Saturday, September 20, 2008

Brian Mueller, New Boss at Grand Canyon University: LCMS Background

Mueller, former boss of the University of Phoenix, credited with moving UOP Online to amazing levels of growth (300,000 total students),
is now at GCU.

Video Link Now Available
From the first Chapel of the 2008/2009 school year…
with CEO Brian Mueller!

Click Here to view:

Brian Mueller joined Grand Canyon University in 2008, and brings over 25 years of teaching, enrollment, and leadership experience in higher education to his position of Chief Executive Officer.

Mr. Mueller graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with majors in Theology and History, and a Master of Education. Centered in Seward, Nebraska, Concordia’s Mission Statement is to be a Christ-centered learning community for students preparing to be dynamic servant leaders in the church and world. Mr. Mueller spent 7 years as a high school instructor in the areas of History, Theology, Sociology and Psychology, as well as being the head basketball coach. He taught in a Catholic school in Michigan for 2 years, followed by 5 years at a Lutheran High School in Colorado. In 1983, he accepted a position as Head Basketball Coach for Concordia University, where he also taught in the Education Department for 4 years.

Texas Free Conference

The schedule and papers (linked) can be found here.

Daniel Preus, et al.

Dan was First Veep of Missouri, pushed out by the Kieschnazis in spite of saying nothing and doing nothing for the entire term.


The site still has this note: "There is also a lot of written material, anti-CG, anti-unionism, Means of Grace, on Pastor Gregory L. Jackson's site," That site is so old I do not know how to log on anymore. I am guessing it was done around 1999.

The Sleep of Reason

The Sleep of Reason, by Goya

KJV Luke 16:8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

Several sources in WELS have told me that "calls are few and far between now."

I was astounded. "How can that be, after 30 years of Church Growth in WELS?" The WELS schools are all in trouble with sky-high tuition. Parochial schools are closing faster than bars after a Carry A. Nation visit. Congregations are merging to disguise how many are failing.

My quip drew a "LOL" from Pennsylvania. Finally the Wisconsin Sect went sour on their Church Shrinkage Movement. As Jesus admonished us, the non-believers are often wiser than the Christians.

Non-believers would have canned or caned the Church Shrinkage leaders for their poor results. All those CGM clowns ever talked about was growth, but they never produced the statistical growth they used to swat the conservatives.

Non-believers would have asked, "Why did we do so well previously when we are hitting the skids now?"

Reason must be captive to the Word, but that does not mean we should abandon common sense.

The Church Shrinkage leaders were never for anything. They were and are against:

  1. The Lutheran Confessions;
  2. The Inerrancy of the Bible (in lock-step with Fuller);
  3. The Clarity or Perspicuity of the Word (g-r-e-y areas of Scripture, dontcha know);
  4. The Efficacy of the Word;
  5. The Means of Grace;
  6. A scholarly educational system (because any idiot can be a Church Shrinker).

Church Shrinkers are definitely for unionism. Apostates are unionists; unionists are apostates. Reu had that figured out 100 years ago. A True Blue WELS member can listen to a Roman Catholic priest teaching the Word at a WELS college (WLC) and say, without blushing, "That c-a-n be understood correctly."

Church Shrinkers say they want love, but they really promote hatred. That is why I call the WELS headquarters The Love Shack. Church Shrinkers are angry, hateful, and completely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest. While crying out "Slander! Eighth Commandment! Matthew 18!" they violate the laws of common decency with their facile fabrications.

Contending for the Faith

"The sleep of reason breeds strange monsters."
Title of a famous painting.

Apostasy did not take over the Purple Palace, or ELCA's highrise, or the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie, or The Love Shack by accident. Two forces worked together in each case.

  1. One was the zeal of the apostates, who for various reasons, hated the Faith and wanted to convert the synod to their causes.
  2. The other was the lethargy, indolence, timidity, and ambition of the conservatives, who gladly exchanged their doctrinal birthright for a bowl of soup, whether the bargain was a call, a committee position, or synodical prestige.

Pope Kieschnick was working on his goals many years ago when he eyeballed Herman Otten and said to him, "So you are the man who makes or breaks synodical presidents?"

Now Pope Jerry the Omnipotent has over-reached himself. Missouri may toss him out, but his supporters will unite behind Kieschnick. The question is whether self-congratulating conservatives can overturn the Kieschnick machine when apostates unite around causes while conservatives divide according to personalities.

The only chance for reform may be in the Wisconsin Sect, where SP Mark Schroeder is making some progress at The Love Shack. Various reports from all over WELS tell me the laity and pastors are pleased with his leadership. The Mueller-Gurgel-Valleskey combine is not going to accept defeat quietly. The Church Shrinkers have placed their men and women all over the synod. They work lock-step in forwarding their agenda, which is anti-Lutheran, anti-Means of Grace, pro-unionism. How else can one explain Wisconsin Lutheran College (home of Church and Change) inviting a pedophile Roman Catholic archbishop to give a special lecture?

