Friday, June 6, 2008

Lutheran Humor

Founder and Former Host of Issues Etc.
on Christian News

“While the pre-millennialists, the Calvinists, the Arminians, the mystics, the prosperity teachers, the Pentecostals, and the Charismatics all have their theology widely promoted in over 3,000 Christian Bookstores around the nation, we who claim to have the pure Gospel, seemingly feel that our truth is neither worth promoting nor relevant to the popular issues being so widely discussed and debated.

Rather than promoting what we believe for the welfare of the wider church, we pick fights among ourselves, ignoring the Christian world and the issues debated…The only legitimate vehicle that exists whereby Missouri Synod Lutherans are enable to speak a word to various Christian issues is Christian News. For this reason, God bless Herman Otten”

(Rev. Don Matzat, LCMS pastor, St. Louis MO).

Don Matzat - evangelical pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) in St. Louis, and former host of the radio show, Issues, Etc. At one time an outspoken a (sic) premillennialist and supportive of charismatic gifts, he has since repudiated those views. Much of his ministry focuses on countering the intrusion of worldly concepts into Christian counseling, particularly self-esteem, and he is a harsh critic of deliverance ministry. Titles: Christ Esteem; Inner Healing: Deliverance or Deception?; The Lord Told Me...I Think; Truly Transformed.


GJ - Matzat - the forgotten contributor to the Formula of Concord. Matzat never left Pentecostalism. In one book he bragged about the Holy Spirit talking to him in a dream and other such nonsense - all consistent with the false doctrine he supposedly left behind. And - he became Benke's advisor in the effort to clear the District Pope of unionism charges. How can anyone in WELS, Missouri, the ELS or CLC be charged with unionism? Every meeting is a Rainbow Coalition.

Matzat started Issues, Etc. and then left it suddenly.

Sign of the Times

Old Scratch (Satan) Does Mission Work for WELS

"How are you?" said one. "How are you?" said the other. "Well!" said the first. "Old Scratch has got his own at last, hey?" - An illustration from Dicken's Christmas Carol.

The Wisconsin Synod never stops plagiarizing from Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek. Their illiterate leaders have managed to insert Satan's nickname into another project. Scratch is an English nickname for Satan. And Jesus called Satan The Father of Lies. That is appropriate, coming from the Church Growth Movement.

Church from Scratch is the rib-tickling name of the WELS website.

Whose name is first to appear on the links page? Paul Kelm - he has written a paper on Christian freedom.

Here are some of the links listed:

General Ministry
The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
A WELS organization committed to address ministry in contemporary culture. Hosts great conferences and provides ministry ideas on the website.
God is doing some really neat things in the area of small groups, large gatherings, etc, through Crosswalk Lutheran Ministries in Phoenix, AZ.

Messiah Church in Nampa, ID has a neat statement of faith. [GJ - Ichabodians will note that the neat statement of faith was originally written by that anti-CGM pariah, me. But they have tweaked it so that their added words fall harshly on the unwaxed ear. "In an age of materialism, we believe that real treasure comes from our raith in the Savior." Is raith the future pluperfect subjunctive of faith?]
Progressive ministry in the heart of Chicago; also has a great statement of faith.
Excellent example of a vision for a church plant/daughter congregation.
This is Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. From a Calvinistic background. The preaching is excellent and very law/gospel oriented, speaking powerfully to the culture around them. Mark Driscoll is the senior pastor
This is Xenos Christian Fellowship in Columbus, OH. From an evangelical background. A congregation of thousands made up entirely of house churches. Very good mindset material and studies. Great on leadership/eldership.


GJ - I attended a Sunday service at Xenos in Columbus. The minister got in the pulpit and talked about himself for 40 minutes before God or the Scriptures were mentioned. The proper verb is mentioned, because the talk had nothing to do with worship, the Christian faith, God, or anything spiritual. The audience cooed and fluttered during the minister's preening, egomaniacal monologue. Not surprisingly, the minister at Community of Joy (Phoenix) gave the same kind of talk with the same results. Willow Creek had a more somber audience but the same baloney. They all sound alike.

Notice the trend, which is just as prominent in the Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic). Apostate Lutherans covet non-Lutherans so passionately that they become anti-Lutheran in thought, word, and deed.

The authors of this bizarre website have bios that remind me of fingernails scratching a blackboard:

Matt Doebler
Matt has served as a parish pastor in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod for the last eight years. After graduating from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1997, he was called to St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Collins, WI where he served for four years. In 2001, he accepted a call to St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. In the spring of 2006, he accepted a call to assist in planting Christ the Rock Church in Round Rock, TX. He is the proud husband of Christine, a Pilates/fitness instructor who uses her contacts in the fitness world to make connections for Jesus. He is also the proud father of three great kids, Madeline, Samuel and Caleb. They are great assets to him in the ministries into which God has placed him. Matt has been trained as an equipper in the Christ Care program from Stephen Ministries. He and Chris have also participated in the Church Planters training from Acts 29 Network.

[GJ - Acts 29 is a unionistic group, which is seen as a threat to Southern Baptists. That makes sense, because WELS is a unionistic sect, known as a threat to Lutheran doctrine.]

Ken Knapp

Ken retired early from the paper/hydro industries to do more ministry. Historically, he's served in most of the offices of a local congregation. His greatest passion is for nurturing life-long discipleship, and thus he logically serves on the WELS Commission on Adult Discipleship (CAD). Ken envisions a church functioning in our culture with the passion and effectiveness of an "Acts 2" church. He is the author of the soon-to-be-released book, A Womb to Tomb Guide for Nurturing Faith in and through the Family through the CAD.

GJ - I can think of better, rhyming names for the newest apostasy book -

  1. From Cell to Sell.
  2. Have an Itch? - Try Old Scratch!
  3. Faith without Belief - The Paul Kelm School of Evangelism.


Comments on this topic, from Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
It's incredible. One day, blog moderation is disabled, another day it is enabled. What a joke. Make up your mind and decide what it's going to be, because it gives the impression that you weed out comments that hurt your opinions.

June 6, 2008 12:00 AM

John said...
Hey mr. anonymous,

Why don't you start your own blog. You can set your own topics and moderation settings.

There are times when I'm out of town and can't moderate comments. There are also topics that bring out comments that are off topic and not necessary. I guess if you don't like what I'm doing don't come back. (moderation on)

June 6, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
Yeah you tell him John. If you can't stand the heat stay out of John's kitchen. Wus

June 6, 2008 5:24 AM

Anonymous said...
I agree Go John!! is so funny to see these WELS bots get so irritated and defensive when the truth is pointed out.

June 6, 2008 8:51 AM

Comment deleted
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

June 6, 2008 9:13 AM

Anonymous said...
WELS has discovered a new sin - the sin of turning off the comments when out of town. Have you no shame, Bailing Water?

I had to vent a little.


June 6, 2008 9:20 AM

Anonymous said...
Isn't that what the WELS does best- invent new sins so that Bailing Water can point them out?

