservatives, led by Dan Preus' father (Robert) and his uncle Jack, eventually prevailed in showing the synod that the Seminex liberals had indeed departed from the historic understanding of the Bible.


I never thought of it before - The arguments of the LCMS liberals foreshadowed all the baloney of the Church Growth enthusiasts I knew in the old Synodical Conference:
President-in-Waiting Wayne Mueller, David Valleskey, Frosty Bivens, Lawrence Otto Olson (D.Min., Fuller), James Huebner, Harry Hagedorn, James Radloff, Paul Kelm, Roger Zehms, Paul Kuske, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Roger Kovaciny, Kent Hunter (D.Min, Fuller), Waldo Werning, Norm Berg, Joel Gerlach, Ron Roth, Robert Hartman, Mark Freier, Randy Cutter, Rick Miller, Wally Oelhaven, Fred Adrian, and many more. I am omitting a few names simply because they crave attention.

The Lutheran Church Growth fanatics sometimes admitted their study at Fuller, sometimes denied it, and often did both. Their primary argument has been, "I have studied those methods, but they have not affected my doctrine. The methods are neutral."

The Church Growth apostates share many characteristics with Seminex liberals:

  1. Their greatest love is their method.
  2. They are never honest about their agenda.
  3. They love every denomination except their own.
  4. They lock arms with their own to promote their ideology.
  5. They work hard to destroy what others have built up.
  6. They operate in stealth mode and control the synod where they lodge.

Paul Kuske, Stolzenburg, Kovaciny

LPR and Church Growth

"CHURCH GROWTH. This program was basically the beginning of L.P.R. at St. Paul's. Certainly a church growth consciousness exists in all of the congregations which was not there four years ago. It is also evident that most of the congregations are not really willing to make church growth a major priority of their ministry. Some new people who visit our churches are turned off by the comments of church members. It would seem that many members will 'tolerate' growth if it does not upset the church's traditions."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

"In the autumn of 1985 and the winter of 1985-1986, a truly momentous step was taken by the five Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) congregations in the metropolitan area of Columbus, Ohio. The five pastors and lay representatives of those churches organized and incorporated Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc., the first Church Growth institute in the WELS."
David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.

"Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc. (LPR) is dedicated to the concepts of the Church Growth movement only insofar as they agree with the Scriptures and as taught by the WELS--that is, Church Growth with Lutheran theology rather than Evangelical, and without the typical Church Growth emphasis on quantitative measurement of growth. Kent R. Hunter's definition of 'Church Growth' justifies the use of this term in describing LPR: 'Church Growth: That science which investigates the nature, function and health of Christian churches as they relate specifically to the effective implementation of God's commission to make disciples of all peoples (Matt. 28:19). Church Growth is simultaneously a theological conviction and an applied science,....' Foundations for Church Growth, p. 187.
David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.

"He has served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Charles, Missouri and Senior Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Florissant, Missouri...He is trained in the Bethel Bible Series, Church Growth program and Dialogue Evangelism. As a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Columbus, he now seeks a different form of Christian service, outside the pastoral office."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, "The Homewood Church Enrichment Program."

"Most pastors and members do not seem willing to pay the price for growth and new life."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

"The area L.W.M.S. annual retreat has been created and led by L.P.R. General successes in this area have been very positive."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

"L.P.R. is due to play a major role in the West Side Mission." [Pilgrim Community Church]
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

"There is a strong feeling of strength in tradition. Even non-doctrinal issues bring fear to the membership and an unwillingness on the part of staff to 'buck the system.' In a church that opposes other groups who trust in traditions, are we raising 'We've always done it that way' to the level of Scripture? Is it possible for our faith to be exciting and still be traditional?"
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

"In the doctrinal sense, the word 'fellowship' may have hindered some growth by the fear of new techniques and ministries. There seems to be an opennes to new programs but also a fear that such new ideas may destroy some facets of the doctrine of church fellowship. Will that inevitably happen?"
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

"Initial services will be less formal than our traditional worship services. LPR Director Roger Zehms has been requested by Beautiful Savior to serve as pastor of the new mission with Floyd Stolzenburg serving as evangelist and music consultant. Please include this new approach project in your prayers."
LPR UPDATE October, 1989.

"The consultants were to be hired, so two men were interviewed. Roger Zehms was engaged first. Since George Skestos admired Floyd's gifts, he chose to provide an additional salary for Floyd as a second consultant...As the consultants serve in the congregations, they served under a 'limited call,' similar to the call of a Sunday School teacher or a church officer."
Paul Kuske, Letter to the Michigan District Mission Board, April 21, 1990 p. 2.