Working against WELS is that old habit of keeping incompetents in office, because tossing them out suggests an error was made. Gurgel was the dream candidate of conservatives a few years ago, as I love to remind certain people. Wayne Mueller was so bad that WELS broke its own rule and voted him out as synod first veep, only to have the winner tuck tail and run from office, letting Mueller return as "re-elected" - when in fact he was unelected.

Contending for the faith is the only issue. Whenever someone tries to promote another aspect of false doctrine, in any given synod, the wary should rise as a group and fight it down. Mostly, the contented conservatives let one person deliver the talking points alone, so they can remain under cover.

No matter how bad things are now, they will only get worse without a fight. A house does not clean itself. An engine does not repair itself. A synod does not get better and better with neglect.

Those who seem to contend alone should not despair. There is something in Shakespeare or the Bible about bearing the cross. That applies specifically to hardships accompanying the teaching of the pure Word. Not even bishops are spared (see the Episcopalian story).

God's gracious will is behind the experience of the cross. Yesterday I was recalling the absolute insanity of some people in the LCA. I am grateful that circumstances compelled me to experience the old Synodical Conference in all of its glorious decay. All of the strutting, preening, and bragging (John Seifert, John Lawrenz, Kincaid Smith) was so much hot air, but I got the chance to know sincere Lutherans. The Church Shrinkers (Kuske, Robert Mueller, Stolzenburg, Larry Olson, Valleskey, Bivens, Huebner, Roth, Werning, Hunter) introduced me to the Book of Concord in a way no graduate school could.

Alarming is the myth that synods control the ministry. Any pastor can sit down, teach the Word, and gather a congregation. Given the circumstances, defenestration is good for the resume, although a temporary setback in income. In November I will be able to make a full-time income teaching, without leaving home. Mrs. Ichabod and the Shelties think that is great.

Defenestration is the best way to pare down the Christmas card list. Real friends stick around.

Most pastors are afraid of their own synoda, but the synods should be terrified of the pastors' wrath. Let me paint a picture. Suppose I were to be invited to lecture at The Surrendered Fort, The Sausage Factory, or the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie. Would there be massive protests, burning torches, waving pitchforks? Of course. The same thing should happen when even one point of sound doctrine is disputed anywhere at any time, from the circuit level to the carpeted and scented hallways of synodical headquarters.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Decapitates Bishop

"Don't worry - we have your six."

SALT LAKE CITY: House of Bishops Votes to Depose Bishop Duncan 87 to 36 with Four Abstentions

By David W. Virtue

The Episcopal Church House of Bishops today passed a resolution formally requesting that the Bishop of Pittsburgh, the Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan be deposed from the Episcopal Church for abandoning the communion of the church.

By a vote of 87 to 36 with four abstentions the HOB overwhelming moved to have the evangelical catholic bishop removed as a bishop from TEC. It is now up to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to officially depose him. She is expected to do that before The Diocesan Convention in 2 weeks.

The Rt. Rev. Dorsey Henderson, president of the Title IV Review Committee changed his vote yes to no after the vote was taken, a source has told VOL.

Springfield Bishop Peter Beckwith described the debate for deposition as "shallow".

"They were blaming Bishop Duncan saying he needed to be deposed because he said terrible things about the House of Bishops."

"I have never seen so many retired bishops at a HOB meeting. The majority voted for deposition. The hypocrisy was incredible. They talked about standards and being accountable and holding each other accountable, but they never saw that anything they did was wrong or that they were culpable for their actions."

Beckwith rose to say that he supported a statement put out by the Bishop and Standing Committee of the Diocese of Albany that, among other things, called for an end to litigation and depositions.

"I support that document fully and without reservation. To proceed with the action will be a gross misuse of power and miscarriage of justice and will be seen by a great many as an ecclesiastical lynching. I am embarrassed to be a part of it.

The Rev. Peter Frank, Pittsburgh Communications Director said Bishop Duncan will not contest the vote. "The Standing Committee will now be the ecclesiastical authority through the diocesan convention."

The following is a list of those who voted against the motion to depose Bishop Duncan: They are Albany, Dallas, Western Kansas, Central Florida, SC, Suffragan Bishop of Alabama, Tennessee, Southwest Florida, Easton, MD, Montana, NJ, Milwaukee, Nthn. Indiana, OK, VA, RI, NW Texas, Eastern TN, Mississippi. Louisiana and Western LA.


PITTSBURGH: Statement from the Standing Committee
Document Actions

The Standing Committee announces its intention to function as the Ecclesiastical Authority for the Diocese.

Statement by the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh Regarding the Deposition of our Bishop, Robert Wm Duncan, Jr., by the House of Bishops - September 18, 2008.

We are profoundly disappointed by this action, and view it as yet another tragic rejection of the historic faith of our diocese and the majority consensus of the Anglican Communion.