WELS bot

June 6, 2008 10:29 AM

Anonymous said...
WELS bot,

How about we focus on the topic at hand.

What do you think of the church growth churches listed and their influence on the WELS?

June 6, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
I think it is shameful. And I believe that the only answer is to give a firm and brotherly admonishment founded on scripture to show why these things are destructive. I believe this is what is being done by people who do not use blogs to do so.

WELS bot

June 6, 2008 11:02 AM

Anonymous said...
The WELS cannot err.
These churches are WELS.
These churches cannot err.

WELS bot #4738

June 6, 2008 11:13 AM

Anonymous said...
There are two things that bother me. If WELS is a confessional church - then it should confess. To leave out the name Lutheran in a church title is to try to have it both ways. Second, by leaving out the name Lutheran and using the names like:Crosswalk; Willow Creek, Cornerstone ,etc. you are giving a false impression to those twenty-somethings who assume it is a non-denominational church.

June 6, 2008 11:39 AM

Anonymous said...
Please tell me how the WELS allows this WELS pastor to claim support of these heterodox churches?

June 6, 2008 1:03 PM

Anonymous said...
This pastor from scratch goes unchecked because the WELS is steeped in Church growth methods.

June 6, 2008 10:24 PM

Beautiful America

Try this website for a stunning display of landmarks in our great country.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hear New Age Methodist Leonard Sweet Speak at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

Sweetened links:
Concordia Seminary Follow the link to iTunes U to hear Len speak.

Stand Firm

Monday, April 7, 2008
How the "Fates" of Pastor Todd Wilken and Leonard Sweet Are Related

Why is the LCMS offering the dais to Emerging Church and New Age advocate Leonard Sweet? Because we are now reaping what we have sown.

For the last several decades we have catered to whatever that particular decade’s name for “unbeliever” was, whether it was “seeker” or “postmodernist,” or some other name. In our zeal to save some, we’ve gradually, inextricably, changed our practice. As the decades slide by, few notice the almost imperceptible movement of the theologic tectonic plates, but they are ever moving, reshaping our doctrine.

In many churches, and in many districts, our practice has changed markedly. Now that change has altered our doctrine. We are seeing the result of that doctrinal shift. While the LCMS was once a confessional light in the world, we can no longer make that claim. We’re going the way of other synods before us. It is now fashionable to consort with undiscerning scholars, including those in the Emerging Church.

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Day of Homiletical Reflection
Main Presenter: Dr. Leonard Sweet

The Useful Idiots in a Missouri District
From Rev. Ed Krueger:

Rostered Workers, Laity Attend "Church in Mission" Conference in Reno

Clergy, teachers and laypersons from the four Western Districts of The Lutheran Church?Missouri Synod (California-Nevada-Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, Pacific Southwest and the Northwest District) attended a three-day conference in Reno, Nevada, this past week. The goal was to listen to several viewpoints and to discuss with one another the role of clergy and laity in our mission to the lost.

Presentations were made by Dr. Larry Rast, Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; Dr. Leonard Sweet, currently the E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism at Drew University, Madison, NJ; and the Dr. Dale Meyer, former Lutheran Hour speaker, and President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO.

Of particular interest were the comments made by Leonard Sweet who said the church is in the "perfect storm." The three weather patterns affecting Christianity are:

Post-modernity: people have a different world view than a generation ago.
Post-Christendom: people are spiritually minded but don't look to the church for the answers to their spiritual quest.
Post-round: the world has flattened out through the internet.

His suggestions for the church in this perfect storm are:

Quit complaining about the weather.
This isn't the time to do crisis management.
People are still people in need of comfort and hope.
The church needs to take some risks.
We must steer into the wind and not seek a safe harbor.
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
Get "out of doors" where the action is.

Even More LCMS Sweet-Speak

Northwest District LCMS
Professional Church Worker Gathering
“The Great Salt Gathering”
Mark 9: 50b “Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other.”

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM Welcome & Announcements
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Afternoon session 1 – Bob Newton
2:15 PM – 2:30 PM Break
2:30 PM – 3:45 PM Break-out Session 1 – on Bob’s
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM Break
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Afternoon Session 2 – Bob Newton
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Dinner on your own
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Break-out Session 2 - TBD

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
8:15 AM – 8:30 AM Announcements
8:30 AM – 9:15 AM Bible Study – Bob Newton
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM Break
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Morning session - Leonard Sweet
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Lunch on your own
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM Afternoon session - Leonard Sweet
2:15 PM – 2:30 PM Break
2:30 PM – 3:45 PM Break Out Session 2 – Table talk with
Leonard Sweet
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Afternoon Session – President Kieschnick
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Free Time
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Celebration All Workers Banquet (Speaker:
Leonard Sweet)


GJ - WELSians - do not puff up your chests in pride. Yes, the WELS Church and Change Sweet conference was strangled in the cradle. But while you were out celebrating, Church and Change got itself on the official WELS website and registered people for their next conference. And you were believing and telling people - "Church and Change is no more. Gurgel, the man with the gifts of leadership, ended it. Amen. So be it." And the Issues in WELS people genuflected at the Sig Becker altar. Meanwhile, the saints under the altar said, "How long?"

Review - The Lord's Supper in the Theology of Martin Chemnitz

Martin Chemnitz, 1522-1586,
is the second most neglected theologian in the Lutheran Church.
The most neglected is Luther.

Logia has made the Teigne book available for free. The sainted Bjarne Wollan Teigen is the father of Norm Teigen. Here is a look at the extended family. Teigen wrote extensively on the Book of Concord. Google his name for a list of titles. I would buy his books before most of the others. I like the Bente Introductions to the Book of Concord, too.

The Lutheran Church has imploded because its leaders have deliberately quashed all attempts to be faithful to the Book of Concord and the Scriptures. As one ex-Lutheran told me, "Yes, they look carefully at the Scriptures, so they can do the opposite."

One example of this behavior is the reception of Teigen's book in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, more commonly known as The Little Sect on the Prairie. The Little Sect has only two congregations of any size. ELSizens wonder if the sect will be around in 20 years.

The ELS once worked with the LCMS and stood up to the doctrinal errors of Missouri in an official pamphlet, long before Jack and Robert Preus began the move to split the old Synodical Conference. The Wisconsin sect, always pilloried by Missouri, finally had their chance to bully another group when WELS and the ELS broke with the LCMS. Wisconsin is tiny compared to Missouri. The ELS is roughly 10% the size of WELS, depending on whose statistics are disbelieved the most.

The ELS has been mistakenly viewed as a safe place for Missourians to land. In fact, Paul McCain, MDiv, said he saw the ELS that way when he was campaigning for Barry's election. McCain figured Bohlmann would have forced both of them out of the LCMS if Barry had lost the first contest.

Thanks to the WELS-ELS partnership, the Little Sect has become the finger-puppet of the Wisconsin faux-Lutherans. The ELS is run by three larger families who have worked out a way to stay in power without being doctrinally faithful or even apt to teach.