"The administrative committee has applied to Lutheran Parish Resources for the services of Rev Roger Zehms. This application is the equivalent of a (limited) call. The committee has also applied for the services of Mr. Floyd Stolzenburg to act in a supportive role in the mission. Both of these applications have been approved."
Pastor Paul Kuske Letter to the Ohio Conference Pilgrim Community Church, sponsored from Grove City by Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Fall Conference, Gibsonia, 1989.

Stolzenburg and Kovaciny

ELS Pastor Jay Webber Had No Problem with Kovaciny Raising Money Through Stolzenburg
"In the midst of all the positive, exciting things Pastor Kovaciny had to say about the mission work being done in the Ukraine, he constantly mentioned the most pressing problem, a lack of space...As he spoke to us about the many needs, he mentioned the possibility of building a church of the approximate square footage of our sanctuary (though not nearly as elaborate) for $50,000...Pastor Kovaciny, obviously excited about the possibility, has agreed that the new church would be named Emmanuel Lutheran and would have a picture of the 'mother church' prominently displayed in the new building."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, "From the Mission Committee, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Kremnetz, Ukraine, Emmanuel Lutheran Church #899, August, 1999. 1500 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 43207-1000.

Thoughts of Faith Self-Description
Thoughts of Faith is a Confessional Lutheran mission society dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in the former Communist countries of eastern Europe. At present we are working in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Latvia. We are joined in this effort by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, with which we are affiliated as a "church-related organization," and by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, a sister church of the ELS.

"About Missions" c. Thoughts of Faith through the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, d. St. Sophia Lutheran Seminary-Ukraine Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio August, 1996 "We supplied funds for our missionaries in the Ukraine, and the Gideons." Sherry Huffman, Sunday School
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio, February, 1999.

"From the Mission Committee...Good News from the Ukraine Reproduced at the bottom of this page is the masthead from the Ukrainian Lutheran, which has now been published by our mission in Ukraine for two years and grows in circulation with each issue."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio, November, 1996.

"EMMANUEL SAVES BIBLE SCHOOL! A SPECIAL MESSAGE was just received from Pastor Kovaciny to let us know that Emmanuel's Mission offerings have rescued their Bible School this summer!...[Pastor Kovaciny] writes to tell us about it. 'As we looked forward to an even more successful program this coming summer, we were told by our sponsoring organization that our Bible School budget had been but by $8,000. It seems that some people in charge believe that we have been too successful and they need to put their funds toward programs in other areas which are lagging behind.' (Pastor Kovaciny)"
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio, June, 1998.

"Since the salary of Pastor Kovaciny and their basic expenses are paid through the 'Thoughts of Faith' ministry, we will continue to include the overall work in our regular budget."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio, October, 1994.

"Pastor Kovaciny, in an effort to respond to our request, sent a copy of the third quarter treasurer's report of the Ukrainian congregation, signed by the treasurer and written in his own hand. We thought you might enjoy seeing it! You should be aware that our budget offering goes to pay for Pastor Kovaciny's salary and expenses through 'Thoughts of Faith,' the radio ministry which has been bringing the Gospel to the Ukraine for many years...."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio, January, 1995.

Roger Kovaciny's letter about seed distribution Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio, October, 1995.

"All designated funds for Thoughts of Faith are spent on the program for which they are designated by the donor. Funds not designated by the donor are used to pay for administrative expenses. Thoughts of faith would like to thank our congregation for our support towards this important work in spreading the gospel throughout the world."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio November, 1995 Recording secretary, Christine E. Scheiderer; treasurer, Charlotte Proctor. Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio, November, 1995.

"...the Ukraine project of Thoughts of Faith (Pastor Kovaciny)" Use of mission funds. Charlotte Proctor, treasurer.
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio, November, 1995.

"Pastor Kovaciny, obviously excited about the possibilities, has agreed that the new church would be named Emmanuel Lutheran and would have a picture of the 'mother church' prominently displayed in the new building."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio #899 for August, 1999, 1500 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 43207.