We continue to believe that the House of Bishops has clearly misapplied and misinterpreted the canons as we stated to the Presiding Bishop in our letter of May 28.

In light of this unfair and improper action to "depose" our bishop, we now assume our responsibility under the canons to be the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Bishop Duncan will continue to support the work of our diocese under the terms of his administrative employment agreement and within the bounds of his deposition, providing many of the services that he previously performed for the diocese. Our diocesan convention of October 4 will go forward as planned, at which the canonically required re-alignment vote will be taken.

We understand that Bishop Duncan has been received as a member in good standing of the House of Bishops of the Province of the Southern Cone. We rejoice at this news.

The Standing Committee asks that the clergy and people of Pittsburgh pray for the Duncans, the diocesan staff and the elected leadership of the diocese in the days ahead. We stand firmly on the promise of Holy Scripture found in Romans 8:28.

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

The Rev David D. Wilson,
President St. David's Church, Peter's Twp PA
The Rev. Karen B. Stevenson
Trinity Church, Washington PA
The Rev. Geoffery W. Chapman St. Stephen's Church, Sewickley PA
Mr. Wicks Stephens, Secretary Trinity Cathedral, Pittsburgh PA
Dr. Theresa T. Newell St. Stephen's Church, Sewickley PA
Mrs. Gladys Hunt-Mason St. Stephen's Church, McKeesport PA
Mr. Kenneth Herbst St. Peter's Church, Butler PA



The so-called "deposition of Bishop Duncan is illegal, unfair, and unchristian.

It is illegal because it violates numerous Canons of The Episcopal Church:

1) There has been no "abandonment." Past precedents of the Episcopal Church show that the "abandonment" Canon cannot be used to punish a Bishop's intentions;

b) The Canons require that any facts be considered by a Review Committee. Here, the Presiding Bishop has used facts from the committee she created to seize the property of orthodox dioceses and parishes;

c) The Canons require that a Bishop be inhibited before the matter can be submitted to the House of Bishops. Bishop Duncan was not inhibited; and

(d) The Canons require that any vote to depose must have the vote of the majority of Bishops entitled to vote. Here, the vote was only by a majority of those present.

It is unfair because Bishop Duncan was denied his fundamental right - the right to a church trial. He has been denied that right because the Presiding Bishop believes that his "deposition" will assist her in her desire to seize the property of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.

It is unchristian because Bishop Duncan is being punished for his faithful submission to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



It is a very sad day for The Episcopal Church. It is a sad day for me, a faithful son of that church.

Nevertheless it is also a hopeful day, hopeful because of the unstoppable Reformation that is overtaking the Christian Church in the West. It is also a hopeful day for me personally as I am unanimously welcomed into the House of Bishops of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, an act applauded by Anglican archbishops, bishops, clergy and people all around the world.

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh will move forward under its new Ecclesiastical Authority, its Standing Committee. That body will carry the diocese through to our realignment vote on October 4. With the success of that vote, it will be possible that we be joined together again as bishop and people.

I offer my deepest thanks to the company of saints all around the globe who have sustained me, my work and all who are dear to me in these days.

Robert Duncan

International Finance Meltdown

If only this worked with the finance people.

The first hint of the mortgage meltdown came to me when I was teaching a supervisor in building homes. He was firing crews right and left. "No one can afford our homes. There will be a big sell-off at the end of the year." That was the end of 2006. Then a friend told me the subprime money funds had evaporated in early 2007. Soon the dominoes started to fall.

Now, almost two years later, world finance has come unglued, after several massive interventions. One person explained it well to us non-experts. The go-go banks started with $1 and borrowed $40 against it. They bought mortgage bundles with the $40 but found the bundles were worth $17 when the underlying liar-loans began to stink. Now they had lost their initial $1 and owed $40 for $17 worth of securities. Meltdown.

The Western governments are using their treasuries (our taxes) to bail out these improvident bankers. I do not have an MBA, a CPA, or a business degree, but I was shocked that all the major banks were giving mortgages to people without having their income verified. In Phoenix everyone was buying homes with liar loans and flipping them for a quick profit to other fools. Like all pyramid schemes, they ran out of fools all at once. A lot of homes were sold to illegal immigrants, using teaser rates, so the officers knew that the homes would be foreclosed in one year or two. Most Mexicans, especially illegal Mexicans, do not make enough money to afford a home. Loan officers who objected to this fraud were by-passed.

In my memory we have had the commercial property/ savings and loan meltdown, where the federal government arranged a massive bail-out, though nothing like the current one. Before that Carter froze bank accounts because of banks' greed or incompetence. We also had the bail-out on Mexican loans, where the government gave Mexico $40 billion to pay their loans, in effect giving American banks $40 billion.

The new bail-out will subsidize the entire world economy and soak up tax dollars for many years to come. Interest rates will be almost zero for some time to come. All securities have lost value. Right now people are buying US obligations that pay virtually no interest, just to be safe.