Bjarne's Book
The Chemnitz book is scholarly and very detailed. Each paragraph is filled with clear analysis about the history of every detail connected with the controversy. Teigen mastered all the historical data. This alone is a valuable contribution to Lutheran studies. Few have the time, ability, and resources to repeat his effort.

The Doctrinal Issue
Many in the old Synodical Conference (LCMS, WELS, ELS) taught that the elements of Holy Communion were not the Body and Blood of Christ until they were received by the communicant. This debate was raging in the ELS especially and discussed in Christian News in the late 1980's, when our family joined the Wisconsin sect.

Becker or Bjarne
The Teigen book made Wisconsin choose Sig Becker over Bjarne Teigen when the issue should have been, "What does God's Word say?" Becker was the WELS hero because he had a real doctorate and left Missouri, making them look good. Unfortunately, Becker was hopeless on two different issues - justification and the Lord's Supper. Both are connected and relate to the decline of the Lutheran Church in general, the ELS-WELS in particular.

Efficacy of the Word
The foundational issue in the Synodical Conference is its neglect and abandonment of the efficacy of the Word. In the Old Testament there is no difference between God's will and and God's Word. Isaiah 55:8-10 expresses this with great clarity. The efficacy of the Word is central to both Testaments. The Holy Spirit never works apart from the Word, the Word never apart from the Spirit. "That is sound doctrine," as Hoenecke wrote.

The ELS and WELS tried to end the debate about consecration by saying, "We are not sure when the elements are the Body and Blood of Christ." That is why so many articles were about the Moment of Consecration, an awkward term.

After the Consecration, are the elements on the altar the Body and Blood of Christ? The Teigen book's answer is clearly, "Yes, according to Chemnitz and the Book of Concord." The Wisconsin sect said, "We are not sure. Becker is the ruling norm on this issue."

Teigen, as a faithful theologian and good scholar, showed that the old, weird Synodical Conference position was wrong. The Wisconsin sect could not abide this, so they had Orvick and the ELS act as if they smelled a skunk. Their behavior toward Teigen and his family was disgraceful.

One of the clever techniques used by errorists was to howl about this conflict tearing up the church. Herman Otten, who published many articles on the topic, joined in the cries of pain. But doctrinal conflict is good, separating bad doctrine from sound doctrine.

But no, the era of compromise was established by Orvick. He was good at throwing a bone to one side and then to the other side. Pope John the Malefactor has carried on the tradition of obfuscating issues rather than addressing them. Thus the decline continues. Now that the efficacy of the Word has been permanently detached from all Lutheran doctrinal discussions, the Means of Grace are empty words and any foul error can rush in to dominate the next decade.

One Lutheran pastor asked me in Ft. Wayne about the issue, to see what I believed. I said, standing near copies of Thy Strong Word, "The efficacy of the Word means there is no issue. The Word consecrates the elements. They are the Body and Blood of Christ through the power of the Word."

Some Lessons To Be Learned
The Synodical Conference has been and continues to be damaged by hero-worship of the worst sort. So many human idols have been set up that no one can discuss a doctrinal issue without stepping on the toes of these plaster saints. Walther was weak on the efficacy of the Word, his Pietism leading him completely astray on justification. Walther's minion, Pieper, established UOJ with many bizarre statements that would have gotten a seminarian burned at the stake in better days. Sig Becker piled on the errors.

UOJ, consecration, and Church Growth have revealed the weakness of the Synodical Conference on the Biblical doctrine of the Word. Now the idolators make sure that no one can maneuver through the forest of plaster saints guarding their favorite false doctrine. The heresiarch Leonard Sweet spoke at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and the school's president listened in holy awe. Thus we have a video of the man who helped train bigot and race-baiter Jeremiah Wright sitting with the descendant of a Missouri leader and theologian.

The favorite hobby of the mini, micro, and nano sects is to deplore the doctrinal aberrations in the more established synods. Those errors are visiting and have already visited the tiniest and most works-righteous groups as well. The ELS would like everyone to believe they are the Synod of the Book of Concord. And yet, when one of their own professors wrote brilliantly about the Book of Concord, they put him into intellectual exile while falling at the feet of David Valleskey, whose only merit was his ability to deny or brag about his study at Fuller Seminary.

Voting Has Not Helped
Perhaps some feminists in the ELS are working for the right to vote. I would look around at what the men have voted into office, what the men have approved as doctrinal statements. I would not want to share in the blame.

A better way to select the ELS pope would be to toss a dart at a bedsheet covered with the names of qualified clergy (no felony arrests or DUIs). The ELS president-elect would not think of the office as his right but as a stroke of fortune. Other elections and appointments could be handled the same way, breaking the lock of a few families on the decisions of the synod, ending the tyranny of WELS.

The telescopic orthodoxy of WELS, seeing error at long distance but never at home, would have to end.

Lutherans Take Note

How lawsuits helped the Catholic church confront clergy sexual abuse

The author of this book is Timothy Lytton.

"The sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy is arguably the most acute crisis Catholicism has faced since the Reformation. The prevalence of clergy sexual abuse and its shocking cover-up by church officials have obscured the largely untold story of the tort system's remarkable success in bringing the scandal to light, focusing attention on the need for institutional reform, and spurring church leaders and public officials into action.

"Stories of the tort system as an engine of social justice are rare. Holding Bishops Accountable tells one such story by revealing how pleadings, discovery documents, and depositions fueled media coverage of the scandal. Timothy Lytton shows how the litigation strategy of plaintiffs' lawyers gave rise to a widespread belief that the real problem was not the actions of individual priests but rather the church's massive institutional failure. The book documents how church and government policymakers responded to the problem of clergy sexual abuse only under the pressure of private lawsuits.

"As Lytton deftly demonstrates, the lessons of clergy sexual abuse litigation give us reason to reconsider the case for tort reform and to look more closely at how tort litigation can enhance the performance of public and private policymaking institutions."

Posted by Norman Teigen

June 4, 1942 - Battle of Midway

“By any ordinary standard they were hopelessly outclassed. “They had no battleships, the enemy eleven. They had eight cruisers, the enemy twenty-three. They had three carriers (one of them crippled); the enemy had eight. Their shore defenses included guns from the turn of the century. “They knew little of war. None of the Navy pilots on one of their carriers had ever been in combat. Nor had any of the Army fliers. Of the Marines, 17 of 21 new pilots were just out of flight school - some with less than four hours’ flight time since then. Their enemy was brilliant, experienced and all-conquering. “They were tired, dead tired. The patrol plane crews, for instance, had been flying 15 hours a day, servicing their own planes, getting perhaps three hours’ sleep at night. “They had equipment problems. Some of their dive bombers couldn’t dive - the fabric came off the wings. Their torpedoes were slow and unreliable; the torpedo planes even worse. Yet they were up against the finest fighting plane in the world. “They took crushing losses - 15 out of 15 in one torpedo squadron … 21 out of 27 in a group of fighters … many, many more. “They had no right to win. Yet they did, and in doing so they changed the course of a war. More than that, they added a new name - Midway - to that small list that inspires men by shining example. Like Marathon, the Armada, the Marne, a few others, Midway showed that every once in a while ‘what must be’ need not be at all. Even against the greatest of odds, there is something in the human spirit - a magic blend of skill, faith and valor - that can lift men from certain defeat to incredible victory."