Pursuing Emmanuel
"I would also convey to you that I will continue to commune lodge members as long as I feel assured that they know and believe that their salvation is by faith." "Please feel free to contact Pastors Kuske or Schumann or come and hear for yourself."
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Letter to Emmanuel Lutheran Parish Resources letterhead "Serving the congregations of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod"

"Consultant, Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 1985-1991, as a consultant for this program, I worked with the training of pastors and lay people for effective ministry in leadership skills, Sunday School organization and teaching, youth ministry, outreach, stewardship and care ministry. I continue to work with supervision of some of these programs. Senior Pastor, Salem Lutheran Church and School, Florissant, Missouri, 1976-1985. (nothing said about being removed from the ministry) Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church and School, St. Charles, Missouri, 1968-1976.
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, 2904 Maryland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43209-1157 614-235-5200.

"People Person: Have been recognized as a counselor and mediator. Brought harmony to what was once described as 'the most troubled Lutheran church in America. Personal: Born, December 6, 1941, Columbus. Married, three children. Spiritual gifts: Exhortation, teaching, administration and evangelism.
Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, 2904 Maryland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43209-1157 614-235-5200.

Manufacturing Disciples - Look at These Strange Bedfellows

Paul Kuske Launched, Supported, and Defended LPR
"Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc. (LPR) is dedicated to the concepts of the Church Growth movement only insofar as they agree with the Scriptures and as taught by the WELS--that is, Church Growth with Lutheran theology rather than Evangelical, and without the typical Church Growth emphasis on quantitative measurement of growth. Kent R. Hunter's definition of 'Church Growth' justifies the use of this term in describing LPR: 'Church Growth: That science which investigates the nature, function and health of Christian churches as they relate specifically to the effective implementation of God's commission to make disciples of all peoples (Matt. 28:19). Church Growth is simultaneously a theological conviction and an applied science,....' Foundations for Church Growth, p. 187.
David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.

"Church growth is that science which investigates the planting, multiplication, function and health of Christian churches as they relate specifically to the effective implementation of God's-commission to 'make disciples of all nations' (Matthew 28:19-20 RSV). Church growth strives to combine the eternal theological principles of God's Word concerning the expansion of the church with the best insights of contemporary social and behavioral sciences, employing as its initial frame of reference, the foundational work done by Donald McGavran."
[Constitution, Academy for American Church Growth] C. Peter Wagner, Church Growth and the Whole Gospel, New York: Harper and Row, 1981, p. 75.

"The fountainhead and headwaters of the church growth river are to be found in a man, an institute, a bulletin, a school, and a book. The man is Donald Anderson McGavran, the son of missionary parents, born in India on December 15, 1897, who was himself a third-generation missionary in India for more than thirty years under appointment of the United Christian Missionary Society (Disciples of Christ). He has a Ph. D. in education from Columbia University."
Delos Miles, Church Growth, A Mighty River, Nashville: Broadman Press, 1981, p. 9f. [GJ - Like A Mighty Sewer is a better title.]

Proof That A Low IQ Can Be Inherited
"W. Charles 'Chip' Arn is the foremost designer of church growth training curricula and resources used by individual churches and regional districts across the Protestant spectrum...Arn's most significant contribution to date is probably his work in The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, which is the first strategy of evangelism building on and incorporating the principles of church growth into a practical method for equipping laypersons and congregations to effectively reach their unchurched friends and relatives."
C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 230.

"Body Evangelism. A perspective which emphasizes the goal of evangelism as making disciples who are incorporated into the body of Christ, the result of which is church growth."
C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 283.

You Forgot the Means of Grace
"Church. An assembly of professed believers under the discipline of the Word of God, organized to carry out the Great Commission, administer the ordinances, and minister with spiritual gifts."
C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 283f.

Lutheran Pietists Lap This Stuff Up
"Follow-up Gap. The difference between the number of persons who make decisions for Christ in a given evangelistic effort and those who go on to become disciples."
C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 290.

"Perfecting. The process of nurture and development (following discipling) that is required to take believers from the initial acceptance of Jesus Christ to mature faith and obedience; sanctification."
C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 296.

WELS DP Mueller and District VP Paul Kuske Approved
"PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY AT CROSSROADS...Conduct seeker services... Provide small group leadership. At Crossroads, as people come to know Jesus they are encouraged to participate in groups of 8 to 10 people who meet weekly for 2 years of fellowship, holding one another accountable, discipleship training, encouragement and support. 1 Thess. 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up."
Pastor Rick Miller, (WELS), Crossroads Community Church, 1 Thessalonians 5:11.
[GJ - Later, Kelly Voigt and Mark Freier joined this winning team, which is no longer Lutheran.]