These developments will have profound effects on synodical funds and people's retirement. A number of people have told me how everyone is very cautious about spending anything.

Just before the meltdown became obvious to the average person, Wall Street gave itself $65 billion in bonus money, then began reporting huge losses (which were not even close to the truth). The excuse was - "We have to reward performers to keep them working for us." I imagine the bonus babies were the financial geniuses who ran Bear Stearns (now gone), Lehman Brothers (dead after 150 years), AIG (80% socialized by the feds), and Merrill Lynch (sold to prevent bankruptcy). Some think CitiBank will fold or combine. Washington Mutual is on the ropes already.

One professor jumped me in the teacher's lounge. He said, "I can never retire now. Have you lost anything in the market?" That was a year ago.

I said, "Not a dime. I had nothing in the market."

I plan on working as long as I can, deo volunte. Online teaching and publishing are ideal for that plan. I wonder if anyone will trust the financial institutions again. I had a bit of trouble cashing an out of state check. The credit union teller said, "Have you cashed checks from this source before?"

I said, "Don't worry. It's not an AIG check."

In 1988 I used my two favorite bank jokes, which are only good during a crisis.

One - "I stopped at my bank today and they couldn't cash a $20 bill."

Two - "I got a new account at Chase yesterday, but I had to give them a toaster."

The cashier at Sam's Club laughed out loud. Now the jokes are funny again, but people will suffer because of it, far more than ever before.

My father had an expression he used whenever the weather was bitterly cold in Moline: "It's colder than a banker's heart today."


PS - How much will he make this year?

Question/Comment: Last year Lehman Brothers' CEO Richard Fuld, Jr. made $71 million. Today his company collapsed. How much will he make this year?

Paul Solman: I don't know about this year. You've covered last. In 2006, according to, he was the 5th highest-paid CEO in America: "Total Compensation $122.67 mil; 5-Year Compensation Total $375.81 mil."

Church of England Apologizes to Darwin

Church of England apologises to Darwin

Anglican Church’s neo-Chamberlainite appeasement of secularism

Published: 20 September 2008(GMT+10)

Creation on the Web

This weekend’s feedback is in response to a number of queries about the Church of England (Anglicans) officially apologizing to Darwin. However, they don’t speak for all attenders of this church, since many of them are still faithful to Scripture and are appalled by their ‘leaders’. There are numerous mistakes in the article by the official CoE representative, a Rev. Dr Malcolm Brown, on the official CoE website, and Jonathan Sarfati replies point-by-point.

Good religion needs good science
by Rev Dr Malcolm Brown, Director of Mission and Public Affairs Church of England

The trouble with homo sapiens is that we’re only human. People, and institutions, make mistakes and Christian people and churches are no exception.

Indeed, as the CoE has officially shown with this craven apology—as if apologies for the past are meaningful, given that both Darwin and those who allegedly wronged him are long dead. And who does he really speak for? Certainly not the large numbers of Anglicans who still believe the Bible.

When a big new idea emerges which changes the way people look at the world, it’s easy to feel that every old idea, every certainty, is under attack and then to do battle against the new insights.
Such superficial psychologization may be touching, but in reality, philosopher Daniel Dennett calls Darwinism a universal acid that ‘eats through virtually every traditional concept’—mankind’s most cherished beliefs about God, value, meaning, purpose, culture, morality—everything.

The church made that mistake with Galileo’s astronomy, and has since realised its error.

The church indeed made a mistake with Galileo … adopting the prevaling scientific framework of the University Aristotelians, and adjusting their theology to fit.

It can get tedious to see compromising churchians trot out the Galileo affair as an excuse for their compromise. The church indeed made a mistake with Galileo, but exactly the opposite of what Brown thinks. The church’s trouble was adopting the prevailing scientific framework of the University Aristotelians, and adjusting their theology to fit. When Galileo challenged the prevailing scientific framework, his scientific enemies persuaded the Church that he was attacking the Bible, which he was not.


GJ - This is no time for tongue-clucking. The American Lutherans have not been able or willing to teach Luther's doctrine. Creation by the Word is foundational for all Christian theology. Teaching against Creation runs parallel to advocacy for soi-disant abortion and homosexual rights.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

LCMS Plans Drive Swede To Drink

"A stiff one, none of that lite stuff."

Dear Greg,

You may have been made aware of the recent "white paper" sent out by Barney and his friends at the Purple Palace entitled, "Walking Together - The LCMS Future." All congregations were sent a copy of these proposals. While they are not law yet, I have little doubt that much of the document will become law in time - once the right people are directed on how they should vote when given the opportunity. Below are some of the document's highlights (better known as the means for giving greater power to Pope Jerry):

1. Creating new "executive staff" positions in each district office - executives who are "to report directly to the president of the Synod."

2. "Allow congregations with more than 750 confirmed members to be represented by two additional delegates [to synodical conventions] for each additional unit of 750 confirmed members or majority thereof."