From Walter Lord's book Incredible Victory.


MLS Veteran has left a new comment on your post "June 4, 1942 - Battle of Midway":

I read once that at the United States Naval War College they have tried to "war game" the Battle of Midway numerous times, using the same statistics as the actual battle, and the Japanese consistently win the battle.

Direct intervention on the part of God?


GJ - I was going to mention more details. The battle was a miracle. Everything went wrong for the Japanese. All the wrong decisions were made. One commentator said, "The Japanese seemed bewitched."

I think it was divinely guided, as all events are, but more obviously than most.

Another factor was this genius named Hector Bywater, a naval expert. He predicted that the confrontation between Japan and the West would take place at Midway. Bywater was murdered just before the war started, perhaps by Japanese agents.

Japanese naval strategy was dominated by British thinking because of previous associations, including the development of the new Dreadnought battleship after the Brits witnessed the Japanese whipping the Ruskies.

Bywater was still a battleship man, so that influenced the Japanese, even though they proved how carrier groups could project power much more effectively. Thus the Japanese were enchanted by Bywater theory when reality should have told them after Pearl Harbor that carriers were the primo and battlewagons secondo in war.

The Japanese used the carriers to protect the prized battleships, including their mega-disaster Yamato (beautiful but designed by the insane). Therefore, the carriers were vulnerable.

The innocent still think we were surprised by Pearl Harbor. We had already broken several codes and knew all about the attack. According to one book, we even knew each ship in the task force and followed the progress of the ships across the Pacific. Ships and their radios are quite noisy. The agent Tricycle (can't reveal why he was named that way) also warned the US. So did embassies of various sorts. FDR did nothing, so Pearl Harbor united the country against Japan. Germany declared war as well.

The American code-breaker who knew about Pearl also figured out Midway. Then they busted him and made him a pariah. We got the carriers to Midway without the Japanese knowing it.

Our men were incredibly brave at Midway. The movie is a classic, showing the scope of the battle in good detail.

Our soldiers are still the greatest in the world. I just had a Navy SEAL in class (three different classes). No one, except a few of his friends, knew he was one. He causally mentioned being in the Navy. The first time I taught him, he said he was a sniper in the Navy. I thought about that a while. No one shoots a rifle from a ship, unless it's a 16 inch battleship rifle. I got him to admit he was a SEAL. Another student was the first one to parachute into Afghanistan. He was a Ranger, but like the other student, just said he was "in the Army." Real heroes are modest.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

DP in Prison

This District Puppy is serving time in state prison. He wanted to plea bargain for Hazleton.

Gay Activism Invades WELS, LCMS - Through the Back Door

Hybels is one of the favorite theologians of WELS and Missouri.

Rick Warren is a guru for Missouri, whose congregations are often "purpose-driven." Here Warren seems ready to be porpoise-driven.

The Gay Activists Are Headed For The Churches

By Harry R. Jackson, Jr.

June 2, 2008

The next two Sundays, a coalition of radical gay groups comprised of SoulForce, The National Black Justice Coalition, and Equality Riders have coerced two of the nation's most influential leaders into a closed-door showdown. Two of these groups (Soulforce and Equality Riders) are known for civil disobedience - even getting arrested in the name of GLBT justice. Bill Hybels at Willow Creek Community Church and Rick Warren at Saddleback Community Church will meet with these folks on June 8 and 15, respectively.

Although Hybels and Warren will undoubtedly defend the faith boldly, SoulForce and company have set up a symbolic media campaign designed to suggest that conservative churches are bending on their gay relationships and marriage prohibitions.

The gay community is revving up its engines for an all out push to "mainstream" gays in three phases of life - marriage, politics, and religion. In some ways their "civil rights" agenda could make them even more equal than others. Research shows that gays are more highly educated and earn more money than other Americans. Therefore, gays have come out of the closet and are taking leadership in many areas of American culture. For these reasons, it is difficult for me, as an African American, to buy into their continual comparison with the civil rights movement and the struggles of African Americans. Their sense of cultural rejection is becoming less and less of a reality. In fact, the "velvet mafia," as they are called in the entertainment industry, has won many battles in the so-called "culture wars."

Let me be a little more specific. The militant gay minority has waged a war for recognition on four fronts:

1. The PR and image front - portraying gays as the boy or girl next door.

2. The legal front - fighting in the courts.

3. The educational/ generational front - introducing kids to their way of life at earlier and earlier ages.

4. The religious front - attempting to change the foundational beliefs of the Christian church and ordaining openly gay ministers.

The most difficult target for them on the religious front has been biblically conservative churches. For example on Thursday May 1, 2008, 300 people protested the United Methodist Church's General Conference ruling that the practice of homosexuality is "incompatible" with Christian teaching. The group demonstrated "peacefully" by stopping the conference proceedings for 15 minutes and singing the hymn "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?"

Compared to the demonstration of 200 gay rights supporters in Cleveland at the General Conference eight years ago, the 2008 outburst seemed mild. Nonetheless, there is the tone of intimidation in the tactics of pro-gay religious activists.

With this kind of history, you can understand that when I first learned that the American Family Outing was planning to visit my church in the Washington, DC area, I assumed that they could picket my church or harass my members.

While their letters and discourse promised civility, we believed that the invitation carried a veiled threat of picketing or disruption if we did not "talk." Because of our church's activism in religious freedom disputes, I have received death threats and intimidating e-mails and phone calls from individual gay activists. In light of this history, our church had a feeling akin to those of US leaders who have to decide whether or not to negotiate with terrorists.

Two Saturdays ago (May 24) the radical gay rights group, SoulForce, showed up at our church in Beltsville, MD for a "discussion/debate " with our pastors. The next day their group of gay "families," including children, attended one of our worship services. The group of 31 kept their word to act respectfully this time.

So why did they come to our church along with TD Jakes' Potter's House, Eddie Long's New Birth Community Church, and Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church? And why are they going to Willow Creek Community Church and Saddleback Community Church? The answer is simple. Their goal is to force us to accept their lifestyle by slowly desensitizing us to their aberrant theology and practices. This change in tactics is an attempt to play the pity card.

During the next ten years, I predict that gays will attempt to invade the conventional, Bible believing church. They realize that their plan will not affect the current evangelical movement very much. On the other hand, they can set the stage to mainstream gays into membership at the average Baptist or even Pentecostal church.