"Introduction to Small Groups. Purpose of This Segment. 1. To introduce the concept of small group ministry. 2. To present the rationale (benefits and need for) small groups. 3. To impart a vision for small groups as a strategy for accomplishing our disciple-making mission."
WELS Campus Pastors, Small Group Training Conference, Jan. 7-9, 1991, Madison. p. 2.

"The Rationale for Small Groups...5. It Follows Biblical Practice. a. Jesus and the Twelve Apostles (Jesus concentrated on investing Himself in His small group of disciples to teach and model spiritual truth, attitudes and behavior for them and to train them to be spiritual leaders. b. The Early Christians (Acts 2:42-47; 16:40; 20:20-21).
WELS Campus Pastors, Small Group Training Conference, Jan. 7-9, 1991, Madison. p. 3.

"For the Love of Pete,"...presents "The Master's Plan for Making Disciples"...."Planned Parenthood for Churches"...Church growth principles are communicated with warmth and humor. Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 132.

Win Wins Winsomely
"In the Great Commission, Jesus makes clear that the command to 'go and make disciples' includes the concept of winning. Today the term 'discipling' has almost universally evolved to mean the process of spiritual perfecting--tutoring, learning, growing, maturing. Few 'discipling' programs in churches today accurately reflect Christ's vision to make disciples, or measure their success on the basis of new disciples they produce."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 10.

"His words, now called the Great Commission, were simply a restatement of His entire life and teaching, as He endeavored to make the matter as simple and easy to understand as possible...'go and make disciples.'"
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 20. Matthew 28:19

"Being a disciple in the early church meant a first-hand involvement in the mission of Christ--making disciples. The goal was clear and all-encompassing."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 21.

Gerlach Studied at Fuller, Began Exporting This Bilge
"A new convert's commitment to Christ included the assumption that he/she reproduce themselves and continue in the disciple-making chain. New disciples were instruments used by the Holy making disciples."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 21.

"While the goal of the early Christian was, as Christ had commanded, to make disciples, there was a definite process by which the early church grew so explosively. The means of church growth was through the individual Christian's interlocking social system--the family, friends, and associates."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 25f.

Can You See Where Valleskey and Crew Got Their Doctrine?
"The Master's Plan is a strategy of disciple-making to help lay church members identify and reach the people in their web, or oikos, for Christ and the Church. It is a process that works within natural characteristics of human behavior and relationships, and relates the unique needs of friends and relatives to Christ's work in their lives."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 57.

"Effective disciple-making combines intentional growth principles with an 'evangelistic mix' that fits the local church and its unique situation. Tremendous power results in a local church which intentionally focuses on specific growth goals."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 59.

"'Making disciples' has become, in most congregations, a compartmentalized function, isolated from the mainstream of church thinking and life."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 7.

Lawrence Otto Olson, D.Min. Fuller, Said This Too
"Disciple-making is most effective when Biblical insights and church growth research are integrated."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 75.

"A 'disciple' suggests a commitment, incorporation into the Body, then an on-going, reproductive life-style as a follower of Christ."
Win and Charles Arn, The Master's Plan for Making Disciples, How Every Christian Can Be an Effective Witness through an Enabling Church, Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1982, p. 9.

Gerlach's Disciple Factory
"His plan for making disciples included more than lesson plans. It included a relationship. In fact the quality of that relationship with his disciples had to be one of the primary factors in transforming them into disciplers."
Pastor Joel C. Gerlach, "The Call into the Discipling Ministry," Yahara Center, April 24-25, 1987, p. 15.

A Fuller Education Is a Terrible Thing to Waste
"Disciple making teachers know that while course content is important, what they teach in connection with the hidden curriculum is just as important."
Pastor Joel C. Gerlach, "The Call into the Discipling Ministry," Yahara Center, April 24-25, 1987, p. 15.

"If I were asked: What is the key thing in the disciple making process that demands our special attention in our effort to become better disciple makers, without hesitation I'd say it's the role of modeling. We need more disciple maker models in our classrooms. It isn't enough just to tell others to go and make disciples. We need to show and tell them. Modeling is an essential, integral part of showing and telling."
Pastor Joel C. Gerlach, "The Call into the Discipling Ministry," Yahara Center, April 24-25, 1987, p. 18. Matthew 28:18-20

"Jesus did not send his disciples out to make disciples without first making them disciples. He gave them a course in disciple making by making them disciples. He knew that you have to be a disciple yourself before you can help someone else to become a disciple."
Pastor Joel C. Gerlach, "The Call into the Discipling Ministry," Yahara Center, April 24-25, 1987, p. 6.