3. "Determine each district' number of delegates according to that district's exact percentage of the total number of congregations and communicants in Synod."

4. When referring to the proceedings of a national convention, one of the regular items of business is listed as, "The Divine Call of the president, vice presidents, and secretary." (At least the Roman Pope is still elected!)

5. That conventions will take turns being "focused" and "general." Focused conventions will have their agendas determined by the Synodical President and District Presidents alone. (And you thought Vladimir Putin was a powerful dictator.)

6. "Doctrinal resolutions of special significance require a two-thirds vote for adoption." (Women's ordination, anyone?)

7. Allowing circuits to be formed by various means, including by size of congregation, affinity group, or by any other method deemed most appropriate..." (What is an "affinity group?")

8. Increasing the number of districts to 100 or reducing the number of districts to 20. (There are 35 districts currently.)

Also, there is a proposal to change the name of the synod "to better reflect who we are today."

The Swede needs a drink...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Jewish Version of Star Wars To Be Filmed

Jewbacca will take over as the star, since Hans Solo has aged considerably. 

(Associated Press) Many people thought the Star Wars franchise was at an end, with increasingly expensive, pompous, and tedious films in the can.

Hollywood moguls said, "We had a Black Wizard of Oz. Why not a Jewish Star Wars? We can have Jedi Rabbis and Iranian Stormtroopers. McCain looks just like Yoda. He could do a cameo."

Lehman Brothers promised to finance the picture by selling limited partnerships to former investors in Florida condos. For some some reason, the money has come up short so far. Still, backers are hopeful.

Jefferts-Schori Competing with Pope John the Malefactor

PITTSBURGH: Episcopal Bishop Robert Duncan Faces Judgment Day

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

ET TU, HOUSE OF BISHOPS? It would seem so. The final betrayal, without a trial, will take place this week when bishops of the Episcopal Church take a vote to remove the orthodox Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan from ministry for abandoning the Communion of the Church, the Episcopal Church that is, not the Anglican Communion and certainly not the faith of the church which he holds more dearly than life itself.

Bishop Robert Duncan's ecclesiastical death is the clear objective of the presiding bishop. In a letter to the clergy and people of the diocese Duncan wrote, "Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori made it clear that there will be a vote to depose me from the ministry of the Episcopal Church."

The charge against Bishop Duncan, initiated by five priests and sixteen laypeople of the Diocese of Pittsburgh is led by the liberal priest and pathological opponent of orthodoxy Dr. Harold Lewis of Calvary Episcopal and an implacable foe of Bishop Duncan who has spent the last two years litigating against this godly Evangelical Catholic bishop. The "evidence" in the case put forward by the House of Bishops Property Task Force, is drawn directly from the Calvary litigation.

"We have long suspected that a principal purpose in the Calvary litigation was to have me removed, by whatever means, before the realignment vote. Whatever the purported evidence, I continue to maintain that the House of Bishops '"vote'" will be a gross violation of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church," said Duncan.

Indeed it is. Mr. John H. Lewis, Jr. Bishop Duncan's attorney wrote VOL pointing out that the Presiding Bishop and her chancellor are violating the canons of The Episcopal Church in order to "remove" Bishop Duncan prior to the diocesan convention in October. The move is clearly political in intent and nature.

Lewis called the action "improper" because Duncan's actions are only "intentions". He cited the failed attempt to depose San Joaquin Bishop John-David Schofield, as a case in point. He further argued that both The Episcopal Church and the Province of the Southern Cone (under whose authority Duncan would come under) are members of the same "communion"- the Anglican Communion.

Lewis noted that the real intent of using this particular canon was to use the Task Force on Property disputes - not the Review Committee - for the purpose of seizing property. The Canons state that the case of an "inhibited" bishop must be referred to the HOB for action. Bishop Duncan has not been inhibited, let alone deposed. Jefferts Schori tried once before to inhibit him, but failed to get the consent of three senior bishops so had to drop it, albeit temporarily. Now she has returned with a vengeance.

"In these circumstances, I concur with my Chancellor and the Parliamentarian that any ambiguity in the canon should be resolved in favor of making this important provision (deposing Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan) work effectively and that the discipline of the Church should not be stymied because a majority or nearly a majority of voting bishops are no longer in active episcopal positions in the Church and their attendance at meetings is hampered by age, health, economics, or interest in other legitimate pursuits," wrote Jefferts Schori. You can read her full statement here:

Back wrote Lewis, "The canons clearly distinguish between a majority of those present (the requirement when acting on a bishop's request to resign) and a majority of bishops entitled to vote (the standard for deposition) it also is reasonable that there would be a higher standard for involuntary separation. The presiding bishop concedes an 'ambiguity' but says that the Canon has to mean what she says it means in order for it to 'work effectively'. In other words, she doesn't have the votes to depose Bishop Duncan so the canon has to be twisted in order to achieve her goal of removing Bishop Duncan before the diocesan convention."