It is no accident that this American Family Outing began the week before the landmark gay marriage decision came down from the Supreme Court of California. The ruling, which declared that same sex marriage is a constitutional right for citizens of that state, overturned Proposition 22 - the state's Defense of Marriage Act. Proposition 22 was passed in 2000 by 61% of the voters of the state. It made this declaration: "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

Although the mainstream media has played down the California ruling and New York Governor Patterson's promise to honor gay marriage from other jurisdictions in New York, a battle about the marital status and rights of gays is undoubtedly about to occur. I expect a grassroots, political tug of war similar to the 2004 Presidential campaign. Evangelicals, be prepared for things to get rough.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


WELS Special Lecturer at Wisconsin Lutheran College,
Archbishop Weakland, So Bad That Rome Let Him Retire...Fast

Jason has left a new comment on your post "Benjamin Kjendal, LCMS, Semi-Popes":

I realize that this is not the issue that you gentlemen are talking about, but as of right now I know that Kjendal is not persuing ministry in the EO church. Will he? We will have to wait and see. I respect his decision because he recognized that he should not be practicing EO worship in an LCMS congregation.


GJ - I am not picking on Kjendal but an educational system that turns out EO and Roman Catholic clergy (LCMS) and another one that manufactures Baptist and Pentecostal preachers (WELS). WELS and Missouri both work closely with ELCA at all levels, from the congregational level down to the national level (Levels of Fellowship - and apostasy).

More Warnings To Come

Sign at a Twin-Cities Church

Some guessed that I found a church sign generator, especially since the link is in the photo. Websites like that one combine a choice of several different photos with a script that inserts the chosen words into the sign.

I was tempted by Norm's volunteer efforts at many different non-profits, not to mention the Coleman campaign.

My first target was the WELS' Church and Change apostasy agency. More will follow. I sent a preview of the set to a few readers. Someone laughed so hard, he cried. Actually, I did that.

Factoid for the Blogizens

Katrina Storm Clouds

For a long time the link to the Kuske report on Michigan Lutheran Seminary (WELS) has been the most viewed. Overnight the link about one more LCMS pastor going Eastern Orthodox matched it, according to Google Analytics.

Fenton is proud, I am sure. Here is his statement, before he was assumed into Eastern Orthodoxy, where he had already traveled for years, as he indicated:

Today I resigned as the Pastor of Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit. What follows is the "Statement of Resignation" that I read to the members who attended the semi-annual meeting of the Voters of Zion Church. The Reverend David Stechholz, President & Bishop of the English District, presided at the meeting as well as the Holy Mass that preceded the meeting.

When I became Pastor of Zion Church more than 11 years ago, my intention was to remain at Zion until death or retirement. That is still my heartfelt and sincere desire. However, with much grief and heartache, I have concluded that I must tender my resignation as the Fifth Pastor of Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit.

I tender my resignation because I no longer confess the teachings of the Lutheran Church as these are understood by those who have pledged themselves to the Book of Concord. Zion wants to be a Lutheran congregation. The members of Zion rightly expect their Pastor to be Lutheran—a man who holds unreservedly to the Book of Concord as a true and correct interpretation and understanding of the Holy Scriptures. I can no longer do so.

When a man pledges himself to a confession, he doesn’t get to pick and choose which parts he’ll abide by and which parts he’ll ignore or go against. Most of the Book of Concord is true and correct, and for that God is to be praised. However, I am convinced that the Book of Concord contains defective or deficient doctrines not in accord with the faith of the apostles. In simple terms, these deficiencies include the acceptance of an amended Nicene Creed, the notion that Jesus died to appease His Father’s wrath, a man-centered understanding of the church, the denial of prayers to the saints, and the idea that the liturgy is a man-made product. In addition, there are correct Scriptural teachings in the Book of Concord that are denied in practice by nearly all Lutherans today. These include the teachings that the saints do intercede for us, the affirmation of the perpetual virginity of Mary, the proper respect due the elements in the Lord’s Supper, and the scriptural mandate that only ordained men should celebrate Mass and give the Sacraments. Because of these deficiencies and errors, I can no longer confess and teach from the Book of Concord. Therefore, I cannot be the pastor of any Lutheran congregation.

Now I need to be clear about one thing: I am not resigning because of something someone at Zion has said or done. No one has asked for my resignation. No one has pressured or threatened me to make this decision. On the contrary, you have all been patient and kind with me—even as you saw me struggle. Therefore, I shall always genuinely appreciate and be eternally grateful for the love and the generosity that you have showered upon me and my family during my tenure as your Pastor. I am also deeply grateful for the support you have given me since I first announced my struggle more than 3 years ago. Because of this, I will always have a place in my heart for the people of Zion. This is the parish, and you are the people, I will always love.

I also sincerely appreciate the respect you have shown me as your Pastor. Your respect was evident when I first visited Zion, and that was one of the key things that drew me to you. I also respect you, and so I respect your desire to remain Lutheran. Yet for that reason, I must depart. As I do so, I heartily apologize to any I have hurt, offended, or caused to stumble in the faith during my 11 year tenure as the Pastor of Zion. By your prayers and the mercy of God, may I be forgiven.

As many of you know, the catalyst for this decision was the heart-rending realization that The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is an heterodox communion fellowship, and that it has no desire to be otherwise. The Scriptures clearly prohibit Christians from being in communion with those who deliberately, persistently and willfully deny and depart from the apostolic tradition enshrined in the Scriptures. The fact that many of you, over the years, have come to Zion seeking shelter from the false worship and false teachings in LCMS churches is evidence enough that we live in a false communion. And the fact that what is taught and practiced now in LCMS churches would be unrecognizable and, in fact, abhorred by those who composed the Book of Concord, and by the founders of this parish, is also evidence enough.

Please know, however, that the troubles in the LCMS are not the reason for my resignation. If I was leaving because the Missouri Synod is in trouble, I would be leaving for all the wrong reasons; I would be running when I should be protecting you; and I would be showing you great disrespect.

I tender my resignation because, over time, I have come to see and believe that the faith believed, taught, confessed and lived in the Orthodox Church is the faith of the apostles. Therefore, I sincerely believe that the Orthodox Church is the true visible Church of Christ on earth. For this reason, my family and I will seek to be received into communion in the Orthodox Church.

Your new bishop recently asked me what core issue motivated me to embrace the Orthodox Faith. It is this: The Liturgy never changes. I don’t mean that chants or prayers or feasts are not added or subtracted gradually over time. What I mean is that no priest or bishop or congregation can decide to cut the Eucharistic Prayer or go with a new style of worship or change things to suit his convictions or the times. Why? Because the liturgy is not something smart men have created and so can modify. The liturgy is from the Holy Spirit in the same way that the Scriptures are from the Holy Spirit. In the liturgy, the Holy Spirit rightly instructs us in Holy Scripture and His presence transforms us and the gifts set forth in the Holy Eucharist. So the liturgy is the way the Faith is given, confessed, prayed and proclaimed. As the liturgy goes, so goes the Faith together with your certainty and surety.