"A disciple is also expected to be a witness."
Pastor Joel C. Gerlach, "The Call into the Discipling Ministry," Yahara Center, April 24-25, 1987, p. 8.

Kelm Channels Yoda
"Doctrines in controversy and applications to those doctrines are a disciple's meat. They are swallowed only after patient doses of discipling milk. The art of mission work is to preserve that sequence despite a prospect's desire to chew what he can't swallow."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 3.

David Kuske Supports "make disciples" in Matthew 28:19
David Kuske, "Exegetical Brief: The Meaning of matheteusate in Matthew 28:19," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Spring, 1997, p. 115ff. Matthew 28:19. Kuske also studied under Lyle Coleman (cell groups).

"When Frederick Horn faced that situation, the Holy Spirit moved him to accept the call, and for the last few years he has served as the [lay] Minister of Discipleship for Grace Lutheran in downtown Milwaukee." (Pastor James Huebner, Fuller alumnus)
Professor Lawrence Otto Olson, (D. Min., Fuller), "Another Kind of Minister, There's a lot to do in a church, and a staff minister can do a lot of it," The Northwestern Lutheran, March, 1994, p. 9.

"But when our Lord told us what our mission should be, he was quite clear: 'Make disciples.'"
Lawrence Otto Olson, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Summer, 1988, p. 3. Matthew 28:

Proud Pentecostals Thrive at Fuller
"Pastors become disciples so they can make disciples. As a proud Pentecostal I thought I had everything because I belonged to a Full Gospel church. Little did I know how much I had to learn until I came together with other pastors--Baptists, Presbyterians, Plymouth Brethren, and Catholics. As a proud Pentecostal I had to become a humble elder of the church."
Juan Carlos Ortiz, Call to Discipleship, Plainfield: Logos International, 1975, p. 100.

"Every disciple had responsibility over two types of cells, one cell where he formed the lives of the new converts, and another cell where he took the most advanced of those new converts and taught them how to be leaders, knowing that cell would soon be divided and the most advanced disciples put over additional cells. So came the multiplication."
Juan Carlos Ortiz, Call to Discipleship, Plainfield: Logos International, 1975, p. 101.

"In this way, the entire church is comprised of ministers. The ministers are not a special breed of sheep coming from the seminary. They are simply believers who go on growing. Thus the purpose of the pastor is to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples." Juan Carlos Ortiz, Call to Discipleship, Plainfield: Logos International, 1975, p. 18.

Totally False Exegesis from Fuller Student Valleskey
"Accordingly, when Christ says, Disciple (matheteusate) all nations by baptizing them, matheteusate can mean nothing other than to make disciples, to turn unbelievers into believers; for that is the Spirit-produced effect of baptism."
David J. Valleskey, We Believe--Therefore We Speak, The Theology and Practice of Evangelism, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1995, p. 127. Matthew 28:18-20

"Is the mission of the church to preach the gospel or to make disciples? The two--preaching the gospel and making disciples--are closely connected. Making disciples is the goal, or end result, our Lord had in mind. He does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance and faith. He wants all to be saved, to come to a heart knowledge of the truth. Preaching the gospel (employing the means of grace) is the means by which the Lord will achieve his goal of making disciples and so of gathering in his elect before he returns."
David J. Valleskey, We Believe--Therefore We Speak, The Theology and Practice of Evangelism, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1995, p. 134.

Valleskey Overturns Sower Parable
"It is true that only God the Holy Spirit can effect the end result of making a disciple out of an unbeliever; all we can do is sow the seed. But it is also true that our Lord, by speaking specifically of making disciples in his commission to his church, is encouraging it to keep that intended goal in mind when it does its seed sowing."
David J. Valleskey, We Believe--Therefore We Speak, The Theology and Practice of Evangelism, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1995, p. 135. Matthew 28:18-20.

Werning Has Church Growth Eyes
"Your church will grow by God's grace because members will want it to grow in obedience to God's will and because you are using strategy and methodology in making disciples. Then nongrowth will be called nongrowth, and growth will be accepted as a gift from God."
Waldo J. Werning, The Radical Nature of Christianity, Church Growth Eyes Look at the Supernatural Mission of the Christian and the Church, South Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1975, p. 159.