The Presiding Bishop is out for blood and won't rest till Duncan's ecclesiastical head is removed from his shoulders and is out of the diocese. She has neither civility nor polity on her side, just raw vengeance. "If the presiding bishop really believes that Bishop Duncan's statements and 'intentions' violate the canons, then she should follow the honorable course prescribed by the canons, announce a presentment and give him a trial," Lewis blasted back.

That, apparently is the last thing Jefferts Schori wants. She rules the House of Bishops with a rod of iron. Few, if any, bishops will stand up to her. She makes her predecessor Frank Griswold look like a declawed pussycat. He hated confrontation. She wallows in it.

"There are two things I would say, and one thing I would ask. First, whatever happens on Thursday as to my status, the Diocese will carry forward under rules long-ago established. If I am 'removed,' the Standing Committee will be the Ecclesiastical Authority", said Duncan.

The Pittsburgh diocese is scheduled to vote Oct. 4 at its diocesan convention on whether to secede from the Episcopal Church and realign with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone in South America. While there are two factions opposed to leaving TEC, the overwhelming majority stand with Bishop Duncan.

Duncan said in his letter that even if he is removed, leaders of the Pittsburgh diocese will carry on with the secession vote. Duncan and his supporters say that the U.S. church's consecration of an openly avowed non-celibate priest to the episcopacy in the person of Gene Robinson was the final line in the sand.

Duncan's opponents have made it equally clear that even if a majority of Pittsburgh Episcopalians vote to withdraw from the Episcopal Church, the National Church will continue to have a Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Several hundred Pittsburgh Episcopalians met at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon on Saturday and said they planned to stay with the Episcopal Church

"The beginnings may be a trifle rough but we have the will and the people to proceed," said Mary Roehrich, a member of St. Andrew's Church in Highland Park. "...This diocese will not be liberal or conservative. It will have significant numbers of people of all theological stripes," said one newspaper report.

The presentation was made by an organization called Across the Aisle, a coalition of clergy and lay people that formed seven months ago, after Duncan announced he would seek to have the Pittsburgh Diocese break from what he feels is a liberal-leaning Episcopal Church.

Across the Aisle has "made a first cut at a budget and, in so doing, have made support for parishes, parish initiatives and mission development a high priority," said Joan Gundersen, a member of the Church of the Redeemer, Squirrel Hill.

A standing committee of four lay people and four clergy will lead the reorganized diocese until a new bishop can be selected, said Rev. James Simons, rector of St. Michael's of the Valley in Ligonier and chairman of the Across the Aisle steering committee.

The legal battle over the $43 million in assets that the national church says the diocese holds in trust will become the lynchpin of the deposition of Bishop Duncan by the Presiding Bishop. Across the Aisle is working in cooperation with the national church.

Mrs. Jefferts Schori's particular animus for Bishop Duncan has no parallel. She has not gone after Ft. Worth Bishop Jack Iker, Bishop John-David Schofield (San Joaquin) or Bishop Keith Ackerman (Quincy) with the same degree of ferocity that she has gone after Bishop Duncan. There is a peculiar hatred for Duncan born no doubt because of his leadership of Common Cause Partnership bringing together orthodox dioceses and parishes in the Episcopal Church under an umbrella movement, and for his unquestioned leadership in the upcoming North American Anglican Province.

Clearly the remaining orthodox in The Episcopal Church are on a collision course with the Episcopal Church's revisionist leadership. There is no going back for either the pansexualists who are bent on moving the church forward in a direction at odds with the vast majority of Anglicans worldwide or Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals in TEC who see little or no future for themselves in the present church. By the end of the year Anglo-Catholicism will cease to exist at a diocesan level. Then it will be Evangelicals who will face the music.

The following are confidential documents concerning the inhibition and deposition of Bishop Robert Duncan from Bishop Dorsey Henderson of the Title IV Review Committee to the Presiding Bishop.

The following is a statement from Bishop Duncan's attorney John H. Lewis Jr.

The following is Bishop Duncan's Pastoral Statement to his clergy and laity


NPH - Logos Software Great with PCs

Teigen cat sulking - Mac software not ready yet.

Mark Buske has left a new comment on your post "NPH Fires Back":

Pastor Jackson,

The integration of the Logos format with word processors is nearly seamless. It works very well in the Windows environment.

Those of you with Macs will have to wait until Logos gets a more fully developed program. The Mac version is currently in alpha but is downloadable (if you want to take a look) from their site at

Mark Buske
NPH Marketing Director


GJ - Computers are a great tool for theological research. So far I seem to be the only one to database quotations. I hope I am wrong about that. A simple database (now 31 years old) holds 3,000 quotations. I often use them to verify what has been published in the past. Books get misplaced. Journals are difficult to move. Magazines are thrown away. Conference papers may get filed, then lost. Megatron, my database, remembers.