Bad bishops and aberrant priests have and will always surface in the true Church. From time to time, they introduce novel and heretical teachings. But if the liturgy doesn’t change, then their faith-destroying words will not take hold and will eventually fade away. The bottom line, then, is that the unchanging liturgy keeps us on the straight and narrow. It keeps us both on the way to the Kingdom, and in the Way which is Our Lord Jesus Christ. And the Kingdom of heaven is the goal, and the Lord Jesus is our Life.

I sincerely believe that what I am doing is good and right not just for me and my family. I am convinced that it is good and right for each one of you. I sincerely believe that the Faith you’ve been taught here in this place for 125 years is lived and believed in its fullness in the Orthodox Church. Therefore, I deeply long for each of you to join me precisely because I have been your spiritual father. You have trusted by ministry, teaching and counsel these past 11 years, and I wish you would trust me in this as well. Some have indicated that they will do just that. I am moved by their confidence, and will do all I can not to betray their trust. But a good spiritual father should never force or manipulate any of his children to believe as he does. In addition, my own struggles have taught me to acknowledge and respect that each person must reach this decision on his own, in his own time.

Because of my deep love and respect for you, I pledge to you this day that I have not and shall not proselytize or recruit away those who desire to remain members of Zion. I will always be pleased to answer any questions you may have, and I will continue to speak the truth in love. But I will never urge you to act against your conscience because that is not our Father’s way, and that is not the way of His Church.

Already I have heard that some people are telling lies about Zion and what I am doing today. In the coming weeks and months, some here and elsewhere will say that I’ve turned against the true Faith, that I’ve betrayed my vows to the Confessions and to you, and that I have been deliberately deceitful. Some will say that the pledge I just made about not recruiting members is a lie. Some will say that some or all of my tenure at Zion has been a lie. And some will say that Zion has never been very Lutheran and needs to change how she’s worshipped and what she’s been taught during the last 67 years.

If you permit me, let me tell you that when you hear these things: do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, do not become bitter or angry, and do not fall into sin. Instead, hold fast to what is true and good and right. And above all, hold on steadfastly to the mercy of God. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is the loving Father, and so He will always embrace those who come to Him.

I also urge you not to believe those who would question the Gospel and sacraments you have received from me. I have given what I have received. And despite my many failings and the failings of the Synod, the Gospel you have received here in this place is the wondrous, loving, merciful work of the Holy Spirit.

I am grateful for every blessing of the Holy Spirit that I received in the Lutheran Church—most especially for the gift of Holy Baptism, for a rigorous catechesis in many basic doctrines, for the Holy Eucharist that has nourished my faith, and for the grace to serve three parishes. I am also grateful for your prayers; for your words of admonishment, rebuke and encouragement; and for your friendship—which I do not intend to abandon. I am undeserving of every kindness that you have shown me. And although it may be more challenging for various reasons, I hope we continue to see each other in the years ahead.

Finally, although I am undeserving, I ask for your prayers—for me, for my family, for Zion, for your District President, for whoever succeeds me, and for the faithful in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Pray that our Lord have mercy. And pray that, despite our weaknesses and failings, we may together be restored to full communion with our Father through His Son Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.

(Rev Fr) John W Fenton, M.Div., S.T.M.
The Fifth Sunday after Michaelmass
29 October 2006

Benjamin Kjendal And Eastern Orthodoxy at The Fort, Interesting Insights from a Recent Ft. Wayne Source

Future Vicarage Supervisor

LCMS Pastor Benjamin Kjendal joined the stream of Concordia, Ft. Wayne graduates semi-poping (joining Eastern Orthodoxy). Strangely, the congregation's website still has his photos and his sign off letter. The website has all kinds of clues about his preference for Eastern Orthodoxy. Perhaps Kjendal is the only one with the website's password.

A recent graduate of The Fort, as they call Concordia, Ft. Wayne (with no trace of irony), wrote me about his experiences. He saw a graduate join Eastern Orthodoxy each year. He and his friends discussed how this could be, but there was not a general knowledge of where it was coming from.

I remember reading an awful paper from a Mequon student (Lord, Liar, Lunatic - the old argue-them-into-the-Kingdom stuff). I asked the student, "Where are you getting this garbage from?" He clammed up. Later I learned the topic had Valleskey's and Kelm's drool all over it. Mequon has talked up the Evangelicals and Pentecostals so much that a number of graduates have floated off to where the real Church Growth events are taking place.

Ditto Ft. Wayne. I asked Archbishop Heiser where the Romanism and Eastern Orthodoxy were coming from. His answer was "Weinrich." He may have added "Scaer." If not, I would definitely add Scaer to the list. David Scaer loves to talk about being a priest. One has to wonder where worship crosses the line from formal Lutheran worship to Eastern Orthodox aping.

The great thing about this trend is the secretiveness. Who wants to be publicly known as an LCMS student (except for tuition gifts) when it is so exciting to be on secret email lists and reading forbidden websites?

The Fort invited Father Richard J. Neuhaus to lecture their ministers on how he became "The Catholic He Always Was." Heiser reported that half the audience of pastors nodded agreement with Neuhaus as he spoke.

My source said he would no longer recommend seminary training for anyone. We have not had an extensive correspondence. If we did, I would say little about it. I know how vindictive the apostates are when their apostasy is highlighted.

Here is Gary Gehlbach, telling his LCMS audience about another one of his obsessions besides infant communion.

I am disgusted with the apostasy of the Lutheran leaders, especially the conservative Lutheran leaders, but I do not blame Lutheran doctrine for that.

Lutheran doctrine has not been tried and found wanting. Lutheran doctrine has hardly been tried at all.

Stay tuned for more on the Book of Concord.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Women Pastors in WELS

WELS pastoral nightmare after taking too much Nyquil: "Meet the new DP and her Life Partner."

From Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
More WELS double-think. Keep in mind that the "answerman" is a seminary professor. What part of St. Paul's inspired words to the Corinthian women does he not understand: Remain Silent. I weep for the faithful in the WELS that see the freight train of pastorettes coming at them but can't seem to get out of the way. I weep for my own synod for its failure to step away from the WELS flawed theology of the public ministry when it had the chance.



GJ - Everyone in the world is forgiven, according to WELS. And, everyone is a minister, too. The Rev. Dr. John Brug stated more than a decade ago that there is "nothing in the Bible against women pastors." Various pastoral papers have said the same thing, Wisconsin pastors being prone to parrot each other, especially when they are wrong.

No One Here Can Love Or Understand Me

Recent Mequon Reunion.
Missing from photo - WELS pastor William Tabor.

All 12 districts will be meeting in convention early next week to discuss local and synod issues. At two of the conventions, new district presidents will be elected—Rev. Larry Cross, president of the Minnesota district, is retiring June 30 and Rev. Paul Janke, president of the Arizona-California district, is not accepting nominations for re-election.

"For me, 10 years is good," says Janke. "It's been a privilege to serve, but I desire to get back into the parish ministry full time. There is quite a bit of travel involved in being district president, so there are a lot of things in the parish that I miss. I'm really looking forward to teaching Bible studies and Bible information class and visiting—those are some of the real joys."


GJ - Actually, Janke was admonished by a number of pastors not to run for District Pope again. That is when he stepped down. Perhaps the district felt Janke had done enough damage already.

Cross? Cross? That rings a bell. I believe he was involved in the recruitment of Tabor, the WELS pastor who got away with murdering his wife, although the mistress went to prison. Everyone involved with Tabor and the cover-up has come out smelling like roses.

Photographic Evidence

Abortion on Demand Means Eliminating Baby Girls in India and China

India and China are known for allowing only boy babies to be born. China has a One Child policy. In northern India there are cities with a ration of 100 boys to 30 girls being born. Likewise, since the boy must care for his parents when they are older, the boy baby is chosen over the baby girl in China.

Mark Steyn has a warning about what will happen in the next decade or so, with a lack of females to marry in China:

By mid-century, when today's millions of surplus boys will be entering middle age, India and China are expected to account for a combined 50% of global GDP. On present trends, they will be the most male-heavy societies that have ever existed. As I wrote in my book America Alone, unless China's planning on becoming the first gay superpower since Sparta, what's going to happen to all those excess men?

And what of the western world? Canada and Europe are in steep demographic decline and dependent on immigration to sustain their populations.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fire at Universal Studios: Culprit Found

The Second Sunday after Trinity

Built on the Rock, by Norma Boeckler

The Second Sunday after Trinity

Live Lutheran Worship Service, Sundays, 8 AM, Phoenix Time

The Hymn #44 by Koren - Guds Menighed syng
The Invocation p. 15
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual 1 John 3:13-18
The Gospel Luke 14:16-24
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #656 by Brorson – Great White Host
The Sermon

The Poor, Blind, And Lame, The Highways And Hedges

The Hymn #304 by Matthias Loy – St. Chrispin
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #39 by Neander – Lobe den Herren, den

The flowers on the altar are given in memory of Cleo Kiehler, who died last week at the age of 71. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”

Note – when the author of the hymn is listed (by Koren, etc.) it means the hymn was written by a Lutheran. Loy served as a pastor in Delaware, Ohio, just north of Columbus.

1 John 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not [his] brother abideth in death.15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 16 Hereby perceive we the love [of God], because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down [our] lives for the brethren. 17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels [of compassion] from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Luke 14:16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:
17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. 18 And they all with one [consent] began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. 19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. 20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. 21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.
22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.
23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel [them] to come in, that my house may be filled. 24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.


In this Gospel the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us a parable about the Kingdom of God and why its population is so small. In the parable we are warned against carnal security but comforted about the lowly status of believers, which would alarm us otherwise.

The invitation to the great supper is the call to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior. When people worry about who is saved through Christ, they should remember that God has made provisions for many different opportunities to hear the Gospel invitation. People have savagely prevented the Gospel from taking root in their lands, murdering missionaries and making the teaching of the Gospel illegal. We should not condemn God for the hardness of man’s heart. Nevertheless, God still extends the invitation in many forms. The problem is not getting the Gospel message out but the rejection of the Gospel. Now America is the country most in need of missionaries. Not only are we becoming drastically short of ministers, but the American people behave exactly as the people of the parable.

How burdensome is a great supper? The king—that is, God the Father Almighty—proposes to hold a great feast of celebration in eternal life. What is the cost of attending? There is no cost for us. Jesus the Son of God has paid the price with His holy and innocent blood. He has paid for our sins. The Holy Spirit has gone out through the Word and Sacraments to extend this Gospel invitation to us. This is beautifully portrayed in the Means of Grace chapter in Isaiah:

KJV Isaiah 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. 2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.

If you have no money, buy and eat. Buy wine and milk without money and without price. This is nonsense for unbelievers but Gospel for Christians. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be fed.” If you hunger and thirst for the forgiveness of your sins, you will obtain this food for your soul for no price at all, through the grace, love, and mercy of God.

Let your soul delight in fatness. We say we do not like fatty foods, but we love steaks, desserts, whipped cream, ice cream. From the beginning of time man has enjoyed these foods because they are so satisfying. Wave an ice cream bar in front of someone and see who rejects it. In the same way, the Gospel of forgiveness delights us and satisfies us.

At one conference we sang the ancient hymn “Te Deum Laudamus” many times. I keep singing it to myself. Difficult tune. Very old. But more enjoyable to sing than almost any other hymn. Why is that? Because it teaches the truth of the Bible. It proclaims the Gospel and fills our souls with the praise of God.

The great supper is God’s invitation to enjoy eternal life with the saints, angels, and the Holy Trinity. But how did people respond in the parable?

· I bought a piece of land.
· I just got some oxen.
· I just got married.
The excuses are all lame, ridiculously funny, because not one is a reason to avoid a great supper.

The excuses make us even more aware of how feeble the alibis are when people say they are too busy to receive the feast of promises concerning eternal life. Anyone who is a minister or a layman has heard them all. I remember one couple who visited church once and left in anger because the building fund was mentioned. They treated this as an imposition upon them, even though no one imagined asking them for anything, since they were visitors. One insurance agency owner summed it up well, “Any excuse will do.”
We have another version of this parable at work now in this Age of Apostasy, when the established church leaders are clearly false teachers and unbelievers. Some stories even turn out humorous in their grotesque perversion of the Gospel. One Church of England bishop said that one of his ministers could change himself into a woman and still serve as an Anglican priest. (Probably at a lower salary) Other denominations fling homosexual activism at their members and then announce to the press that the issue is dividing the denomination.

The level of apathy is so bad that I am shocked when someone reports a small knot of people who actually react appropriately to what is happening. We could also say that the great supper is the feast of orthodox Christian literature available to those who are discerning. Let me mention some things:

The Church Fathers, such as Augustine and Chrysostom, Jerome and Ambrose, established the meaning of orthodoxy in many different battles for the truth.
The Reformers and post-Reformation authors by themselves have written enough to keep us feasting for the rest of our lives. We have Luther and the Book of Concord, Chemnitz, Chytraeus, J. Gerhard, and many others.
Certain American authors are good because they fought the same battles in their day: Jacobs, Krauth, Schmauck, Lenski, and Walther.

I have just listed the most neglected authors in the Lutheran Church today. There is more interest in the ravings of C. Peter Wagner than the pure Word of God from Luther.

We are what we consume. I thought about that when I bought groceries today. I purchased only healthy items, with lots of fruit. No cookies. No ice cream. No chips. No dessert of any kind. If we consume orthodox literature, we will enjoy the fruits of orthodoxy.