Bailing Water Everywhere

Photo borrowed from Norm Teigen - Chicago area

Dog Dials 911 for Owner Having a Seizure

Warning - your monitor may blur while reading this.

Dog dials 911 after owner suffers seizure

Lindsey Collom - Sept. 13, 2008 10:34 PM

The Arizona Republic

A German shepherd has been credited with saving its owner from serious harm or death by placing a call to 911 this week.

Scottsdale police say a service dog named Buddy dialed emergency dispatch Wednesday when his owner, Joe Stalnaker, began to have a seizure.

Stalnaker's condition resulted from injuries he received during military service.
He adopted Buddy as an 8-week-old puppy and trained him to retrieve the phone when seizure symptoms manifest. If Stalnaker has blacked out or cannot place the call himself, Buddy uses his teeth to press programmed buttons until a 911 operator is on the line.

Buddy, now 18 months old, can be heard whimpering in an audio recording of the 911 call placed about 11:45 a.m. Emergency responders arrived at the home about two minutes later.

Stalnaker told reporters that it was the third or fourth time that Buddy has made a 911 call. A statement from Scottsdale police said Stalnaker was in the hospital for two days but has recovered.

"Buddy, he basically gives me my independence," Stalnaker said during an interview. "He's my world. He's my best friend, no question. He's always there, and I just hope I can be as good to him as he's been to me."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rev. Bruce Becker, Church and Change:
WELS Love Shack Administrator

No man can serve two masters, so which one is his favorite?

Church and Change Website
Bruce currently serves as the administrator for WELS Parish Services. He has also served as the WELS Adult Discipleship Administrator, [The Love Shack] as a parish pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church of Brillion, WI, and as a mission pastor in Springville, NY. He is married to Linda and has four children. They are members of Morning Star Lutheran Church, Jackson, WI. Bruce has been actively involved with Church and Change since 1998.


GJ - Note how Bruce Becker's name comes up in an old posting in denying the efficacy of the Word, which is common, perhaps mandatory, in the Church Shrinkage Movement:

A message from a WELS pastor, forwarded by an anonymous source:

“Just a quick note to keep you up to date on the current "efficacy" controversy in the WELS. Pastor Howard Festerling has now been formally suspended from the ministerium of the WELS, officially for the crime of being "divisive and contentious," contrary to Titus 3:10. But the real issue was his refusal to accept the following statement from a Conference paper by Pastor Bruce Becker, to wit:

"The proclamation of the Gospel is not always effective because of us."

He labeled Becker's comment as "heresy," and said any, including the DP, who accepted it were heretics also. After a year of maneuvering and wrangling over words, Howard is now out. He is appealing, but since they refuse to talk about the real issue and only want to discuss his "divisiveness," there's not much hope.

Many other men in the WELS know about this – [names omitted] etc... Also, many, even in Howard's own district agree with him, but are afraid to speak up. As they put it to him, "Look what happened to you!"

It is certainly yet another sad day in the WELS. The downhill grade of the slippery slope into reformed theology is increasing almost daily now. Whither WELS? Only God knows!

Have a great weekend.



Church and Change Bragging, or Confessing Their Guilt?
Church and Change folk are committed to Lutheran Theology as explained in the Lutheran Confessions. However, they are thinking about, working with, and pioneering different ways to reach more people, more often, with the gospel so the Holy Spirit can do His thing.

Innovation in methodology is yesterday's news in the WELS. Pastors, teachers, synod administrators, worker training leaders, home and world missionaries, worship leaders, computer buffs, and countless local laymen and laywomen, have been tweaking (and/or radically changing) ministry methods for years.


Lutherans Imatating (sic) Evangelicals
Craig Parton, author of The Defense Never Rests, is interviewed on KFUO. He staunchly defends the Lutheran liturgical approach to worship. Note: this is an audio file.

[GJ - Evangelicals can spell.]

Christian Life Resources
Christian Life Resources has information on life issues (abortion, euthanasia, infanticide) - all from a scripture-honoring perspective. Included are references to current and past news releases, Bible studies and devotions, and photos.
[GJ - Not included on the website - How to Dump Your Wife, Marry Your Secretary, and Still Lead Christian Life Resources.]


Church From Scratch
In this project, we will start by looking at Biblical principals and Biblical approaches. Then we will examine some relevant, cultural and common-sense truths and misconceptions that pertain to ministry. Then we will look at what God’s people, families, non-Christians and Families of disciples truly need to know God and carry out his ministry. After that, we will use these principals to consider some possible approaches to ministry. It is our prayer that this project brings glory to God and can help in some small way to further revitalize the ministry of God's Church among us in America.

[GJ - Scratch is a synonym for Satan, so this is aptly titled.]


Church and Change Idea Exchange (Bad news -
This is just a small sample)

Church in Trouble? Conference Breakout 101.... Extreme Makeover: Church Edition

Pastor Adam Mueller

Is your congregation stuck in the mud? Has attendance plateaued? Are offerings stagnant? Maybe your congregation needs an extreme makeover.