Two things have been very apparent from working on the collection of quotations known as the Megatron Database. First - I have read the same quotations so many times over that I have no doubts about the clarity of God’s Word or the meaning of the Confessions. That is one result. The second result is the fanatical opposition to the truth that I have witnessed in response to those quotations. Time after time people have raged about the very use of those quotations, the good examples from Luther and the Confessions, the bad examples from the synodical prima donnas. Neither type is my personal opinion in my words. Both types of quotations represent the expressed truths and untruths of various authors.

But I have had Lutherans say, “How dare you quote Luther so much!” One Church Growth leader, Larry Olson, Dmin, Fuller (Dmin stands for d-min-ished doctrine) published an angry letter against me in CN that said in so many words, “How dare you quote me verbatim!”

Once again, it is important to mention that this is not opposition to a person but to the Word of God. One friend phoned me and said that he did not find writing computer code exciting. I said, “Get on another mountain. You are on the wrong one for your personality.” If a Lutheran hates to hear the best quotations of Luther, he is on the wrong mountain, too. He should move over to the Enthusiasts who deny that the Holy Spirit works exclusively through the Word.

That is why we have such a ragged looking rabble at the great supper. Episcopalian Bishop James Pike became an Episcopalian because he was thrilled at all the high society people who were Anglicans. (Pike preceded Spong in denying all the doctrines of the Bible. He died stupidly in the desert and was mourned by all three of his wives.) In contrast, the high and mighty do not like Lutheran orthodoxy at all.

When a group broke with the Church of Rome over the declaration of the infallibility of the pope at Vatican I, not one bishop left the Church of Rome to join them. Many voted against the measure. Many voiced their opposition. Pope Pius’ own son was against it. Strossmeyer gave a famous speech against the whole agenda of Vatican I, but he never left and he humbled himself before the pope later for being so courageous. The high and mighty do not want to give up their comfort and security, the esteem of their friends. In contrast, many people will walk over their own mothers to betray the truth.

So we should not be concerned that those who love Lutheran orthodoxy today are few, poor, of low esteem in the eyes of the Apostate Church, scattered, and lacking the praise of the unbelieving world.

When no one came to the great supper, the master declared:

Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. 22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. 23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

The poor, blind, and lame are symbolic but also actual. The people with the worst health are often the most grateful for what they have from God. With one foot in heaven, they receive God’s blessings in gratitude…while we look at our abundance and demand even more. Someone who has lost ground from a degenerative condition but remains cheerful and grateful to God is an example of this parable at work.

We should not forget that the master tells the servants to go out and compel people to attend his great supper. In other words, God provides the means through His servants to invite people into His Kingdom. Some people worry that it is all up to them, that they are solely responsible for millions doomed to eternity in Hell. That is typical of Reformed thinking, where money is raised with such slogans as: “God has no hands but yours, no legs, but yours, no voice, but yours.” Such blasphemy raises money but makes people asking about helping out the poor, old Creator of the universe, Who is blind, mute, and lame, according to this absurd confession of faith.

One CLC pastor was staggered when I gave a missionary sermon from Jonah, where the Word of God clearly shows that God determined to convert Ninevah and did so, in spite of the headlong rush of Jonah to leave town and go the opposite way. Who else but God could create a huge storm, catch Jonah like bait in a large fish, and vomit him on the shores of Ninevah, stinky, humbled, and ready to preach? Only God. Man said no, but God said yes. God always provides for accomplishing His will through His Word. He only asks us to teach His Word and not our word.

In the same way God snagged us through the Word. We have all wandered from the truth at times. We have been complacent. We have allowed the attractions of the world to take us from the Word. But through time and troubles God has burned the dross away to refine our faith and keep our eyes on the cross, on the Savior, on His eternal-life-giving Word. We are the poor, the blind, the lame, the riff-raff from the hedges and highways. We are the lambs gathered by Jesus and carried in His arms.


"But Christ was given for this purpose, namely, that for His sake there might be bestowed on us the remission of sins, and the Holy Ghost to bring forth in us new and eternal life, and eternal righteousness [to manifest Christ in our hearts, as it is written John 16:15: 'He shall take of the things of Mine, and show them unto you.' Likewise, He works also other gifts, love, thanksgiving, charity, patience, etc.]. Wherefore the Law cannot be truly kept unless the Holy Ghost is given."
Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV, Justification, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 159. Tappert, p. 125. Romans 3:31; John 16:15.

"But as the Confutation condemns us for having assigned these two parts to repentance, we must show that [not we, but] Scripture expresses these as the chief parts in repentance and conversion. For Christ says, Matthew 11:28: Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Here there are two members. The labor and the burden signify the contrition, anxiety, and terrors of sin and of death. To come to Christ is to believe that sins are remitted for Christ's sake; when we believe, our hearts are quickened by the Holy Ghost through the Word of Christ. Here, therefore, there are these two chief parts, contrition and faith."
Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article XII (V), #44, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 263. Tappert, p. 187.

Need for Forgiveness
"For now we are only half pure and holy, so that the Holy Ghost has ever [some reason why] to continue His work in us through the Word, and daily to dispense forgiveness, until we attain to that life where there will be no more forgiveness, but only perfectly pure and holy people, full of godliness and righteousness, removed and free from sin, death, and all evil, in a new, immortal, and glorified body."
The Large Catechism, The Creed, Article III, #58, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 693.

Who Has the Word?
"The Church has no word of its own. Whatever is not taken from Scripture is not the 'Word of the Church,' but what Luther bluntly calls 'prattle.' Also other books can exert a divine power and efficacy, but always only inasmuch as they have absorbed God's Word. Of Scripture Luther says: 'No book teaches anything concerning eternal life except this one alone' (St. Louis edition XIV:434)."
Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3 vols., trans. Walter W. F. Albrecht, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1950, I, p. 315.

"But the chief office or force of the Law is that it reveal original sin with all its fruits, and show man how very low his nature has fallen, and has become [fundamentally and] utterly corrupted; as the Law must tell man that he has no God nor regards [cares for] God, and worships other gods, a matter which before and without the Law he would not have believed. In this way he becomes terrified, is humbled, desponds, despairs, and anxiously desires aid, but sees no escape; he begins to be an enemy of [enraged at] God, and to murmur, etc. This is what Paul says, Romans 4:15: 'The Law worketh wrath.' And Romans 5:20: Sin is increased by the Law. [The Law entered that the offense might abound.']
Smalcald Articles, Third Part, II. #3. The Law. Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 479. Tappert, p.303. Heiser, p. 142.

"Contrition is altogether necessary in those who truly and earnestly repent. For there can be no true repentance in those who, persuaded of their own holiness, dream that they are without sin, or who disregard, minimize, excuse, cloak, and defend their sins, despise or ridicule the divine threats, do not care about the wrath of God, are not moved by His judgment and displeasure, and therefore persevere and continue in sins against their conscience, delight in sins, and seek and seize occasions for sinning and for whatever they intentionally heap up without the fear of God--in them, I say, there can be no true repentance...."
Martin Chemnitz, Examination of the Council of Trent, trans., Fred Kramer, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1986, II, p. 581.