[GJ - Adam is the son of Wayne Mueller, ex-VP.1 of WELS]


Churches - How to Build One From Scratch
Pastor Jeff Gunn

Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ
Pastor Gun is also a great resource for:

Marketing a Church a Target Community
Small Groups - Starting them Successfully
Contemporary Music - Doing it up
Outreach Methods - Getting Involved
Researching Alternative Ministry Methods and Models - How To Do It and Pull Workable Ideas From It



Conference Keynote Speaker: Breakthrough Thinking in WELS Ministry
John Di Frances

From John’s experience, the Evangelicals are great at connecting with people, but are often lacking in the depth and solid foundation of biblical truth. John joined a WELS congregation because he is convinced that WELS teaches the truth of God’s Word. But he has also observed that WELS isn’t necessarily very good at connecting with and engaging people or being seen as relevant to life today by non-Christians. John is personally convinced that WELS can impact our world in ways that surpass the impact of the Evangelical movement. But to do so will require some break-through thinking.



Congregation -Conference Breakout 103.... Growing Your Congregation’s Staff from Within
Dr. Lawrence Olson (DMin, Fool-er Seminary)

The WELS Congregational Assistant Program (CAP) encourages and equips members, men and women alike, for a broader ministry within a congregation.
WELS Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI), which guides and assists men from a broad cultural spectrum through their pre-seminary and seminary training.



Contemporary Music - Doing it up
Pastor Jeff Gunn

Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ
Pastor Gun is also a great resource for:

Marketing a Church a Target Community
Small Groups - Starting them Successfully
Outreach Methods - Getting Involved
Churches - How to Build One From Scratch
Researching Alternative Ministry Methods and Models - How To Do It and Pull Workable Ideas From It



Contemporary Worship - Conference Breakout 501....
Creating Irresistible Environments with Contemporary Worship

Pastor John Parlow

Explore transferable principles that will help you build a church for outsiders to come to and hear truth that makes a difference now and for eternity. Now is the time to shed ethnic rationalizations, personal preferences, and doomsday attitudes that are offered as excuses for outreach failures. The truth is the Gospel is timelessly relevant, the church and its representatives may or may not be relevant; the Gospel is timelessly efficacious, the church and its representatives may or may not be effective. Let’s talk about building ministries that are dangerously Christian. [GJ - Confidential to Parlow and Kelm. Plagiarism is against the law, dangerously so.]

If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



Contemporary Worship - Conference Breakout 506....
Your Guide to Starting Your Own Alternative Worship Experience

Pastor James “Ski” Skorzewski and Staff Minister Brian Davison

Changes are taking place in the worship world. There still remains a strong interest in blended and contemporary worship among many in our midst. A number of WELS congregations have been conducting blended or contemporary services for years. This workshop will provide help and guidance from someone who has undertaken the process at St. Marcus in Milwaukee. Topics to be discussed include how to begin a blended/contemporary service in a small/traditional congregation so that everyone is blessed; recruiting musicians, vocalists, and technical persons; equipment needs; stage presence; best music to use at the start; copyright matters; music/worship sources (websites, friends, etc…); use of contemporary liturgies; establishing a WELS network for those interested in helping each other with materials, ideas, and encouragement; and the awakening need for more joyful experiential worship in our midst.

If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



Corporate Ministry - CEO
Brian and Tracy Lampe

It is hard to recognize that relationships should be encouraged and that work life needn’t be separate and distinct from one’s personal life. In truth, we all bring our personal lives to work each day and often talk about them with our colleagues. Even those who don’t share what’s going on outside the workplace bring their moods or attitudes to the office. Leaders and managers recognize that each employee is a whole person with a private life that accompanies him or her to work. Ignoring this reality prevents office and its staff to maintain a prepared, productive, and polished team.

CEO also has programs for:
Men's Ministry
Student's Ministry
Couples Ministry
Parent's Ministry



Couples Ministry - CEO
Brian and Tracy Lampe

The Lampe’s vision is for every home to be impacted with God’s love and to mature. You will hear life changing results as they share the victories through Jesus in their marriage and to be able to minister truth and healing to other marriages.

CEO also has programs for:
Men's Ministry
Parent's Ministry
Students Ministry
Corporate Ministry



Creative Arts
Jonathan Favorite

Director of Worship Arts
Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ

Jonathan specializes in getting the talent excited with a church. Starting groups for:
Graphic Arts
Video Production

Phone: 602-304-0072


Feature Contact______
Graphic Arts
Jonathan Favorite
Director of Worship Arts, Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ

Jonathan specializes in getting the talent excited with a church. Starting groups for:
Creative Arts
Video Production

Phone: 602-304-0072

Disgusting Video of the Century:
Sweating to Lutheran Worship

Not funny. Sacrilegious. Using an actual church setting to mock church. The participants look embarrassed.